quote by Mondar on Fri Nov 02:
I have previously said that Calvinists believe that man has a choice. I also said that even though man chooses, God chooses first. We love him because he first loved us.
God so loved the world. Of course we know he loved us first. But he loves all of us, not a select few. He is not willing that any should perish but all come to repentance. You have to ignore and reinvent a lot of nice plain readable scriptures to extract your doctrines out of a few confusing passages. Why do you do that? You’re a Bible contortionist.
quote by Mondar:
While Calvinists affirm that man has choice, we do not agree that mans choice is free.
What kind of choice is a choice that is not free? How do you say these things without a smilie?
quote by Mondar:
This is not to be understood to mean that there are external constraints that shape the will of man so that he rebels. God does not direct a man to refuse to believe. Responsibility comes from the fact that man does indeed choose. Also, as Romans 1 suggests, mans responsibility comes from the fact that revelation in nature has come to all me. Man chooses sin and rebellion because man loves sin and rebellion.
Speak for yourself. I don’t choose sin and rebellion because I love sin and rebellion. I hate sin and rebellion. The Bible says a person sins when they are drawn away by their lusts.
quote by Mondar:
Non-Calvinism sees man as a little less sinful, and a little more of a blank slate. Non-Calvinism recognizes that man needs assistance with his redemption. Calvinism sees man as an evil creature, completely incapable of contributing to his own redemption in any way, and totally in need of redemption.
My own personal non-Calvinism recognizes that man cannot offer any sacrifice that will cover the sins he has committed or may commit in the future. Only the blood of Christ is sufficient to cover sin. God requires only that man repent of his sin and believe and follow in the way Jesus taught to inherit salvation unto life eternal. Normal non-Calvinists realize that this belief and confession and following Christ in no way can be construed as payment for sin and is not to be confused as indebting God to save us.
Calvinists believe that even if man lifts his little finger to do some work for God it would add to the payment made by Christ. Rubbish. Even if man gave his own body as a sacrifice for his sin, it wouldn’t be enough. His death may pay for a single sin, but what about the other sins he has committed? So non-Calvinists do not have to see man as an “evil creature†in order to understand he cannot save himself.
Most nominal, semi-Calvinists I know are non-evil folks who would love to be better people. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, and their lazy shepherds keep telling them that it really doesn’t matter since God is going to save them as long as they truly believe he is going to save them. More rubbish. They will be saved by their works of following in what Jesus taught because that is what faith is and the Bible makes it clear we will be judged by our works, even you special Calvinist ones.
quote by Mondar:
There is a deeper issue between Calvinism and non-Calvinism. An issue deeper then free will. The central issue is the nature of man as a rebel sinner. I think the key is the Calvinist teaching of "total depravity." Many non-Calvinist claim to believe in "total depravity." Yet, they turn right around and affirm doctrines that leave man not quite totally depraved.
Some non-Calvinists realize that not all men are totally depraved, even if they are sinners in need of a savior.
quote by Mondar:
It is very much as Romans 8:7-8 tell us that as unbelievers we are enemies of God. Notice in verse 8 how we cannot please God.
Rom 8:7 because the mind of the flesh is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can it be:
Rom 8:8 and they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
Well, now we will see why that idea is messed up. You have taken the words, ‘mind of the flesh’ and ‘in the flesh’ and given them a Calvinist meaning not found in the text. When it says, mind of the flesh’ and ‘in the flesh’ it is referring to the self centered desires of the flesh and mind, and it is not the general expression for all mankind. What these verses say is that our bodies and fleshly minds are self-centered and we need to rise above this self-preservation mode and be like Christ and put to death the flesh.
The mind of the flesh is the physical brain that controls and regulates the fleshly human body that is only interested in the care and preservation of itself. It cannot be interested in love for God or God’s ways of sacrificial love for others, therefore it is enmity against God: “for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.†The human body is only concerned with eating when it is hungry, sleeping when it is tired, maintaining optimum body temperature, entertaining the mind and stroking the ego, and all things to make itself #1. That’s why they that are ‘in the flesh’ cannot please God. But you are not in the flesh if you are rejecting that reign of fleshly desires over your life.
quote by Mondar:
If unbelievers cannot please God, then how can they believe. Heb 11:6 tells us:
Heb 11:6 and without faith it is impossible to be well-pleasing unto him; for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that seek after him.
can please God by taking thought about their creator, seeking God through the Bible and his creation, considering their sin and repenting. They please him by believing that he is, that means ‘that he exists’ and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. That means that he hasn’t told us to seek him in vain, but we will find him when we seek him with our whole heart. He will reward the ones who seek him with finding him. Most of the Bible exhorts unbelievers to believe and seek God. If a person CAN’T change, why tell them they CAN? Is God just lying to us? Is he pretending he loves all of us?
quote by Mondar:
If man cannot please God, and faith pleases God, where does this faith come from?
Faith comes by hearing the word of God. We have the word of God all around us and in us but we can turn a deaf ear. We must choose to listen. When we incline our hearts to him, we hear him. The word is near you, even in your heart as Deuteronomy 30:14 and Romans 10:8 tell us.
quote by Mondar:
There is no man that seeks God.
Rom 3:11 There is none that understandeth, There is none that seeketh after God;
Now you have taken a verse out of it’s context and given it a private interpretation. This shows a woeful lack of proper exegesis. As I have explained multiple times, as has Drew, and possibly others, this is Paul’s example of a time when both Jews and gentiles were apostate, and following evil and he is quoting about Old Testament times. There were unfortunately several times when all of Israel, the chosen people, were following the ways of the idolatrous nations around them and not their one true God. This verse is not saying that all people everywhere throughout history have been absolutely nothing but non-followers of God. We know that is not the case since many followers and seekers of God are listed in scripture. Try reading this chapter in context just once, would you?
quote by Mondar:
Why? We love our sin, and hate the creator. This happens until God changes something in the Christian. This change happens when the Father draws the unbeliever that by himself does not have the ability to come to Christ (John 6:44).
Again, I don’t think you can speak for all people throughout the world and throughout history. Calvinists may love their sin but most non-Calvinists I know of hate their sin and love their creator. I know you believe that total depravity is what the Bible teaches but you have ‘isogesised’ yourself into that corner. Jesus says, “Come unto me all you that labor and are heavy laden….†That would be you, me and everyone else who has ever been under the burden of sin. Jesus said if he were crucified, he would draw all men unto himself. It is his desire that all men everywhere come to a saving knowledge of the truth. If it were just a matter of zapping us all to believe, he would do it. It’s not.
quote by Mondar:
Man chooses freely within the bounds of his nature, and his nature is to be a rebel enemy of God.
The nature of our fleshly bodies is under the law of survival of the fittest, ‘me’ first, and ‘it’s all about me,’ but the Bible says we are free to repent and choose to follow Christ and put to death the desires of the flesh. I don’t know what bible you’re reading.
BTW, please don’t reply to this. It’s perfect just the way it is. :-D