So you can serve God and sin at the same time?
Jesus doesn't agree with that.
You are misunderstanding something. Take a close look at
Rom 7:20 - don't just blow it off but actually look at it and ask the Lord for understanding!!!
Rom 7:20 If am doing the very thing I do not want, I am no longer the one doing it, but sin which dwells in me.
Look - who does Paul say is doing the sinning??? It is sin which dwells in him!!!!!
It is a verse in the Scriptures - what ever other understanding you have, it must take into account that verse also or you understanding is not complete!
I will give you some help, if you want it, but you can seek the Lord and He will certainly help you with understanding and do it better than me.
Anyway - Paul is doing the very thing he does not want!! That is a fact of Scripture. However, Paul says that if he is then doing the very thing he doesn't want then he is not the one doing it!!!
Think about that before you go on. Paul is doing it but then he discovers that if he does want to do it then it can't be him doing it. So Paul considers this and now he finds out that "sin" which could be him because it doesn't think like him, is dwelling in him. Again, that is a fact of Scriptures, and you understanding needs to take that into account!
So "sin" is a being other than Paul - a evil spirit or messenger from Satan - and he finds it effecting what he does!!
This goes with the thorn in the side of Paul, which we read about which is a messenger from Satan,
2 Cor 12:7 Because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to keep me from exalting myself, there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me—to keep me from exalting myself!
The Lord has a reason for leaving evil around us for this time. One reason is to keep us from "exalting" ourselves, which is what comes across when we say we can not sin.
This all means that "sin" is an evil spirit - a messenger from Satan - that torments us and causes us to to the things we don't want. It is the battle, not with our flesh but in our flesh. This is the battle, with the dark forces, which is found in our flesh. We don't actually battle with the flesh but the evil spirit we can just call "sin" because the Lord speaks to us in parables and dark sayings. (Ps 73)
So when John write in
1 Jn 1:8 "If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us."
He is saying that we have battles with "sin" those evil forces, then the truth is not in us. That is just saying that the truth is that we all have battles or struggles with those dark evil forces! That is the truth!!
It we don't understand that we have a battle with the dark forces of this world, and that battle takes place inside us, then we are just deceiving ourselves! Clearly the Bible says over and over we do and even explains the reason for that is as Paul put it, "to keep me/us from exalting myself/ourselves."
Sadly, sometimes we misunderstand what God cleaning us up actually means. It means we are forgiven in His eyes and He does not remember our sins anymore, simply because we believe in Him. The thing is, that if we truly believe in Him we will be seeking Him for His help, and especially if we realize that we have those battle with sin in our flesh!! So we turn to Him, ask Him for help, listen to what He says and seek understanding from Him. He then "lights up" the situation, which is why Paul realized that he was dong the things he did not want. Also how he realized that he had a thorn which was a messenger from Satan. The Lord, which is our light, had shown him/ lite up those things/evil spirits!!
The simple fact is that God has put before us both good and evil, and I am talking about the Holy Spirit and the angels serving the Lord in the Kingdom of God which is in our midst, and also Satan and the dark forces who are under him. One of the reasons they are call dark is that they want to keep you blind as to what is going on in the heavens or spiritual realm which is around us.
If a person is not aware of this battle between good and evil which occurs in our midst, then it is because they are in the dark and thus the spirit they are dealing with is not the Light/ the Spirit of Christ. Thus pride, evil spirits, take hold of them, lie to them, make them think they are perfect by deed instead of because forgiveness. That misunderstanding thus causes them to not seek the Lord for ways to improve, because a perfect person does not need help, forgiveness, reproof, teaching, or basically God in their lives.
So it is that John then wrote: 1:Jn 1-9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
That is to say the cleansing come after we confess, and the person thinking they don't have battles/struggles with evil spirits "sin" don't confess it and seek help from the Lord. So He doesn't forgive them doing the things they do because evil spirit are getting them to do them, and they don't get cleansed from all that. And by looking at the Lord's prayer we see that we are to pray for forgiveness every time we pray - so it is not a one time ask for forgiveness but a daily thing. There is after all a specific day to hear from the Lord and that is "Today". So "Today you should have asked for forgiveness, according to the instructions given to us with the Lord's prayer.
So what about if we say on that very specific day, "Today" that we have not sinned, we thus make Him a liar and His word is not in us, which is the next verse
1 Jn 1-10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His word is not in us.
Now I know you read verses about how in the Lord there is not sin, which is very true. It is true because He forgives you and does not remember your sins if you seek Him "Today" like He askes. But if "like He askes" then you prayed the Lord's prayer, which has a request for forgiveness and thus a recognition of doing the very things that you don't want. Not that it was you but sin in you. So He forgives you and doesn't remember them anymore. You are thus clean, according to Him and He thinking is all that counts!
Basically, there is an important part and concept which we have in Christianity, and that is that we are sinner in need of our Lord Jesus Christ. That part and concept keeps us seeking Him. Seeking Him by faith is counted to us as righteousness. It is not a reason to seek sin "evil spirits", but to seek Him. So this concept causes us to not only get forgiveness, but teaching from Him, wisdom from Him, understanding from Him, encouragement from Him, help from Him, because this concept that we are sinner needing help from Him means we seek Him over and over and over. The person thinking they have achieved perfection no longer has a reason to seek Him, get teaching from Him, wisdom from Him, understanding from Him, and encouragement from Him, because they have gone over to pride (those evil spirits who are keeping them in the dark).
Of course that goes back what John wrote a few verses earlier:
1 Jn 1:5,
6 This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him and
yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth;
God being Light means He showed us that there is a battle with evil spirits! He also shows us the Kingdom of God, and the understanding that there are more with us than against us. You know that not only do we have battles with evil spirits like "anger", "jealously", "depression", and so much more like "perverted sexual desire" - but we also have more with us that serve the Lord to help us like those ministering angels like "Joy of the Lord", "Peace", "His mercy", and so many more like "Intercession"
Heb 1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation?
If we are in the Light (our Lord Jesus Christ) we know that God has put before us both good and evil, because He has shown us (lite up the situation). If we are still not understanding about "sin" those evil messengers from Satan that are like a thorn in our flesh, and how to get help then we are still in the dark (under the influence of darkness)
Cleaning us up did not mean that He took all the evil spirits from influencing us. He didn't do that because we would start "exalting" ourselves, like Paul explained. He left us the battle because it humbles us, makes us stronger, and causes us to seek Him.