unred, most of what you wrote above is simply not worth much. There was one thing you said that was worth while. I appearently posted some wrong references, but any reader working at trying to understand what I was writing would have noticed that I was one verse off.
To suggest that "works is a dirty word" for me is such drivel. Works or sanctification is a very important part of my theology. I believe that those who are justified always have the fruits of justification, and that will be works. On the other hand, I recognize that those who deny sola fide are outside the gospel, and outside salvation. Faith is totally sufficient to bring our justification, and no works will add one iota to our justification, but is rather the outworking of justification. Your failure to understand evangelical doctrine is what is pathetic.unred typo said:quote by mondar:
I have noticed the pattern among arminians that when ever you see the concept of "faith" or "believe" in the text that you automaticly assume that it means "free will." Then you make free will the basis of a false Gospel of human works for justification. Such a practice is not sound exegesis, but is merely "free will" inserted into the concept of faith. That is not the scarey part, the terrible part is when it leads to the heresy of placing works into the concept of justification.
LOL. I know you are scared of works being inserted into the concept of justification. You hate the thought that your behavior is responsible for any part of your salvation or damnation, whichever the case may be. ‘Works’ to you is a dirty word, even if we put ‘of faith’ behind it, unless you can qualify ‘faith’ as something that God puts in you. Pathetic.