So who do you suppose the MEN(real men) were in Hebrews 11:32-34? Were they not Christians?
Luke 14:31~~ war demands planning.
National freedom comes courtesy of the military.
If it wasn't for the Client nation of God, with believers and unbelievers alike ,most of this world would be speaking German.
Christians need to be ready to defend the nation that God has given them and Gods chosen people.
1 Thessalonians 5:3~~While they are saying, "Peace and safety!" then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape.
A strong defense~~ Numbers 2
He trained David for battle~~Psalm 18:34
This is just common sense boys. A person breaks into my home and threatens my wife and family, God not only gives the believer the Go ahead to killem ,He gives unbelievers that freedom also.
Men have been so feminized by this world and Christians have been so influenced by "co-exist" that we think we have to tolerate people that threaten our God given right to freedom and privacy. Not me.
If Christians did not Go to war and defend what God has Given us, we would have lost this great Nation(USA) long ago. Heck if we didn't go to war we Americans would be under a King and Queen, that would not give us the freedom to believe what we wanted. And it was Christian Ideals that founded this Nation.
Why, don't you believe that God is capable of protecting a nation? You are right about one thing, this is easy. We can see from Church history that the Church "didn't" teach the use violence period, for the first 300 years. Any attempt the Christian makes to support the use of violence must come from the OT since there is nothing to support this idea in the NT. However, the use of violence in the OT was for Israel. I have addressed this attempted support from the OT in an article here, "Should Christians Use Violence".
Another thing. God is capable to protect this and other client Nations He has established.
He has put me Here And As I can see, a lot of brothers and sisters here on this forum that love you enough to lay down their life for you in battle when you sit and watch. And He has unbelievers living in this nation that dont even know His Son that will do the same for you. That is How God protects His Nations and people.
There's no need for an appeal to disgust. I don't ask anyone to lay down their life for me simply because I don't believe it is what the Lord has commanded. If I get killed, I get killed, it's no big deal if God is able to raise the dead. I believe He is.
I know this is a touchy subject. And I am talking worst case scenarios in this life,as I believe most others that disagree with you are also.
The verses used in the OP are for normal, everyday life for the Christians. How to act and behave in our Jobs, family,entertainment,social life. The slap on the face, in the NT, was not an assailant. The "slap" was 'rhapizo' And it was used in this verse for someone who would not bow down to the King when He entered the City, the Kings body guards would 'rhapizo' the person until they got down on their knees or until the person became angry and attacked and the King would have them killed. Matt 5:39 is not speaking Pacifism.
I think God gave all of us some sense and His Spirit for believers, to discern that we are not to stand around and let people beat us up and kill us.
I please ask that you send me EVERYTHING you own, please.
Matt 5:42~~2"Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you.