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1 Cor 4:19-21 For I will come unto shortly if The Lord will, I will know not the words of them that are puffed up, but the power.
:21 What will ye? that I should come unto you with a rod, or in love, and in the Spirit of meekness.

The Christian Faith was never a powerless faith with empty words. The faith first delivered unto the saints has always been about the Holy Spirit and the Power of Gods Kingdom.
Same Jesus, same Holy Spirit, same gospel!

Those who walk in the Spirit, walk in the truth of the word.
For where we reject the word of God, we are drawn from the spirit into the flesh. I do not say that one must accept my doctrines or any other mans, but all should come to the Word and to the Spirit of truth with humble hearts and minds. Cast off the yoke of law and religious tradition, and put on the truth. The end is coming and a great test and trial of all Christians faith will come and is even already near. Learn Gods strength and the power of the Holy Spirit, so you might be able to stand. This nonsense about "God dont do that anymore" will bring destruction upon all who believe this made-up doctrine of mans religion.

Every lie of satan comes from this "did God really say"
We see then that it is the Holy Spirit that judges satan and his demonic kingdom. "because the ruler of this world has been judged" it is the Holy Spirit alone that brings the judgment of God upon satan, so satan works to get the chruch to deny the Holy Spirit, or accept a "different" spirit.

So basically some believe that the Holy Spirit as described in the bible "changed" after some meeting of religious men. So basically the bible is true until one has the bible? So now the bible is kinda true but some religious man needs to control how others understand its truth. This is an abomination and judgment will come upon those who teach such heresy.

Maybe there is reason why so many who reject the truth are sick? maybe they are being judged for rejection of the Holy Spirit and the clear and evident truth of scripture?

That makes more biblical sense than God is making people suffer to make them "spiritual"!

No! believe every promise of God and you will learn to walk in the Spirit and in truth.
There is only one true way to please God, for God is A Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and Truth.

2Pe 2:2
And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.

Rom 12:21
Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

Gal 5:16
This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.
Gal 5:17
For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.

Only by "walking in the Spirit", can we overcome the "flesh". I hope to lay out in a simple way the "true power" of the Gospel, unbroken fellowship with Our God in the Spirit!


yes it is so, and this applies most for the walk in the faith

Interesting thoughts on suffering. I believe that we are to be content with it if it is present. I Peter 4:1-2

1 Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin. 2 As a result, they do not live the rest of their earthly lives for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God./ (NIV)

The word is not body "soma" but flesh "sarx" and Christ was never sick but suffered with temptations and at the mouth and hands of evil men. The verse continues on (which is the best way to read the bible? in context!) to say that we ourselves sould not live after the flesh in its lust but according to the will of God. This scripture IN NO WAY justfies the unbelief many are trying to promote. Peter goes on in the same epistle to discribe the suffering as "being reproached for the name of Christ" By men. Biblical suffering is not contrary to the stripes of Christ but comes because one BELIEVES that by His stripes we are healed.

I say if someone is sick believe the bible! But dont attempt to make your unbelief a sign of suffering for the gospel that declares you are healed.

Repentance of religious pride should be the first action.

I know the things I am posting are new thoughts to many and hard to grasp with tradition standing in the path of so many?

But very thankful that the Lord has brought you to His Light and that I can share some of the good things He has taught me! God Bless and keep you Deb13

But also OLD thoughts to many, and are pretty easy to grasp for many.

Charismatic tenant #21:
Religious, tradition Spirit: Anyone who dares to call into question anything at any time that is being taught or experienced by Charismatics. If you question holy laughter, apostolic authority,Healing, etc. . . then you have a religious,tradition spirit. Anyone who is not a Charismatic.
But also OLD thoughts to many, and are pretty easy to grasp for many.

Charismatic tenant #21:
Religious, tradition Spirit: Anyone who dares to call into question anything at any time that is being taught or experienced by Charismatics. If you question holy laughter, apostolic authority,Healing, etc. . . then you have a religious,tradition spirit. Anyone who is not a Charismatic.

I need no tenant but The Word of God. The person of Jesus Christ who healed all those who were oppressed by the devil.
The same yesterday, today and forever. The unchanging eternal Holy Spirit that was before time. The Father who changes not and whos words can never fail.

Not sure what others call the bible? I call it the truth!

If you will notice these issues were never discussed on this thread until you brought them up? I contend that all believers can walk in the spirit and that it is not an issue of gifts but of walking in the truth as is clear in the scriptures. Wlaking in the spirit is walking in who we are IN CHRIST. I also believe that if a believer walks in the spirit they themselves will receive fuller measures of the Spirit as they are able to receive. My hope in this thread was to avoid much of the debate that goes on and find common ground where all true believers can walk and grow. But religion seems to always provoke a debate and challenge the simplicty of Christ. Then when religion gets exposed it looks for some charge against those who defend the truth.

