I didn't ask you a question and one that you couldn't answer if I had because of your lack understanding. I made a statement, one that is incontrovertible about your belief.
Anytime someone believes that something, anything, no matter how slight, is required of them for salvation,
then by that, they attempt to make themselves their saviour. Only for those who believe that Christ has already done everything perfectly for them with nothing required of them, of those, had He made Himself their Saviour.
Those are only the elect.
Who are these elect?
They are either the nation of Israel or those that adhere to God's guidance and rules on HOW to become saved.
They are elect and saved because they want to be.
God does not want forced love out of us.
He wants us to love Him, truly, just like humans want their spouse to love them truly,
and not because they put a pill in their coffee every morning.
And what could we possibly do to SAVE OURSELVES, except WANT to be saved?
Jesus was on that cross, not me or any other human.
It's tiring to hear all the time that we want to be our own savior.
I mean, get that vocabulary out of your mind already.
AFTER we become saved, God does want from us.
He wants our obedience.
I put some of this in my last post to you about 10 minutes ago so I won't go over it again.
Now, if God wants us and commands us to be obedient...
Doesn't this mean THAT IT'S OUR FREE WILL to obey or not?
Why command us to do something that HE is fully IN CHARGE OF?
And we agreed days and days ago that SALVATION AND FAITH are gifts from God...
could we stop speaking about that?
I should start some threads but I have very little time...