Yes! Those horrible theologian people who make it their life's work to study and expound the scriptures and upset all the dilettantes and dabblers who are much more capable than they because they "have the Holy Spirit" which, as everyone knows, no theologian could possible have.
And yes, I was being sarcastic.
It is an example of arrogance on the part of those who despise the work of those who dedicate their lives to the study of scripture along with the original languages and culture in which the scriptures arose. It is arrogant to assume that one is specially anointed with wisdom and understanding by the Holy Spirit and that others, who devote their lives to that same study, because they have Th.D. after their names, do not have any such anointing.
And from some (
not all ) of those same "Holy Spirit led," self-appointed, Bible experts comes some of the most absurd, babbling nonsense. It was just such a self decllared ignorant person who, claiming to be the sole possessor of the "Spirit of prophesy" founded the 7th Day Adventist church from which spun off the Watchtower Society Bible and tract society of Jehovah's Witnesses which was founded by another fraud who had absolutely no theological training.
One wonders how many of the "Spirit led" part-time, unschooled, theologian despising, Bible experts have run across the verse that says, "
Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you." (
Mat 7:1-2)
But, you are also correct in that some very highly educated, Th.D. theologians have also come out with utter garbage and have influenced, no, "contaminated" and "infected" large sections of the Church with their errors.
Just sayin': let's try to avoid painting with too broad a brush, eh?