Again I say, I think that all can be filled with Gods Spirit at all times if they will heed the truths of setting their mind upon Christ and learning to take captive thoughts that are contrary to the truth of who they are IN CHRIST.

That no one needs to go to some charismatic chruch but that God Himself will meet every believer that walks in the truth. If some get so full of the Spirit, they decide to call themselves "charismatic" good! If not? At least they are walking with Christ in a deeper way!

This is my hope and purpose for this thread, I do not care about the endless debate of some, but that Christ be glorified in His people.
I need no tenant but The Word of God. The person of Jesus Christ who healed all those who were oppressed by the devil.
The same yesterday, today and forever. The unchanging eternal Holy Spirit that was before time. The Father who changes not and whos words can never fail.

Not sure what others call the bible? I call it the truth!

If you will notice these issues were never discussed on this thread until you brought them up? I contend that all believers can walk in the spirit and that it is not an issue of gifts but of walking in the truth as is clear in the scriptures. Wlaking in the spirit is walking in who we are IN CHRIST. I also believe that if a believer walks in the spirit they themselves will receive fuller measures of the Spirit as they are able to receive. My hope in this thread was to avoid much of the debate that goes on and find common ground where all true believers can walk and grow. But religion seems to always provoke a debate and challenge the simplicty of Christ. Then when religion gets exposed it looks for some charge against those who defend the truth.

Again I say, I think that all can be filled with Gods Spirit at all times if they will heed the truths of setting their mind upon Christ and learning to take captive thoughts that are contrary to the truth of who they are IN CHRIST.

That no one needs to go to some charismatic chruch but that God Himself will meet every believer that walks in the truth. If some get so full of the Spirit, they decide to call themselves "charismatic" good! If not? At least they are walking with Christ in a deeper way!

This is my hope and purpose for this thread, I do not care about the endless debate of some, but that Christ be glorified in His people.

So how does one come to Christ in your opinion? what is your definition of faith?

I disagree how you are saying to walk in the Spirit. You are saying that we have to give ourselves totally to walk in the Spirit and I am saying that that is just the same as following the law. It is impossible. Not one person has come even close to following perfectly. that is why God has made it VERY easy for us to walk in the Spirit. It is not some mystical experience, Every believer can walk in the Spirit the MOMENT they believe and teachers need to show believers how EASY it is. but being a sinner it is also easy for us to Grieve, quench and be out of fellowship with the spirit.

And to be Honest I can NOT believe that more people are not VERY disturbed that you believe you have raised someone from the dead. I do not deny the reality of it for you, but I DENY the Biblical validity of it. its Demonic.
So how does one come to Christ in your opinion? what is your definition of faith?

I disagree how you are saying to walk in the Spirit. You are saying that we have to give ourselves totally to walk in the Spirit and I am saying that that is just the same as following the law. It is impossible. Not one person has come even close to following perfectly. that is why God has made it VERY easy for us to walk in the Spirit. It is not some mystical experience, Every believer can walk in the Spirit the MOMENT they believe and teachers need to show believers how EASY it is. but being a sinner it is also easy for us to Grieve, quench and be out of fellowship with the spirit.

And to be Honest I can NOT believe that more people are not VERY disturbed that you believe you have raised someone from the dead. I do not deny the reality of it for you, but I DENY the Biblical validity of it. its Demonic.
Yes Jesus was called a devil also! So was all those who followed Him and did the works and greater works that He did. Thank you, I rejoice when men speak evil of my good works. I do suffer for living godly, but I rejoice through it all.

Yes I believe that we are to be crucified with Christ every day and to set our mind upon Him and His Word.
I believe that we must follow Him and die with Him that we might live with Him. I believe the scirptures are not speaking vain things and God expects us to do those things that are written. I do believe the only power over the flesh is when we walk in the spirit. Basically I believe the bible!
Yes Jesus was called a devil also! So was all those who followed Him and did the works and greater works that He did. Thank you, I rejoice when men speak evil of my good works. I do suffer for living godly, but I rejoice through it all.

Yes I believe that we are to be crucified with Christ every day and to set our mind upon Him and His Word.
I believe that we must follow Him and die with Him that we might live with Him. I believe the scirptures are not speaking vain things and God expects us to do those things that are written. I do believe the only power over the flesh is when we walk in the spirit. Basically I believe the bible!

