You two might be able to explain this better. But I don't understand the position of the Pope. There must be a history for why the position came about. Is it to settle disagreements and heresies among elders and bishops? To rule over Christianity like a king? Or something else?
You've asked very good questions.
Happily, I know the answer to them and I'm sure
Walpole will agree since I do believe he knows church history.
Right after Jesus' ascension, it was discovered that someone had to be in charge of the church because questions did come up, as you've stated. For instance...were new Christians that were NOT Jewish supposed to be circumcised?
Since Jesus gave the keys to the Kingdom to Peter,, he was a very important figure at that time. Peter was made Bishop of Rome. The first Bishop of Jerusalem was James the Just (the brother of Jesus).
EVERY area of the first Christian churches had a bishop.
It then came about that five of these areas became the most important and were looked to for leadership. Thus, these bishops were also the most important:
I believe in the 600's it was decided that ONE of these 5 Bishops was to be the head of the church for the reasons you stated.
Since Rome was the most important city at this time...the Bishop of Rome was officially called Pope.
Why Pope? Because as a term of endearment the 5 most important Bishops had come to be called PAPA...Dad in English. (not daddy as some say).
So PAPA was left as the title for ONLY the Bishop of Rome. The Pope is STILL the Bishop of Rome to this day.j His official title is PONTEFICE. PONTE means bridge....The Pope is a bridge between the people and Heaven/God.
Now the other member might say that Peter was the first official POPE, but this would not be historically correct. What the CC did was to go back and call EVERY BISHOP OF ROME,,,Pope.
In the old Testiment God had judges and prophets, then later He allowed Israel to be ruled by kings. From what I read in the New Testiment there were apstoles, prophets, and elders. And from Acts there is the meetings of the elders for a few topics (or maybe there was only one meeting discussing whether Gentiles could be Christian and the laws they are to hold to vurses the laws that are not a burden for them? I can't remember if there was another one or not.)
The first Bishop of Jerusalem was chosen by Peter...I'm posting a link with the information since I don't remember this part very well. I'm sure there's much info if you want it.
But it must have been later for the position of a Pope. I honestly don't know when or why it came or what role it provides.
(Sorry to change the subject a bit).
Great question.
Instead of just criticizing the CC, more questions should be asked.
The first OFFICIAL POPE was in the early 600's.
The purpose of the Pope is to be the head of the CC...
to make sure that doctrine and dogma are maintained in tact.
This can be disputed because it has changed over the years, but that is one of the roles.
He also is part of the magesterum...
The magesterum of the CC is made up of the Pope and all the would know them as cardinals...
Unlike Protestantism that has many churches and each one is allowed to understand the O.T. and the N.T. in their own way,,,,catholicism uses the magesterum so that ALL it's many "branches of churches" teach the same doctrine.
I can't think of anything else, maybe the other member will.