Douglas Summers
- Jun 1, 2015
- 2,515
- 754
Hi Chopper, There is no mystery to those that are called according to His purpose. The mystery is to the idle and curious. For it has been given unto us to know the mystery of the Kingdom of the Heavens (Matt. 13: 10-17) For to the born again, we have the mind of Christ (Col. 1:27) We know what Christ is doing, at least I do, And I'm sure other Believers do also. But the curious and idle do not. (1 Cor. 2:14-16) That is what the adoption of son's means. To come from a child (under age) to an adult son ( this is a position of maturity) not relationship. For we are no more under tutors or teachers any more. We have grown into Spiritual maturity by His Spirit. This is true to all born again believers. But some are puffed up and think they have figured out things on there own (1 Cor. 4: 7) and inject in to Biblical teaching. The work of pride of self will intruding into the sphere of God's will. And teaching man's doctrine as if though it is approved by God.God has not been silent in the fact that His ways and His thoughts are not our ways and thoughts. He even says that they are past finding out. Hmm, lets see how close we can come to some terrific knowledge.
I have noticed lately, in the sphere of my influence, that people have more spiritual questions than ever before. Have you experienced that? I wonder why? There are those who, for what ever the reason, want more faith. Others are craving the fullness of the Holy Spirit. A man said, "I want more of the Holy Spirit", I could have said to him, "the Holy Spirit wants more of you!"
I have noticed in our Forum that there are folk who wonder about being sure of their Salvation. Hey Gang, lets have some fun with this thread and compile what we do know about this mystery that the Apostle Paul wrote about in Colossians 2:2 "being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ."
What exactly is this mystery, and is this why there are so many questions today? I am using Colossians Chapter 2 as my Text.