So how do men get saved?
So how do men get saved?
Well that is not the topic of this thread, but it does relate to the topic in this way? Paul ask the Gal. church "did you receive the Spirit by the hearing of faith or by the works of the law" "are you now made perfect by the flesh" Showing us that perfection comes as we walk in the Spirit by faith.

Paul goes on to say that as you have received Christ Jesus, so walk ye in Him. By faith we receive the Spirit and by faith we walk and abide in the Spirit. Now the Lord said My Word is spirit and life. So in a simple way we walk in the spirit by faith in His Word. If His word says we are crucified with Him and to reckon ourselves dead to sin and alive to God. Then we must by faith believe that truth to abide in the spirit. If the Word says we are healed by His Stripes and we walk in faith we will bring forth that fruit of healing in our bodys. So it is very important that we believe and trust the Word and not carnal and religious traditions of men.

For we have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit of God that WE MIGHT KNOW THE THINGS FREELY GIVEN TO US BY GOD.

the abilty to believe and accept All Gods promises as yes and amen is directly related to our spiritual condition. If we are in fact walking in the spirit, we will accept that which God has given us In Christ Jesus.

For He who delievered up His Own Son for us all, how will He not with Him freely give us all things?

Unless ones receives the Kingdom as a small child thay cannot enter therein.

so those who believe and receive are spiritually minded. Those who ask and do not receive are double minded. Meaning they are still in a condition of the carnal mind and have not renewed their mind to the law of liberty.
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Well that is not the topic of this thread, but it does relate to the topic in this way? Paul ask the Gal. church "did you receive the Spirit by the hearing of faith or by the works of the law" "are you now made perfect by the flesh" Showing us that perfection comes as we walk in the Spirit by faith.

Paul goes on to say that as you have received Christ Jesus, so walk ye in Him. By faith we receive the Spirit and by faith we walk and abide in the Spirit. Now the Lord said My Word is spirit and life. So in a simple way we walk in the spirit by faith in His Word. If His word says we are crucified with Him and to reckon ourselves dead to sin and alive to God. Then we must by faith believe that truth to abide in the spirit. If the Word says we are healed by His Stripes and we walk in faith we will bring forth that fruit of healing in our bodys. So it is very important that we believe and trust the Word and not carnal and religious traditions of men.

For we have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit of God that WE MIGHT KNOW THE THINGS FREELY GIVEN TO US BY GOD.

the abilty to believe and accept All Gods promises as yes and amen is directly related to our spiritual condition. If we are in fact walking in the spirit, we will accept that which God has given us In Christ Jesus.

For He who delievered up His Own Son for us all, how will He not with Him freely give us all things?

Unless ones receives the Kingdom as a small child thay cannot enter therein.

so those who believe and receive are spiritually minded. Those who ask and do not receive are double minded. Meaning they are still in a condition of the carnal mind and have not renewed their mind to the law of liberty.
This has everything to do with WALKING IN THE SPIRIT . What does the Bible say to men on HOW TO BE SAVED? What does a man have to believe to be saved? and if your view is not biblical you can not teach how to WALK IN THE SPIRIT.

This has everything to do with WALKING IN THE SPIRIT . What does the Bible say to men on HOW TO BE SAVED? What does a man have to believe to be saved? and if your view is not biblical you can not teach how to WALK IN THE SPIRIT.


Well again this is not the topic of the thread. Also I do not answer to you nor have you shown yourself able to have such a discussion of truth witin the scriptures? You may decide that God dont save people anymore as the scriptures declare but that salvation has past away when then bible canon was complete. So how can one have an honest discussion about the truth of scripture with someone who does not honor the scriptures?

So if you feel the need to explain such things, start you a thread on that topic. Or you can start a thread called "God dont do that anymore" or "The bible really dont mean what it clearly says"
I for one am not interested in going in circles of debate.
So please try to honor the rules of the forum and stay on the topic.
Well again this is not the topic of the thread. Also I do not answer to you nor have you shown yourself able to have such a discussion of truth witin the scriptures? You may decide that God dont save people anymore as the scriptures declare but that salvation has past away when then bible canon was complete. So how can one have an honest discussion about the truth of scripture with someone who does not honor the scriptures?

So if you feel the need to explain such things, start you a thread on that topic. Or you can start a thread called "God dont do that anymore" or "The bible really dont mean what it clearly says"
I for one am not interested in going in circles of debate.
So please try to honor the rules of the forum and stay on the topic.

I did Mitspa, and you brought over this thread to that thread.

All I am saying is that ONLY a saved person can walk in the Spirit. And if we are not saved we can NOT walk in the Spirit. What if I was not saved and wanted to walk in the Spirit.

How do I get saved so I can walk in the Spirit with you?
I did Mitspa, and you brought over this thread to that thread.

