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Freewill religion is the Man of Sin !


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No, 'i' never have said that, but man was created in the image of God with the brain free choice to make decisions at the start. The proof was that Adam blew it, but even then after he sined he again made the free choice to accept the Eternal Plan of Salvation with the Promise that [IF] he did, Phil. 4:13 + 2 Cor. 12:9 were assured. But still [ONLY] if the [Eternal CONDITIONS] were met!

And the Joshua scripture? Give the chapter & verse & perhaps it was posted wrong? And Surely Eph. 6:12 finds the Christian of mankind in a war with satan & his earthly 'desired' crew! Gen. 4:7


PS: Go back and re/read the Josh. verses. They are quoted correctly!
Make up your mind. Do we sin freely or not?19 Joshua said to the people, “You are not able to serve the LORD. He is a holy God; he is a jealous God. He will not forgive your rebellion and your sins. 20 If you forsake the LORD and serve foreign gods, he will turn and bring disaster on you and make an end of you, after he has been good to you.”
21 But the people said to Joshua, “No! We will serve the LORD.”
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but man was created in the image of God with the brain free choice to make decisions at the start. The proof was that Adam blew it,
This does not mean men have a free will defined as not being restrained or compelled. The creation was made subject to vanity unwillingly. I am not applying the term unwillingly to man, but the term vanity I am applying. God is not vain, so being made in his image does not mean we are like Him. We are corruptible and He is not. We were corrupted by Satan. It can be said Adam blew it, but the Christ is proof most all of us would have blown it. To recognize this is humility and honesty.
The Antichrist and man of sin religion are people who promote themselves and their freewill over and above God's will in determining who is saved ! 2 Thess 2:3-4

3Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

4Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

This Antichrist sentiment believes that Salvation is accomplished by a synergy [a cooperative effort with God and man]. They say God has done all He can in providing a salvation plan through Jesus Christ and that this plan or provision is at everyones avail without exception, but its man's response that is the determining factor, for he has freewill to accept or reject the offer of Salvation ! So it is man who plays the most important role, and not God on who is saved eternally. This blasphemy is an attempt to dethrone God as the Sole Author of a Man's Salvation. God the Father chose who should be saved, God the Son died for them thus redeeming them from death, and God the Holy Spirit makes Christ redemptive death effectual, and gives Faith and Repentance, and so it is God who decides who shall be saved, and not man !
IMO one of the great deceptions coming from the god of this world today is that there is nothing that a person must 'do' in order to be saved.. there's no repentance toward God, there's no faith toward the Lord Jesus Christ.. there's no counting the cost of discipleship.. there's no understanding that if we shall seek to save our life that we shall lose it.. etc etc.. many false teachers claim that there's none of this and that God does it 'specifically' for them.. and that's why it's just another 'S P E C I A L' case within Christendom..

What must I do to be saved ?

a) Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved

b) nothing
This does not mean men have a free will defined as not being restrained or compelled. The creation was made subject to vanity unwillingly. I am not applying the term unwillingly to man, but the term vanity I am applying. God is not vain, so being made in his image does not mean we are like Him. We are corruptible and He is not. We were corrupted by Satan. It can be said Adam blew it, but the Christ is proof most all of us would have blown it. To recognize this is humility and honesty.

Then God created an faulty Lucifer who God has documented to be created perfect! + Adam as well, you teach?? So in bottom/line you are saying that the Godhead are not Perfect by so doing??:screwloose

NO, that is in NO WAY the Truth! And vainity?? NO again, this was ALL the result of sin. Free choice 'Ate of the Forbidden' fruite'. Go climb upon a 300 ft up! water tower, do you have a free choice to jump off? Well, Adam when he openly disobeyed God was pre/warned what the END RESULT would be!

Then it was, that all of your 'results' of sin came on the scene, + THE ETERNAL PLAN OF REQUIRED 'FREEWILL' OBEDIENCE for Salvation!

Then God created an faulty Lucifer who God has documented to be created perfect! + Adam as well, you teach?? So in bottom/line you are saying that the Godhead are not Perfect by so doing??:screwloose

NO, that is in NO WAY the Truth! And vainity?? NO again, this was ALL the result of sin. Free choice 'Ate of the Forbidden' fruite'. Go climb upon a 300 ft up! water tower, do you have a free choice to jump off? Well, Adam when he openly disobeyed God was pre/warned what the END RESULT would be!

Then it was, that all of your 'results' of sin came on the scene, + THE ETERNAL PLAN OF REQUIRED 'FREEWILL' OBEDIENCE for Salvation!

