I and the Father are one. These words nearly got Jesus stoned. Why, because he made himself out to be equal with God. Now we know that Jesus is God. My first question is clear. Is anyone equal to the Triune God? If the answer is No, then case is closed. Men are not Gods. Are we made in His image? Yes. But that doesn’t place us in the God-Class.
Brother please......... yes it did about get him stoned. Jesus said we are one in him also making use one in them, making us God the father.
This needs to be posted in our Trinity Discussion. Because I believe this discussion is going to come down to this understanding here.
The word of God first came to the Sons of God – Angels. And Jesus point is that if they are sons of God, He all the more, because of His good works, should be called The Son of God. And here are some proofs that the scriptures, which can’t be broken were first given to the sons of God (Angels etc.)
your also seem to miss the definition of "god" as given in the bible.
Jesus called them Theos. You can't dodge that at all. That means gods. yes the angels were judged called the sons of God......... However Psalm does not call them sons of God but Children of God.
you know what Yodas_Prodigy. You have a choice. Stick to the exact Word, or hunt some garbage on the Internet that is stuck in some religion. Your choice. I suggest strongly you stick with the Word and have the Word change your theology.
Triune God? Seriously Where is that at? Divine Council? Where? This seems close to a copy and past I had when I had this same conversation a few years ago. I believe you can do better than this and look for yourself.
The Angels were judged.......... Called the sons of God................That is correct. Lets continue this line of reasoning.........
Hell was made for who? (Devil and his angels)
Who else has to go to hell. (Not me or you but other folks are going)
Now, back to what Jesus said.
Ye are Theos, End of story, He called them gods. The Holy Spirit could have hand picked any other word but the Holy Spirit did not. Satan is also called God. Wow, now we got two, Us and Satan but Satan got a title, we did not. God the father is a title. God is not a title unless defined in the article.
There is no divine council in Psalm 82. I know folks have tried to add one there, but it is not so.
'ĕlôhı̂ym stands in the ‛êdâh (Assembly of People, Congregation, Multitude, people, swarm, a family, big crowd) Among the El's........ (Possibly gods, but can be mighty, can Be God the creator) He judges among the 'ĕlôhı̂ym's.................
What did Jesus quote? Psalm 82, Who did He call gods, made just like him? who is getting judged? Angels?? If Jesus meant Angels He would have said aggelos........... No, He called those people gods.
Psa 82:3 Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.
Psa 82:4 Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked.
Where are the angels ever given charge to defend the poor? NOWHERE!!!
Psa 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are
children of the most High.
Only one Angel was ever called god, that would be Mr. Devil but it was with a title of God of this World. He is not even better created than we are. Angels were never called Children of God, we are.
You are not a half a cut above a monkey, Your made just like your Father in Heaven. Wow................ Your his offspring (Acts) your born of the Word, each seed produces after it's own kind. How hard is this? I will tell you why it's hard. You have a stupid doctrine in your way. That is why. You can't get around that Word god, a European word from somewhere.
No more copy and paste Brother, you can do better than this. Same old religious nonsense. ... Please. And to actually to hand me someone else doctrine as If I not seen that.
What are you then? Part ape? Half an angel? What seed were you born from? You are a child of the King, Just like Him, John says. Satan got the title God, but He was a created servant and disobedient one at that. Jesus did not give us a title because we are Children just Like our Father that made us. Same class as He is in, god............. Just get over it, please. Your nothing less and will be standing with me judging the angles.
Others created in the similitude of God, who had not accepted Gods free Gift the Lord Jesus, will die like a man, and be thrown into Hell just like the prince. Satan and his angels.
no more copy and past stuff.......... I want to know what you say, not what others say. If you don't know, then just say so, it's OK>