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So we would all hope, anyway, lol.

The Bible speaks of 'being renewed' (2 Corinthians 4:16, Colossians 3:10, 2 Corinthians 3:18). Our hope should be that we are indeed becoming more and more like him in this world. Our gifts are what help each other in the Body to do that. But some think the gifts themselves are the goal of godliness and being like him in this world. I started out in the charismatic movement when I first got saved, so I'm familiar with this belief. It's in the mainline denom's, too, but in regard to different spiritual gifts and duties.

In the first few years after becoming a Christian I was in a small non-denominational Full Gospel Church. After a few years of worshiping and fellowshipping together we each had come to the realization that ecstatic worship experiences with God is not what changed us into what we wanted to be in Christ. It was knowledge (teaching, training) that did that. Nothing wrong with charismatic worship (as long as it's real) but the truth is it does little in and of itself to make us obedient to that which we are to be when we get out of church.

"...the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator." (Colossians 3:10 NIV1984)

This is why I think the church is failing in regard to our young people. The grace of dynamic national worship events are great, but you can't grow up into Christ on them alone. You have to be taught about what constitutes spiritual maturity. Experiences simply are not that maturity. The fruit of the Spirit is.

I have thought often about this issue, and agree with your points. I will say that I was touched by the Fire of the Holy Spirit that empowered me unto the Divine Nature. I have seen that many who approach "holiness" and godly living apart from the confidence of having "Christ in you" the inward testimony of The Holy Spirit, often struggle at religious form of godliness based upon the ability and weaknesses of the flesh. KNOW YE NOT THAT THE SPIRIT OF GOD DWELLS IN YOU? is the answer to all the issues of the flesh. Religion has taught that outward "appearance" in the testimony of Christ. The true testimony is being a "living epistle" written upon the heart and mind by the Spirit.
Now this is a process that I find this world and even my own body and mind wars against? But we must see that the condition of the flesh has been judged in His Body. Now I am responsible to live according to the Spirit "law of liberty" I will answer as will ALL BELIVERS for the truth that has been given unto me.
I know know that the desires of my flesh are to be crucified with Christ, and that To walk in the Spirit is the answer to all issues of sin.
Love in one word! fulfills all that Gods commands from us. This love is given only as we walk in the Light of the Spirit. We are loved with His Love by which we love others.

No room for boasting! none! What I have has been given and I give to others. This is a the law that a believer is supposed to keep.

How great is His wisdom? A law that works according to the ability that He gives! What He has commanded he has given us the power to keep.

So to be spiritual is to understand the grace and understanding that others have? I do not judge the weak brother according to my understanding but I remind him of what God has shown him, and that he is accountable for that which he has. Not based upon "appearance" but upon what God has written in his heart and mind.

To him who has, more will be given!
I know know that the desires of my flesh are to be crucified with Christ, and that To walk in the Spirit is the answer to all issues of sin.
Very few in the church know how to crucify--or circumcise--the desires of the flesh. We do that by being kind, being generous, being thoughtful, respectful, forgiving, humble, long suffering, patient, joyful, self controlled, etc. It's impossible to serve the flesh while doing this through the grace--the power--of the Spirit.

Love in one word! fulfills all that Gods commands from us.
5 Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. 6 Because of these, the wrath of God is coming. 7 You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. 8 But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. 9 Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices 10 and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. 11 Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.

12 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 13 Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 14 And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. (Colossians 3:5-14 NIV1984)

Basically, the fruit of the Spirit is how we love others and thus fulfill the commandments to 'love others as ourselves' and 'do them no harm'. That's how we walk in the Spirit and put the evil desires of the flesh to death. Few in the church know this.
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Very few in the church know how to crucify--or circumcise--the desires of the flesh. We do that by being kind, being generous, being thoughtful, respectful, forgiving, humble, long suffering, patient, joyful, self controlled, etc. It's impossible to serve the flesh while doing this through the grace--the power--of the Spirit.

5 Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. 6 Because of these, the wrath of God is coming. 7 You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. 8 But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. 9 Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices 10 and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. 11 Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.

12 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 13 Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 14 And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. (Colossians 3:5-14 NIV1984)

Basically, the fruit of the Spirit is how we love others and thus fulfill the commandments to 'love others as ourselves' and 'do them no harm'. That's how we walk in the Spirit and put the evil desires of the flesh to death. Few in the church know this.

