I am so glad that you do not believe that Jesus was dragged in to Hell and tortured. At least you deny one of the heretical doctrines espoused by the W O F Five pointers.
Still working on that other one.
Sorry, Unless you quote me I might miss the posting. I was not trying to ignore you. I fully believe at best you could make a case for Jesus going to hell and being resurrected out of hell a symbol that we don't have to go and there is a resurrection. You can make a case that He preached in Hell to the spirits in Hell and kicked the devils butt making a open show of all demonic power.
Jesus was Begotten of God in the flesh, born of the Word of incorruptible seed. The holy Spirit with Jesus in the womb. That would mean he came to earth already "Born again" for the sake of a better word, not getting his redemption while visiting Hell.
I think what is disturbing to me is that you say this is a WOF Doctrine. I have not heard everything of course anymore more than someone has listened to every single Baptist Pastor on the planet but I have not heard anything like this in 14 or so years following the WOF. I think I have been diligent, but that does not mean I missed some things.
My understanding was that Jesus said the devil had no place in him. That would make it hard for the devil to drag Jesus kicking and screaming off to Hell. Jesus became sin, He did not sin, but was made sin. So any going to Hell would have been the voluntary will of the Father, not Jesus deserving or surrendering to Mr. Devil.
I also don't have any scripture that Jesus was tortured in Hell. I am sure it was not pleasant and He yelled out Father why have you forsaken me? But something being not being pleasant does not mean tortured. I would need a scripture to back that up. I believe he went down and preached to those that have waited and expected him to come. I don't think there were any torture sessions.
As for the "Little gods" thing
You can just drop that for now if you like. I am not sure what was taught on that. We are God's offspring and hence like him in image, in god class, but we are not HIM we are created like him. Any term to denote humans as gods would only be what the Bible defined for us. We are little gods because we are little children, or children of God.
Act 17:28 For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For
we are also his offspring.
Act 17:29 Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think
that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device.
The Word Godhead came around the time our buddy Joseph Henry for the sake of clarification for the Book of Discipline decided to give James Strongs Godhede (Original Europe Word) another definition.
Joseph Henry decided that He needed to Help it out some to make it more clear and added to the original Greek Word. God head just means like god, or god like. Since then the term is found in all the newer versions of the trinity doctrine but not in the Older ones. Thank you Joseph Henry!!!
Thayer Definition: Godhead
1) a god or goddess, a general name of deities or divinities.
Actual Greek............
Book of Discipline:
2) the Godhead, trinity
2a) God the Father, the first person in the trinity
We are God's Offspring Like God so we ought not to think of being divine, god like, as things made of silver and Gold.
Strangely the Message bible gets it more correct. How they manged it? I don't know.
Act 17:29 Well, if we are the God-created, it doesn't make a lot of sense to think we could hire a sculptor to chisel a god out of stone for us, does it?
If you want to work on those other points and see what I have personally been taught, just post them.