Brother Mike, I never singled out Kenneth Copeland as money hungry. As a matter of fact, my thoughts were more on a few others but actually I was thinking of some who are being accused of doing this and I don't see it in them or their ministries.
NO, I understand you were not talking about about Brother Copeland. I just "Used" you because you made a comment. I knew what your were meaning. Brother Copeland is not money Hungry nor does He chase Money.
But at the same time he didn't go overboard in the teaching of "if you tithe 10%, the Lord will give back 10 or 100 times".
We do give to certain projects and to the general fund of this ministry. He teaches a pure message of Eph 2 "by grace, through faith, not works".
The bible says God multiplies our seed sown. So any money sown for the Kingdom sake is a great investment because it's always there and multiplied back when you need it. I am not sure about the 10% or 100% return though. If I sow 10, then God gives me 100 back according to how many times I confessed it or how much faith I had?
I believe in a 1000 percent return or even greater because it's based on the heart and what was sown. The Women that gave two mites Got her named mentioned in the Eternal Word of God by Jesus for all to read. How big of a return is that? She got Mentioned in the Word!!! Some seeds continue to produce. Some seeds are one time seeds. Nobody knows the Heart like God, so what you give, He responds back.
Take the guy that at offering time he thumbs through his wallet, looks around at what everyone else is dropping in then as a after thought drops a 50.00 bill in.
Does He get the same from God as someone that has things to pay and has no food but before Church takes a 5.00 bill out with thought about God and wanting to put the Kingdom first, seals it up and gives that. Having it ready?
Who's money is worth more, the 50.00 or the 5.00?
I don't give with afterthought, I give with forethought. God first, everything else later. There is no such thing as I can't afford to tithe. Surely you can come up with .10 cents. Something.
Pulling for Money:
Give and God will bless you, we need this amount for this, we pray over your seed and bla, bla, bla...................... How they know God will bless the giving? Why are they giving? I can promise, if your giving to get your bills paid, your going to be hurting. Those that pull for money are making people their source, and God is not their source.
So what I am saying is that because someone has decided that there is a list of "five primary doctrines" then we need to make sure that the people we say are WoF, believe in these five things. Can these five things represent all those of some other WoF beliefs. Obviously not!
That is because the person that Posted those doctrines is clueless and grabbed something someone else teaches with no thought or knowledge about it. They get their doctrine handed to them from the Internet where Ever the Google god takes them. I don't teach anything unless it's revealed to me by the Holy Spirit, I have checked all the scriptures and it's right according to my revelation that I personally have.
Here is one such website.
Some of the false doctrines of the Word of Faith movement
So what I am saying is that because someone has decided that there is a list of "five primary doctrines" then we need to make sure that the people we say are WoF, believe in these five things. Can these five things represent all those of some other WoF beliefs. Obviously not!
Well, it's like All Baptist believe that God picks and chooses who Goes to Hell. (Calvinism) They all don't hold that Doctrine, They don't all believe God loves dead soldiers. Some people here not old enough to get that figured out yet.
Also, You hear what you want to hear. Believers have to have more faith in faith than in God. They take a confused stance at something and miss other things that could save their life. Jesus said According to your faith it's done unto you. That statement can't be possible for someone that is confused. Jesus said it for a reason and we need to know what the reason was.
It's like saying I have faith in my faith when I pray for someone?
Jesus made the same statement.
Father I know you always hear me. His faith was not only based on what He said, but His faith was also in his trust of the Father. He had faith in His faith that God hears him all the time.
Some not taught faith can get real confused about what some of these statements mean like, Force of faith. I don't use those types of statements or "Slain in the Spirit", "A landslide of souls saved today", "My prayer did not get past my hat." These are all statements from different denominations that have meaning but not scripture. I try to avoid them because of other confused people though that have not had any background in other denominations.
If someone in WOF teaches false doctrine, and others in WOF embrace this person or persons, then there is a problem that is more deep rooted than what we can see on the surface.
I Love Brother hinn. I hope he changes some things. Also if another minister comes and teaches on something I don't fully agree on, I am not putting him out or correcting him. The Lord is more than able to fix them, and the Lord knows their heart far better than I do.