Hi Jethro,

What do you do when you find your desires keep you from walking in the Spirit. If it was easy to put to death the earthly nature, then I imagine the world would be a different place. The thoughts that come to my mind is confession with godly sorrow, but godly sorrow is something you can't whip up like cake batter. Is it a waiting on God to work that in you? I guess I'm trying to have someone elaborate on what a person could do when they recognize they don't walk in the Spirit or have great difficulty walking in the Spirit. Perhaps it's something someone naturally does when they come to God in faith, which I don't think a person can whip that up either on their own.

- Davies
I have been thinking about this a lot lately and I have come to the conclusion that this is one of the reasons that we are to pray unceasingly. We should constantly concentrate on the presence of Jesus with us, and everything, absolutely everything we do should be done as unto the Lord. Our work, our play, attending parties and get togethers, as if Jesus Himself was right beside us, as he is when we are in the Spirit. When we walk like this, we are truly living for the Spirit and not for the flesh. We should look at ourselves and ask, would I make this decision differently if the Lord was standing right beside me? If the answer is yes, then we should immediately stop and pray asking to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and have Him guide our every action, thought, deed, and words we speak.

How wonderful it would be to be in the Spirit at the moment when the Lord returns! There would be no surprise. There would be no getting caught living in the flesh for the moment. I have wondered...what had to be in the Spirit at the moment he returns or we die, or perhaps no heaven? This could certainly lend comprehensibility to the narrow is the gate and few find it passage in the scriptures. Of course I am conjecturing, but what if it were true?

We must certainly strive to walk in the Spirit, and not in the flesh. Do you think what I say makes sense?

Hi Edward,

I understand what you're saying, but often times you start out properly motivated, doing things because you love the Lord and what He has done, and then you cool down. What happens when you don't feel like praying. Can any one of us say we pray without ceasing? There are certain times when the wind seems to knocked out of us. I do believe praying and keeping your mind on good things is helpful. Perhaps God allows us to fall to show is greatness, His mercy, to discipline, or even to judge. I recall Job was cast down, though he stuck to his own righteousness. He learned better later.


- Davies
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There is a way to abide in the spirit, it is a process of death and life. The key is the Cross by which we crucify that flesh and self life within us. The scriptures do not not speak these things in vain.
It is a wonderful death, to die with Him. The flesh will make every aurgument against doing that which the scriptures declare we must do.
"Lift up holy hands"?
Crucified hands that remember that we have died with Him and by this death we also live by His life.

Walking in the spirit, is that law of life that is beyond the Cross. The scriptures work to bring the flesh to the Cross? the soulish life crucified! The spirit set at liberty from the bondage of the flesh.

For that Word cuts and divides soul and spirit. Judging the thoughts and intentions of the heart. If one rejects the scriptures at any point, they are in rejected there own liberty.
Gal 3:2

This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?
Gal 3:3

Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?
Gal 3:4

Have ye suffered so many things in vain? if it be yet in vain.
Gal 3:5

He therefore that ministereth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you, doeth he it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?

Step 1: By faith we must receive the Spirit, and reckon ourselves dead to the law, and all self-efforts to earn the things of God by our own religious works!

This seems to be the hardest part for most?

The Spirit of God is always with us. "know ye not that ye are the temple of the Holy Spirit"
I do believe that this truth is challenged in every believer, most of satans doubts comes from false doctrines?
The law was made to show the sin that dwells in the flesh of every man. "we know that whatsoever the law says it says to those who are under law that the whole world may be guilty before God" Those who have the Spirit yet see themselves yet under the law of moses, cannot abide in the Spirit. ITS IMPOSSIBLE!
because the law will always make them subject to the flesh and the sin that dwells there.
Although they are justified in the spirit they cannot walk in the "law of the Spirit" You cannot be under these two laws at the same time. Actually this is called adultry by Paul.

I know some think I drive this point to an extreme? But Paul wrote on this subject more than any other for a very important reason? Because until we REALLY HEAR the law, we will not REALLY go to the Cross and die with Christ, until we die we cannot be raised with Him and walk in NEWNESS OF LIFE.

these scriptures are not written in vain! become a fool and God will make you wise, weak and He will make you strong!

Die with Him and you shall live with Him!
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Amen brother. We are all foolish men. Hard of heart and thinking ourselves wise. How quickly we forget and become full of pride, thinking we are wise. Repetition of hearing the Word(s) is good. It slowly writes it upon our hearts, little by little. As we grow more knowledgeable in Christ we grow more foolish as men. The more I learn, the less I feel I know. I ride the short bus to heaven. ;)

"the short bus" lol I love that!
I preach sometimes, can I use that?

The first lesson we are supposed to learn? That Jesus Christ made all things and all thing will be subject to Him. He is the Alpha and Omega, His Glory is past finding out! Etc.....