All I am saying is that ONLY a saved person can walk in the Spirit. And if we are not saved we can NOT walk in the Spirit. What if I was not saved and wanted to walk in the Spirit.

How do I get saved so I can walk in the Spirit with you?

Well again there are dozens of threads that many love to go around the same circles of debate, and they seem to try to spilt hairs over every little detail. I find most of that chatter to be vain and empty debate among those who are puffed up with religious pride. But just for sake of getting past this point with you I will give a simple answer. The Holy Spirit must draw a person usally by the preaching of the gospel but but not always. Having some form of knowlegde of Christ a person must believe in their heart and confess with their mouth the Lord Jesus. At that time they should receive the witness of the "new birth" the indwelling of the Spirit. The Spirit should be the witness to each believer of the salvation represented in the scriptures. And by the scriptures a believer is to renew the mind and grow in grace and knowledge of Christ.

Many seem to lack the understanding of spiritual growth and submission of the will to the Spirit by the Cross, This is the point of this thread. Now I hope you will make whatever point you want to make and then allow the topic of the thread to continue without all this strife and debate that you seem to have brought into this topic?
Well again there are dozens of threads that many love to go around the same circles of debate, and they seem to try to spilt hairs over every little detail. I find most of that chatter to be vain and empty debate among those who are puffed up with religious pride. But just for sake of getting past this point with you I will give a simple answer. The Holy Spirit must draw a person usally by the preaching of the gospel but but not always. Having some form of knowlegde of Christ a person must believe in their heart and confess with their mouth the Lord Jesus. At that time they should receive the witness of the "new birth" the indwelling of the Spirit. The Spirit should be the witness to each believer of the salvation represented in the scriptures. And by the scriptures a believer is to renew the mind and grow in grace and knowledge of Christ.

Many seem to lack the understanding of spiritual growth and submission of the will to the Spirit by the Cross, This is the point of this thread. Now I hope you will make whatever point you want to make and then allow the topic of the thread to continue without all this strife and debate that you seem to have brought into this topic?

I do pray for the best for you Mitspa.

Acts 16:31; John 6:40;John 3:18;John 3:15 is salvation.
"after ye have suffered" There is suffereing but it is not to be compared to the glory that will be revealed in us. Paul called this suffering "but for a moment" There is a process of correction for the purpose of bringing us from the flesh into growth in the spirit.
There is much error upon this subject because the whole counsel of the scriptures are not used for light upon this issue.

We are to go from glory to glory, to grown in grace and knowledge unto to The Image of Christ.

Now it is clear to me that most who promote suffering, do not have an understanding of Gods Glory, but are just trying to look and act religious. The pharisee loved for others to see thier "suffering" and outward displays of religion.

As we are moved by faith into the truth of Gods Word, satan has a right to test that word. Here is the battle.

Because satan is the father of lies, the Truth takes away part of his kindgom. He loses a part of this world whenever the truth is believed. Therefore having this world he defends his kingdom against the Truth. He will attempt steal away the truth from the heart of anyone who receives the truth.

Here is the testing and trying of our faith.

So many are in such bondage to religion that they seem more willing to die than to believe the clear and evident truth of scripture.

Just as the people wanted to stone Caleb and Joshua when they told them the promise land was theirs, so it is today when we who have tasted the promises of God try to speak of them to those who love bondage. Yes a great battle will be needed to have the promise and the devil has many great and strong cities. But I had rather die today than to live in this world and not believe every promise of God.

It is religious pride that hinders most believers.
They are like those in Jesus's home town? They think they know they know Him but they do not have any idea of Who He really is! He could not heal those who thought they knew Him. For thousands upon thousands of years a man could study and never see all that Christ Jesus is. The first lesson all should learn? "If any man thinks he knows anything, let him admit he knows nothing yet as he should know"
Gal 3:2

This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?
Gal 3:3

Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?
Gal 3:4

Have ye suffered so many things in vain? if it be yet in vain.
Gal 3:5

He therefore that ministereth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you, doeth he it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?

Step 1: By faith we must receive the Spirit, and reckon ourselves dead to the law, and all self-efforts to earn the things of God by our own religious works!

This seems to be the hardest part for most?

Nothing hinders the work of the spirit more than the religious efforts of the flesh. The pharisee showed us that the flesh can have the greatest of religious efforts in the law of moses. Jesus showed us that this outward form of religion is condemned and will not be accepted before God. Those who claim to represent God in religion are very often the very anti-christ that the scriptures condemn.

