I'm confining Him to His Word. That's all anyone can do.
Yes, God can do anything He wants but the one thing He can't do is "lie".
Weeell, I can see where you're coming from brother, and I can not say that it is a bad position. Scripture is infallible, and should be taken very seriously. This is the Words of life here, granted. I think that as far as redemption is concerned, ' All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works...(2 Timothy 3:16-17) but as far as the conversation going on, we are delving into the deeper matters of God, not as babes in Christ seeking relationship or redemption, but as saved believers, more mature and seeking deeper knowledge and truths.
That said, I would think that it is a given that everything about God and the way He operates is not in scripture, only those things which are needful for us as doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction in
righteousness. None of which are seemingly relevant to this particular discussion. Would you agree?
Tis true that God doesn't lie, but do the scriptures tell us all of Gods ways? I think not, and I would think that the proof of that reside in the fact that He has multitudes of Angels helping, teaching and otherwise assisting His children. Or do you believe that Angels do not function/exist in this manner? The Lord Jesus Himself does not simply sit on His throne and watch. His Holy Spirit works also, It bears witness with our spirit to lead, guide instruct and teach us. If absolutely everything was in scripture that we could know or be instructed in, wouldn't He simply say to us (personally or through His Holy Spirit) "read the scriptures..." ??
There's more to it than that. I am not discounting scriptures one iota, search the scriptures daily, I'm simply saying that there's more to learn from God than is contained in the scriptures.