Read your posts. You even agreed with the discussion on how the sheep commit "goat works" and the "goats" commit "sheep works".
And again, didn't say that whatsoEVER. What R U reading?
I said 'all people' both do and don't, and that obviously the devil and his messengers operate IN man.
What might that lead one to logically conclude about 'sheep' and 'goats' given those facts? Why would you blame a SHEEP for GOAT works if these parties are overlapped, to the which you also concede, [as if the fact could be denied anyway!]
We aren't talking about the reason WHY, but rather, IF "works failure" leads to eternal separation from God.
I've already conceded again to the obvious. Every goat will be in the flames for eternity. WHO is the only party mentioned in the parable that outright SAYS that is the party heading there? Why, the devil and his messengers. Wow. Genius.
Is this so difficult for you to follow? YOU are the one who made the cock-sure statement.
What cocksure statement might that be? Something obvious? A fact? That makes 'me' 'cocksure?' lol I know my understanding grates against the very grain of many 'religious' people. But I also know why that is and don't 'blame them.' There is obviously another party to look to that operates 'in man' and totally 'resists' all scriptural fact 'unless' it involves blame and condemnation 'only to man.'
I provided a number of Scriptural verses that argue otherwise, and will even provide another for you: 1 Cor 13:2 Having all the faith in the world is meaningless without love... Thus, "works failure" makes faith as nothing. Certainly not salvific.
Never said otherwise. Every action of love is done by faith. God IS Love. Faith 'works' through LOVE. Not an issue with me. You?
Your answers are dancing, just like this post.
By all means, feel free to define what that dancing might be. A dancing accusation without attending facts means nothing but a false accuser in play.
More off-topic replies about devils being judged.
Obviously they are going to the fire according to Matt. 25 and many other statements of fact in the scriptures. You got a problem with that too?
And you also concede that these parties operate IN man. Why then would you overlook that fact?
Really. You think THAT is the context of Matthew 25, devils being judged?
We can certainly solve that dilemma for you in a hurry. Are they judged and going to the fire? If you say yes, then you agree with me. Your claim was that they are not even mentioned in the parable, which claim at this point you probably find a little embarrassing. So NOW you claim the obvious, that yes, they are STUCK THERE in black on white in Matt. 25, but that is to be ignored in favor of only looking at mankind.
Is that supposed to be what passes for reasoning these days?
Ridiculous babble, that is what it is. Off topic babble to mask your inability to simply state "yes" or "no" regarding whether I have answered your challenge.
By all means feel free to present facts when making accusations of babble and off topic. Otherwise the claim is just another false accusation or someone who doesn't like the factual conclusion, but has no other answers available to counter the facts.
The problem is that I am not talking about separating God from Love. So why are you citing that "God is Love"? The earth is round, you going to cite NASA on that, too??? Can you actually address whether "works failure" leads to eternal separation from God???
That was not the position stated from 1 John 4:7. Would you like to hear it again? John says everyone who loves knows God and is born of God. I, personally, am hard pressed to not see everyone having done 'some' love in their lives at some time. What does that tell you about anyone who does that? See 1 John 4:7 or deny same. I really don't care if you accept it or not. Your 'church' does. I do as well.
There is only one party. "The Nations".
In case you missed it, Nations are PLURAL meaning 'more than one.' Otherwise it would be Nation singular.
The demons are not part of the parable.
Why did Jesus put them there then? Because they are irrelevant and off topic?
Perhaps you can ask Him in the next age?
I have no clue where you got that silliness from, except desperation in your denial.
Reading that they are in the parable does not make it desperation on my part Francis. Sorry. If there were no need for them there, Jesus had no reason to insert same. And of course Satan is also part of understanding 'all' parables as well. I don't care if you can't see it. There is spiritual reasons WHY many believers can't. I don't blame them. I do blame Satan for imposing that kind of rampant blindness to the obvious.
Men are "The Nations". Not demons, not angels, and not frogs
There are only two disclosed parties in the text and two nations. Sheep and goats, sheep nations and goat nations, mankind and devils.
IF as you openly admit, that devils operate IN man, why would you see ONLY man? Does that make sense? Certainly not to me! You are totally welcome to deny that they exist in Matt. 25, AS YOU DID, even though they are right there in black on white to SEE.
I can't logically do that because IT'S A LIE.
... So don't give me any future posts about animals, chairs, or moons. We are talking about men and whether THEIR WORK FAILURE, even with faith, condemns them to eternal separation. Quite simple, I had thought...
You can insert whatever you want to see there Francis. I see only mankind and devils,
and ZERO of your other claims I stated frogs, animals, chairs or moons. Stick to the facts please.
More off-topic comments. Until you address the issue, I am not expanding this discussion down other avenues. Maybe later.
There is no later and the facts are not changing. If you can't stand up to the facts now it won't change later.
You are. The parable is not about the devil and his angels.
What was it you missed on this one Francis?
Mark 4:13
And he said unto them, Know ye not this parable? and
how then will ye know all parables?
If Jesus said 'all' parables, He means ALL.
Now who are the parties to this and ALL parables Francis [from the very next lines]?
The sower soweth the word.
15 And
these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard,
Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown
in their hearts.
There is Jesus, people and Satan.
Now, Francis, given that these are the components to understand ALL parables, who might you suppose are the components of the Parable of the sheep and goats in Matt. 25?
Do you consider that unreasonable of me to see Jesus, people and Satan [and his messengers] in 'all parables.'
Now IF I had to say 'who' was the GOAT,
and seeing this fact about 'evil works' or 'lack of good works'
1 John 3:
8 He that committeth
sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy
the works of the devil.
And the DEVIL even as YOU say, operates IN MAN....
Well, you know, it could be written in neon red letters 10 feet high and a lot of people still just can't get there.
Cutting the balance of your post for this reason that worketh IN YOU because you practice OPPOSITE of what Jesus does:
2 Corinthians 5:19
God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.
You can't get there can you Francis?
I for one am quite sick of DEVILS in mankind 'blaming and accusing' our fellow man day and night before God,
when that is not done by Christ.
God is a lot more patient than I.