Paul said it this way? "if any man thinks he knows anything, let him admit he knows nothing yet as he should know"

The key to wisdom is to stay as a child who needs to always be taught by the Holy Spirit of Truth.

Blessings my brother! You are blessed above those who think they know.
It was those in His Home town, who thought they knew who He was, that could not see who He is!
Hi Jethro,

What do you do when you find your desires keep you from walking in the Spirit. If it was easy to put to death the earthly nature, then I imagine the world would be a different place.
I guess it's easy to think that simply deciding to walk in the things of the Spirit (love, goodness, kindness, etc.) so that we don't walk in the things of the flesh (jealousy, pride, hate, etc.) is easy, lol. I wasn't suggesting that at all.

What we are to do is simple and easy to understand. Doing it is not, necessarily. I'm convinced it takes a lifetime to perfect this in our lives, but Peter speaks of a progressive increase of walking in the qualities of the Spirit (2 Peter 1:8). Two steps forward/ one step back is still a net movement forward, and is, I believe, what we can reasonably expect as obedient, seeking children of God yearning to grow up into the image of our Father.

It seems just knowing what to do to not sin seems to be the elusive knowledge among Christians that keeps so many of us locked in our sins, not the fact that it's hard to do.

The thoughts that come to my mind is confession with godly sorrow, but godly sorrow is something you can't whip up like cake batter. Is it a waiting on God to work that in you?
I think so. And he does that through the trials and difficulties and sufferings of this life that serve as the opportunities that press us into choosing the way of the Spirit over the way of the flesh and which build our (godly) character.

"...we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope." (Romans 3:3-4 NIV1984)

I guess I'm trying to have someone elaborate on what a person could do when they recognize they don't walk in the Spirit or have great difficulty walking in the Spirit.
Know the will of God for you in all situations by reading the Bible over and over. If we do that, the Word will talk back to us in the power of the Holy Spirit when temptation rears up again (Proverbs 6:22).

And sit in quietness before God during and after the battle with the flesh. It gives room for the very real power of God to come in and quiet the desires that rage within. And the reward of that experience prepares us for the next bout. The manifest love of God becomes more valuable to us than any reward we may get from acting out in the flesh. We learn this over time.

Perhaps it's something someone naturally does when they come to God in faith, which I don't think a person can whip that up either on their own.
I'd say the desire to do that comes as the expected consequence of coming to faith in God. I know from my own experience that when I walk in the Spirit I stay in the manifest goodness of God. I lose the life of the Spirit when I choose to answer wrongly to the trials of life. And the more I experience of the goodness of God through my obedience the more I long for it and can trust that love to take care of me if I don't resort to the sin I have been so sure I need to do to take care of myself.
There is a way to abide in the spirit, it is a process of death and life. The key is the Cross by which we crucify that flesh and self life within us. The scriptures do not not speak these things in vain.
It is a wonderful death, to die with Him. The flesh will make every aurgument against doing that which the scriptures declare we must do.
"Lift up holy hands"?
Crucified hands that remember that we have died with Him and by this death we also live by His life.

Walking in the spirit, is that law of life that is beyond the Cross. The scriptures work to bring the flesh to the Cross? the soulish life crucified! The spirit set at liberty from the bondage of the flesh.

For that Word cuts and divides soul and spirit. Judging the thoughts and intentions of the heart. If one rejects the scriptures at any point, they are in rejected there own liberty.

"after ye have suffered" There is suffereing but it is not to be compared to the glory that will be revealed in us. Paul called this suffering "but for a moment" There is a process of correction for the purpose of bringing us from the flesh into growth in the spirit.
There is much error upon this subject because the whole counsel of the scriptures are not used for light upon this issue.

We are to go from glory to glory, to grown in grace and knowledge unto to The Image of Christ.

Now it is clear to me that most who promote suffering, do not have an understanding of Gods Glory, but are just trying to look and act religious. The pharisee loved for others to see thier "suffering" and outward displays of religion.

As we are moved by faith into the truth of Gods Word, satan has a right to test that word. Here is the battle.

Because satan is the father of lies, the Truth takes away part of his kindgom. He loses a part of this world whenever the truth is believed. Therefore having this world he defends his kingdom against the Truth. He will attempt steal away the truth from the heart of anyone who receives the truth.