No, God desires truth in the inward parts of a man. This is the indwelling of the Spirit. "the law written upon the heart"

"I will be their God and they shall be my people, they shall not teach every saying, know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest"

In that the Lord has given us His Son and His Spirit ,it was never the intention of God that a man (through religion) would stand between Him and His people, but that each man would walk according to the truth within his heart.

The Holy Spirit expressed this truth in this scripture: He who is spiritual judges all things yet he is judged by no man.

God desires that we come into such a place of truth that He alone deals with us in truth apart from the opinions of any man. Now I believe most christians come to understand this truth in different ways but religion will not teach this truth, for it takes away much of thier power.
I know there is a thread on this forum that addresses "free-will" and I dont not really understand the OP view? For one moment we are saved by faith and next, faith is a work??

I do think if one desires to be a real Christian, the scriptures are very clear, we must walk in the Spirit!

Now "free will" is nonsense in that respect? What God requires is that we Surrender our will, to His!

We must die with Christ to our own life, self life, and the will one has as an individual.

Those who lose their life, will find it!
Those who become weak will be made strong!
Those who become fools will be made wise! etc...

The natural man, adamic man, as some would call it, can not by his "free will" serve God!

He MUST DIE! then the New Man, born by faith in the Word, the "Spiritual, Man" The New Creation must live by FAITH!

"know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?

I would say that most would fail this test today, not because Christ is not in them but because religion has taught such carnal doctrines, that few understand the witness of "Christ in you" the hope of glory.

I come out of the "charismatic" circles and even in the groups that claim "spiritual" things, little is taught of "walking in the spirit" or of Christ formed in a believer. Why? because these truths cause a believer to answer to God alone and religion loses its power over Gods people. "FOR I WILL BE THERE GOD, AND THEY SHALL BE MY PEOPLE AND THEY WILL NOT NEED EVERY MAN TO TEACH THEM SAYING KNOW THE LORD, FOR ALL SHALL KNOW ME FROM THE LEAST TO THE GREATEST"

A true minister of Christ is one that promotes the relationship between the believer and his God. A true minister promotes the law written upon the heart and that every man be subject to Christ in them. A true minister does not teach others to have confidence in the flesh but that all flesh should be crucified and the life of the Spirit be the confidence of the believer.


Paul said that we have been made able ministers of the New Covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit, for the letter kills but the Spirit gives life.
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Some see life as a temporary thing? The soul of man is concerned with this temporary life in this present world age?

If you will notice the word translated "world" over and over in the New Testament is really to word "age"?

Because everything natural that we see is just temporal!
But God is THE GREAT I AM! He is not bound by time as we understand it.

The heavenly realm, or third Heaven, is and ETERNAL SPIRITUAL REALM! no time there as we know it here.

I know this is a little deep, some will understand and some wont?

But the "Spiritual" man does not think in temporal realms of thought? He thinks in the eternal realm!

Christ died and paid the price for sin, over 2000 years ago!

How can we recieve what was done so long ago? The Holy Spirit brought it from the eternal realm to us!

Now we have been saved by an eternal truth, Why do we now look to temporal things to complete our savlation?


i have just opened a great door to some of you!

What has been freely given to me, I give to you! may Christ be glorified in your life! -Mitspa

When Peter received the understanding that Jesus was the eternal Christ, he did not receive that understanding from any natural "temporal" source. This knowledge came from heaven, from the eternal realm. "Upon this rock, I will build My Church"
Revelation of who He is, is the gospel and all things are laid upon the foundation of who Christ Jesus is. Now also consider that when the Lord rebuked Peter? "you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of this world"
We see then that knowledge comes from two sources, and that a man might be very sincere in his intentions, but be under the control of satans kingdom.
We even see this same principle thoughout the biblical record of Peter? He denies the Lord, then the Holy Spirit comes upon him and standing in Gods Grace he tells the jews "YOU HAVE DENIED THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL" what??
This same Peter, who days before fails and even curses the Lord, is now given Power from heaven, and great wisdom.

This is the life of a believer, to receive from heaven. To trust Him who is not seen. This is faith, religion is an ugly attempt to make man think he is "right" with God. Righteousness is by a living faith in that which cannot be seen or known but through faith.
Here the mind must be set upon those eternal things, our ability is from above. We stand by grace and grace is a Spirit that is received from heaven.

Grace is not a doctrine, no man is saved by words in a book.
The book can only open the heart and mind to the truth, which is a Spirit.

Those who RECEIEVE the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness.

These are just words, unless one receives the truth of what they are saying! Those who have received this grace will have the fruit of this grace. Those who have received the righteousness of faith will have the fruits of righteousness.

Many can speak of Gods Love and Holy Spirit but they are far from the truth, they are carnal and eartly minded.


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