Free choice ate of the forbidden fruit you say? The bible says Eve was beguiled and utterly decieved by the serpent who was more cunning. You show no appreciation for the word innocent in your evaluation. Moreover, scripture documents that vanity in Satan preceded his sinful direction. In other words, Satan took what was God's attributes and counted them as his own, as if it was up to him to decide what he wanted to be. Moreover he is seen in heaven accusing the brethren night and day as if they decide what they want to be. And it is Satan who introcuced to man the concept that a man can decide what he wants to become. Finally obedience does not come from a freewill as if only with the option to disobey can one truly obey. Obedience comes from faith and trust in the One you are to be obedient to. This is the deception, that God, who made all things, is not trustworthy and Satan is. To pretend men have a freewill to decide whether God is trustworthy is profound ignorance and self debasing. Don't let Satan fool you into thinking you decide, either you believe in God or you don't, you can't have it both ways. Yeah or nay?
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IMO one of the great deceptions coming from the god of this world today is that there is nothing that a person must 'do' in order to be saved.. there's no repentance toward God, there's no faith toward the Lord Jesus Christ.. there's no counting the cost of discipleship.. there's no understanding that if we shall seek to save our life that we shall lose it.. etc etc.. many false teachers claim that there's none of this and that God does it 'specifically' for them.. and that's why it's just another 'S P E C I A L' case within Christendom..

What must I do to be saved ?

a) Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved

b) nothing
Dear Eventide. Your outlook I can appreciate. Do we do something or nothing? I know you will grieve my saying this, and I in complete empathy have no desire to frustrate you. These things are always dealing with semantics, for he who heard but did not believe, did he do something like not believe or did he do nothing like not believe. Then there are those who believe. Why? because having the Truth they recognize the Truth. Did they do something in that they believed, or did they do nothing in that they already knew and could not disbelieve?

I want to thank you. You’ve opened my eyes to something that I didn’t see before. As you say, our condemnation isn’t our fault. Yet that’s exactly what God did. He condemned the whole human race for something that isn’t their fault. That makes God an unrighteous God. Because he says we are to judge righteously. And righteously to him is to condemn someone through no fault of their own. Thank the God that couldn’t possibly exist that the American judicial system hasn’t sunk to that level yet. And the God of the Bible couldn’t possibly exist because the people he supposedly created are more righteous than he.


I want to thank you. You’ve opened my eyes to something that I didn’t see before. As you say, our condemnation isn’t our fault. Yet that’s exactly what God did. He condemned the whole human race for something that isn’t their fault. That makes God an unrighteous God. Because he says we are to judge righteously. And righteously to him is to condemn someone through no fault of their own. Thank the God that couldn’t possibly exist that the American judicial system hasn’t sunk to that level yet. And the God of the Bible couldn’t possibly exist because the people he supposedly created are more righteous than he.

Where did God condemn men as you say? He died on the cross to protect us from the one who is our accuser. He is completely righteous. Moreover I never said our condemnation is not our fault. You as usual go out of your way to misrepresent what I say. You are well aware that I have said it is our fault we find fault. We found fault where there was none and that's why we are corrupted in our minds. So also you do this to me.

“Where did God condemn men as you say?â€

Joh 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Joh 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
Joh 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
Joh 3:35 The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his hand.
Joh 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.

In order to be condemned, someone must have condemned us. Here it says the wrath of God stays on the one condemned. Ergo God was the one who condemned in the first place or he would have had no reason for wrath.

“You as usual go out of your way to misrepresent what I say.â€

And you as usual go out of you way to be as confusing as possible. And in your doing so, I’m as clueless as usual. I have no idea what you mean by:

“You are well aware that I have said it is our fault we find fault. We found fault where there was none and that's why we are corrupted in our minds.â€


“Where did God condemn men as you say?â€

Joh 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Joh 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
Joh 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
Joh 3:35 The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his hand.
Joh 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.

In order to be condemned, someone must have condemned us. Here it says the wrath of God stays on the one condemned. Ergo God was the one who condemned in the first place or he would have had no reason for wrath.

“You as usual go out of your way to misrepresent what I say.â€

And you as usual go out of you way to be as confusing as possible. And in your doing so, I’m as clueless as usual. I have no idea what you mean by:

“You are well aware that I have said it is our fault we find fault. We found fault where there was none and that's why we are corrupted in our minds.â€

We are all condemned as sinners according to the law. The law through which sin is given power condemns us as unable to be righteous because we are flesh. God knows this and always did. It is us who have to learn this. As you have so conveniently provided scripture that says God sent His son so that we would not be condemned according to the law, it is not God who condemns but we who condemn ourselves even as we condemn others in hypocrisy. Therefore His wrath is upon all who reject His son who intercedes on our behalf saying forgive them they know not what they do. It is God's intention to gather all up in mercy. The merciful will receive mercy and by what measure you use to judge others the same will be used against you. So the fault is that we find fault. Jesus did not condemn. He said things like the sick need a doctor. So believe him when he says these things. I do.

We are all condemned as sinners according to the law.

