glorydaz said:
Mysteryman said:
Hi glorydaz
This is one of the greates lies that the adversary has gotten away with. That your soul does not die when your body dies.
I did want to address this before I forget. I don't see this as a lie from the adversary whether one believes our soul dies, sleeps. or goes to be with the Lord. What can it possibly have to do with our salvation or our walk? I find it more troubling to say there are additions to the Word of God...put there by man. I believe Luke 16, for example, speaks clearly to souls being kept in a place of waiting. The OT saints waited until Jesus was resurrected and now we go directly to be with our Lord. Paul says to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. It does not say we wait in the grave or our soul ceases to exist. Our soul is who we are as a person.
Either's no lie from Satan. It's the same with our understanding of heaven. There are some things in the Word of God we cannot know for sure until the Lord comes. We can each give some pretty good arguments, but if our salvation or our walk are not affected then satan has no need to lie about it, does he?
Hi daz
Oh my, I am almost at a loss for words after reading your reply.
Who do you think the author of the lie is ? Of course it is a lie from Satan !
Everything I have pointed out to you, is either truth , or a half truth, or a lie. Of course you need to make up your own mind. And I don't mean that you must believe as I do. I am saying that we must believe what the scriptures are saying.
When you die, your body and soul go to the grave ! ( I have already posted the scriptures and feel no need to repeat myself).
The lie of the adversary is that when you die, you don't really die. This lie seems to play on human emotions. The truth from God unto Adam, was "you shall surely die.
Death has nothing to do with life. Deat is death, and people can't seem to accept this truth. So many people claim that when you die, you don't really die, you just go to a better place. Some say heaven, others say paradise, while yet others say purgatory , and some say they go to sheol, which is just another place of waiting. In all of my studies and understanding, none of these are true, not one.
When we die, we die ! Body and soul go to the grave. The spirit of man goes back to God. The spirit of man is only a tool. This tool is like a telephone. A connection between three points. God towards man, and your spirit, the spirit of man unto your mind (soul). And because it is only a tool, the adversary who is also spirit can tap into this spirit, by communication unto your mind(soul) by way of your telephone (your spirit). We call it wire tapping. :D
We have read that Cain was of that wicked one. We have read that Jesus spoke to those whom he said that they were of their father the devil. This is where we would ask one another, whom does one listen too ? All lies come from the author of the lie, the adversary of God, the devil. He lied to the woman in the garden, and he continues to lie and deceive.
These erroneous additions to our bibles is just one example of how the adversary of God will try by any means to deceive. He wants us to believe his lies. Our faith in God is not, and can not be based upon a lie. We then believe a false premise.
There are some people who believe that some OT people are now in heaven. Which is not true. Some believe that certain people within scripture allows them the right to be with God because of their faithfulness. This is another lie. Only Jesus Christ who came down from heaven , is the only one at this time who has ascended up into heaven. And that is the truth. And I might mention -> As "I" see it.
Truth is in the eyes of the beholder. For some , one's truth is another person lie, and so is it the other way around.
This is why the Word says (Paul) for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Maybe it is you that has eyes to see, and maybe it's me. Every person needs to be persuaded in their own mind.
My eyes tell me, that there are erroneous additons to our bibles. Our bibles are only between 70 - 90 % accurate, depending on which translation you read. In fact, I doubt any translation is 90 % accurate. But maybe close, so I use it as a slide rule.
This is why God gave us the Spirit of truth. So that we can know the truth. If we trust in our bibles totally, then the Spirit of truth has no place in one's life. That is because they trust their bibles, and not the Spirit of truth. Just like the Word tells us, we can not eat at the table of the Lord, and the table of devils. It will be either the one, or the other. The same holds true, that there is only righteousness or it is unrighteousness. There is no inbetween. Just like you can be hot for the Lord or cold, but do not be lukewarm, for he will spew you out of his mouth. When people live in the inbetween within their beliefs, they are living lukewarm.
So we need to decide . We need to make a decision , and cling to that decision, or change.
The word "To day" was added by the translators. It was meant to deceive. If they had translated it properly. They would have translated this dual word, as "in that day". Not this day, because on this day, they went to the grave. And he had not entered his kingdom on this day. That day is future. In that day, he will meet Jesus in paradise.