This is a topic that I could never comprehend and I suspect humans don't have the capacity to fully understand it.
I've listened to different people and theologians give their opinions and theories but none of them sound convincing.
Let's start by defining the truths.
1/ The bible teaches us that we have free will. (the extent of that is probably debatable)
Free will is having the ability to choose between two or more options.. Men do have this capability, Joshua 24:15; 1 Kings 18:21. Men are made after the image of God meaning men share some traits with God such as reasoning ability, creativity and free will in choosing between options.
Christ the King said:
2/ God is omniscient. He knows what we are going to do. (the extent of that is debatable i think)
I don't think there is anything God does not know.
Christ the King said:
3/ Many bible verses confirm predestination (the extent of that is also debatable I think)
The Bible teaches corporate election of a group (Christian) therefore those who of their own free will chooses (free will is choosing between options) to become a Christian becomes part of this foreknown, predestined group. The Bible does not teach unconditional election of the individual separate and apart from the group Christian, separate and apart from the word of God, separate and apart of what man does.
Christ the King said:
So how can we have free will when God has a predestined path for us and knows what we are going to do?
God has not done this. Such an idea would make God culpable for all the sins, evil men commit. Acts 2:23 how could Peter rightly, justly condemn those Jews for their wicked hands in crucifying the Messiah if God forced them to do it thru predetermination? If Calvinistic predetermination were true, then God is the One who murdered an innocent man and God used those Jews as His weapon of choice to carry out this murder. Those Jews were free will-less, objects (robots) only able to do what God forced them to do. Can you willfully choose to shoot and kill someone then blame the murder
you chose to commit on the weapon (gun- an object) that had no free will in what happened?
But we know God has foreknowledge of the choices men will make. God foreknew that if he sent Christ to earth at the time He did, those Jews and Romans
of their own free will choice would choose to crucify the Christ. Therefore God used
THEIR free will choice to carry out His own will in Christ dying for mankind therefore God cannot be held culpable for
THEIR free will choice.
Christ the King said:
Let's say I have 20 options what I will eat for dinner. It feels like I have free will.
But God already knew I would eat the T bone steak before I even started to think about it.
Or did he only know when I had decided to eat the T bone?
I recall Jesus predicting Peters 3 denials when Peter hadn't even thought of it yet. So it seems God knows before we even consider it.
Foreknowledge does not demand predetermination. It could be argued that somethings God foreknows do not come about. In Jonah 3 for example God said yet in 40 days Nineveh would be overthrown (Jonah 3:4). Yet 40 days later Nineveh was not overthrown, does that mean God lied? God foreknew the destruction that would take place with Nineveh if Nineveh did not repent, but Nineveh did of their free will choose to repent (Jonah 3:7-9) God therefore repented, that is, God changed His course of action. Why would God ever have to repent-change if He has already laid everything out having predetermined all that happens? Nineveh repenting was THEIR choice and God reacted to THEIR choice by changing His course of action to not destroying Nineveh as previously He said He would
Christ the King said:
What exactly is predestined? Is it our fate after death? Is it every little think we say, eat and do? Or somewhere in between?
A quick look and I noticed there are a wide range of theories on this and many theologians who have attempted to crack the puzzle.
So what do u think? Do u have a theory on how God's omniscience can combine with free will and predestination?
Or do u give up like me and just say
"God. Your glory and wonder is beyond the capability of my mind to comprehend. And so i leave my faith in You Lord"
God has predestined the unbeliever to be lost (Jn 3:18) and the believer to be saved (Jn 3:16) but God does not predetermined for men which ones will or will not believe. Man uses his own free will and chooses that for himself making
man culpable for his own decisions. Therefore on judgment day, God will had out a sentence to you based on the choice
YOU made. If you chose to believe you will hear 'well done, enter in'. If you chose to not believe you will hear 'depart from me'. God does not capriciously, unconditionally choose winners and losers against the will of man, regardless of what man does. God does not predetermine all a man does thereby making God culpable for man's evil choices and sinful actions.