Not those Christ died for, He was condemned by the Law in their statead. Gal 3:13

Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:
Dear Eventide. Your outlook I can appreciate. Do we do something or nothing? I know you will grieve my saying this, and I in complete empathy have no desire to frustrate you. These things are always dealing with semantics, for he who heard but did not believe, did he do something like not believe or did he do nothing like not believe. Then there are those who believe. Why? because having the Truth they recognize the Truth. Did they do something in that they believed, or did they do nothing in that they already knew and could not disbelieve?

What does the word of God say childeye.. ? It doesn't teach us that this is semantics.. it tells us the TRUTH.. so are you for the truth or against the truth.. ?

What must I do to be saved ?

a) Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved

b) nothing
What does the word of God say childeye.. ? It doesn't teach us that this is semantics.. it tells us the TRUTH.. so are you for the truth or against the truth.. ?

What must I do to be saved ?

a) Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved

b) nothing
Of course I'm for the Truth Eventide. There are semantics however. As you know there are spiritual and carnal takes on scripture. Jesus spoke in parables which are metaphorical or allegorical. The word faith used in a negative context is not faith. All things are relative to the absolute. Of course one must believe in the Christ, yet even the word believe holds different implications such as the faith vs works debate. Some people apply believe to mean believing God exists, while others say it means to trust the person of God. To some you must attend church regularly to be a believer. Others deem it necessary to follow their denomination and their take on scripture to be a true believer.

I gather your angst is against Calvinism. What I know of this belief is also lost in semantics to me. Is there conditional election for example. What does one mean by election? What does one mean by conditional? If God chose the lowly and poor of this world, then is that not a condition? Yet these lowly that God chose rich in faith by His grace, what did they do to receive this grace? Should it be said they did something or nothing? The scriptures say it is not of him that willeth or runneth but God that showeth mercy. We should consider such things said for our instruction. Therefore I am not willing to be at odds with scripture just to support the idea that it is us who choose or will or run if that is what people are implying. If however people are saying we must believe to be saved, which is doing something, I can agree. But to say we choose to believe through our own autonomous ability to mentally deliberate, I cannot go against scripture which clearly says it is not so. For some can believe and others cannot and God reveals to children what He hides form the scholarly. I hope you see my point so that we can have edifying discussions.
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Not those Christ died for, He was condemned by the Law in their statead. Gal 3:13

Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:
Yes SBG, thank you, there is now no condemnation for those in Christ because our Lord bought us with his own blood. Glory be to God and His Son.
And you as usual go out of you way to be as confusing as possible. And in your doing so, I’m as clueless as usual. I have no idea what you mean by:

“You are well aware that I have said it is our fault we find fault. We found fault where there was none and that's why we are corrupted in our minds.â€

I have said this in earlier posts. I apologize if I have not been clear on this, I really just try to do my best. We found fault with our station under God and found fault with God in doing so. I am refering to the episode with the serpent in the garden where we became corrupt. All our problems stem from this ongoing corruption.
Yes SBG, thank you, there is now no condemnation for those in Christ because our Lord bought us with his own blood. Glory be to God and His Son.

He bought the elect with His own Blood before they were born. For example, if Christ bought someone with His own Blood over 2000 yrs ago, and they are born a sinner lets say, 50yrs ago, then though they are born a sinner, their sins have been already removed before the presence of God. God is not going to count sins against a sinner that Christ has already paid for, so though they are born sinners as all men are, yet they are not condemned by God for them sins, Christ blood took them away forever..Now, I dont think you believe and understand this, do you ?
He bought the elect with His own Blood before they were born. For example, if Christ bought someone with His own Blood over 2000 yrs ago, and they are born a sinner lets say, 50yrs ago, then though they are born a sinner, their sins have been already removed before the presence of God. God is not going to count sins against a sinner that Christ has already paid for, so though they are born sinners as all men are, yet they are not condemned by God for them sins, Christ blood took them away forever..Now, I dont think you believe and understand this, do you ?

Nor do you, huh? 'Spiritual things are spiritually ...' what?? That leaves ones teaching false 'teachings' in any one out of ten removed from the Book of Life, if they were even in the Book to begin with! James 2:10 + Eccl. 3:14's first quote to the documented ones of THE BOOKS Ending.

But is it not to late for a change?? You say & teach YES, it is! (or at least, it matter NONE!) So it appears by your teaching that you were predistined by God as one of His eternal burning in hell robots, that it matters none! (if you believe James 2:10-12??) :screwloose

And least that is how your [postings] come across by most of professed of Christianity on a 'few' of your false doctrines which make them all false.

And by the way, is this the only false doctrine that you have in your posting 'freewill' brain?????

When 'i' read this constant 'false' stuff, is seems to me that you are trying to convince yourself! Why not go to Acts 9 & read of Christ's message to Saul!
You know Forum, his 'kicking' verse! 4-5 ibid. and then 'finally' came total 'surrender!':thumbsup



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