glorydaz said:
Mysteryman said:
Hi glorydaz
A discussion or a debate, either one is just fine with me. But if your trying to say that you need to convert me to your way of thinking. Well that is another issue altogether !
Some things within scripture have been added by man, while others are just totally misunderstood. I am dealing with both within this thread.
The things that are misunderstood, would be like your belief that your soul goes to heaven when you die. I know you have brought certain scriptures that you feel that back up your stance . But I also refuted them already. That is, I used scripture to explain them away.
If you feel that there is nothing more to add or explain, then this is your choice. But it is also your choice if you feel you need to explain something further. I am still waiting for you to explain when you die, that your soul goes to heaven. I know the Word talks about the spirit of man going back to God, and we have discussed this already. But you still have not shown any scripture that shows your soul all by itself , going to heaven without a body and just your soul being in heaven. Also you have constantly used the word "paradise" in the wrong way. Again, you assume we are to just take your word for it, that paradise is the grave. Again you have not shown any scirptural references that can substanciate this false belief. < Maybe , just maybe you would like to tackle this one first ?
I don't expect, or care, whether I convince you of anything. I'm telling you what I, and many other Christians, see from the Word of God. It's kind of hard to discuss something with you when you continue to make statements that claim I'm saying things I have never said...nor do I believe. This for instance...
But you still have not shown any scripture that shows your soul all by itself , going to heaven without a body and just your soul being in heaven.
The soul doesn't go anywhere by itself. It leaves the body at death...departs.
The spirit and soul go to be with the Lord to wait for the resurrection of the body.
So before we talk about what that place of waiting is called, the life or death of the soul must be determined. You admit it's the soul that needs to be saved because it's the soul that sins. Correct?
The perfect example is Luke 16, but you claim it's a parable even though it is like no other parable Jesus gave...he never gave names to people in parables, and he would be lying and misleading to claim people could converse across the divide between where the righteous and unrighteous wait.
You seem to avoid addressing Moses...who was died and buried and yet appeared and spoke. He stands there in some form, talking to Jesus, long before the resurrection on the Last Day. Either Moses’ body was raised early, which is not supported by scripture, or his soul appeared in visible form on the Mount of Transfiguration.
You seem to ignore this, as well....We see John, "caught up", somewhere....I believe that's the same place the souls of believers wait until the resurrection. He sees a vision of the souls of martyred Christians under the altar. The resurrection hasn't happened yet, so these souls are waiting.
Revelation 6:9-11 said:
9And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: 10And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? 11And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.
You also don't like to talk about Paul saying to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. can one be absent with the body and yet be PRESENT with the Lord.
How can it be FAR BETTER if we're lying dead in a grave knowing nothing? The body knows nothing, but the soul (who we are as a person) is in a far better place.
So, instead of telling me I'm "misunderstanding"...address the issue and stop pontificating. ;)
Hi glorydaz:
Don't be mislead, you still need to address how the sheol is called paradise. < I believe you are only assuming this without any biblical back up.
Okay, that said.
To start out with, your last comment I will deal with first. You said that I do not like to talk about Paul saying to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. However, this is not true, I did address this thouroughly. I explained to you that this verse was a spiritual comment and must be understood in its spiritual light. The body here is talking not about your body, it is talking about the body of Christ. < Not only did I address this, but you decided not to comment back upon this explanation I have already given to you previously ! Agreed ? I believe the reason you didn't comment back, and I could be wrong here, but the reason is that you just do not believe this, and decided to ignore it. Look, all the OT people are dead, and none of them have souls with the Lord, for they are all dead. And Peter reminded on the day of pentecost, that the grave of David is still with us. I have provied many scriptures that show that the body and soul go to the grave. And that it is the soul that needs saving, not the body. If the soul is with the Lord upon one's death, then the sould does not need saving ! Which is totally against what scripture tells us !
And just because Jesus is the first fruit from the dead, does not mean that all souls got up and went to be with the Lord. There are many reasons that this would not fit within scripture . The church is the first in order to be raised from the dead. The soul needs salvation, not the body. So the soul is what is in jeopardy. If the soul goes to be with the Lord, it then would not be in jeopardy, would it ? A resurrection is based upon the soul and if it is saved or not. And there needs to be the "order" by which any resurrection takes place, correct ? I Corinth. 15:23 gives us that "order". None of the OT saints are a part of the body of Christ, none ! But if you believe differently, then provide scripture to the contrary.
Lets deal next with one being caught up to the third heaven. < II Corinth. 12:2 and then Paul mentions in verse 4 how one was caught up into paradise. And he heard unspeakable words. < Both of these records are revealings or revelations. Just like John who wrote the book of Revelation. Much is mentioned in the book of Rev. about the third heaven and paradise. Both of which are future !
There will be a day that the future will no longer be the future, but for now it is still future.
Now lets deal with the appearing of Moses in the gospels. This is called the mount of transfiguration and is recorded in Matt. 17:1 - 7. This event is an example of the things that you think you see, are not exactly what you think you have seen. Moses and Elias (Elijah) were not there. If you read verses 9 thru 12 . Elijah who was that great Prophet shall first come. But Jesus was speaking of himself. And the same with Moses, as both Moses and Elijah their bodies were never found, nor could any man find their bodies. The same is with Jesus Christ who was raised from the dead and his tomb was empty, they could not find his body, nor did they know what had happened to his body.
After this explanation from Jesus to his disciples (those three) they understood that he was speaking of John the batpist - verse 14. This shows that they still didn't understand as to whom this vision was about. Even though Jesus spoke of himself, the Son of man shall suffer of them. Moses and Elias (Elijah) was not there . This was a vision unto them . Jesus within this vision on the mount, his face did shine, as did Moses when he came off of the mountain.
I will reiterate that it is the soul that need salvation , yes.
I noticed that you now have the spirit and the soul going somewhere, which you said you would explain, eventually, sooner than later I pray !
I have given numerous scripture as to where the soul goes after you die. And I also mentioned that in the book of James 1:21 and James 5:20 it is the soul that needs saving.
And because God is a God that changes not. When you die your body and soul go to the grave when you die ! And nowhere else !
Unless you can show me scripture that will clearly explain that your spirit and soul go to be with the Lord. And that this so called place you mentioned, is paradise.
Your turn
Bless - MM