Here is the testing and trying of our faith.
Now it is clear to me that most who promote suffering, do not have an understanding of Gods Glory, but are just trying to look and act religious. The pharisee loved for others to see thier "suffering" and outward displays of religion.
These days I'm not sure I even know anybody, in or out of the pulpit, who promotes the value of suffering. No, wait, I've heard Joel Osteen speak about it. Yeah, Joel Osteen. I'm not kidding. He actually handles it quite well. I'm not an advocate of the Prosperity Gospel but I will say Joel baby knows full well what Paul was talking about when he said this:

"...we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope." (Romans 5:3 NIV1984)

And David speaks of the value of his suffering and how it made him more obedient to the ways of God:

67 Before I was afflicted I went astray,
but now I obey your word.
71 It was good for me to be afflicted
so that I might learn your decrees.
(Psalm 119:67,71 NIV1984)

I'm thoroughly convinced you'll grow more in, and as a result of, your sufferings than you will in, and as a result of, a Spirit-filled worship service. The worship service seems to actually find it's value after we have suffered and experienced the grace of God in that suffering and then we approach God in praise and thanksgiving for that grace. The worship doesn't seem to be the source of the actual grace for growing up into the things of the Spirit. Our daily lives is where that happens.

I don't sign up for sufferings. In fact, I'm all about avoiding them. I hate the things I've suffered in this life. They make me wanna die and go home to Jesus. And the only rejoicing I do concerning them is when they're done and over...gone...outa sight, but it's an undeniable Biblical and experiential fact that suffering is where God does his work of growing the saint of God up into the stature of Christ. You don't have to sign up for them. The evil one will take care of that, but the day will come when you will thank God for what he has brought out of what you have suffered.

"And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast." (1 Peter 5:10 NIV1984)

13 Then I will teach transgressors your ways,
and sinners will turn back to you.
19 Then there will be righteous sacrifices,
whole burnt offerings to delight you;
then bulls will be offered on your altar.
(Psalm 51:13-19 NIV1984)
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These days I'm not sure I even know anybody, in or out of the pulpit, who promotes the value of suffering. No, wait, I've heard Joel Osteen speak about it. Yeah, Joel Osteen. I'm not kidding. He actually handles it quite well. I'm not an advocate of the Prosperity Gospel but I will say Joel baby knows full well what Paul was talking about when he said this:

"...we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope." (Romans 5:3 NIV1984)

And David speaks of the value of his suffering and how it made him more obedient to the ways of God:

67 Before I was afflicted I went astray,
but now I obey your word.
71 It was good for me to be afflicted
so that I might learn your decrees.
(Psalm 119:67,71 NIV1984)

I'm thoroughly convinced you'll grow more in, and as a result of, your sufferings than you will in, and as a result of, a Spirit-filled worship service. The worship service seems to actually find it's value after we have suffered and experienced the grace of God in that suffering and then we approach God in praise and thanksgiving for that grace. The worship doesn't seem to be the source of the actual grace for growing up into the things of the Spirit. Our daily lives is where that happens.

I don't sign up for sufferings. In fact, I'm all about avoiding them. I hate the things I've suffered in this life. They make me wanna die and go home to Jesus. And the only rejoicing I do concerning them is when they're done and over...gone...outa sight, but it's an undeniable Biblical and experiential fact that suffering is where God does his work of growing the saint of God up into the stature of Christ. You don't have to sign up for them. The evil one will take care of that, but the day will come when you will thank God for what he has brought out of what you have suffered.

"And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast." (1 Peter 5:10 NIV1984)

13 Then I will teach transgressors your ways,
and sinners will turn back to you.
19 Then there will be righteous sacrifices,
whole burnt offerings to delight you;
then bulls will be offered on your altar.
(Psalm 51:13-19 NIV1984)

Good post and much to be agreed with!
I will add that we suffer because we believe the truth and because we will not be moved from the truth we know in Christ.

I relate this to many who claim to suffer in sickness and attempt to make their sickness a sign of godly living? Jesus was manifest to destroy the works of satan, sickness is a product of the sin that came at the fall. Just as sure as Christ bore our sins, He bore our sickness.

Now I do not condemn those who struggle with sickness nor do I say they lack real faith. I do say that many perish for the lack of knowledge and dicernment of The Lords Body.

If a true Communion was understood? All this sickness and death would be swallowed up in Victory.

Satan has taken the most important truths of scripture and currupted them in a certain false religion. As truth is restored to the Church this truth will be brought back as well.
Now I do not condemn those who struggle with sickness nor do I say they lack real faith. I do say that many perish for the lack of knowledge and dicernment of The Lords Body.
Yes, more Christians need to know you can not hurt other Christians and not literally suffer in your body for it.

If a true Communion was understood? All this sickness and death would be swallowed up in Victory.
All? Probably not.

Affliction has it's purpose. It seems that the real suffering is in trying to live in obedience to God when everything screams at you to resort to the sin you used to rely on and are so accustomed to indulging to take care of yourself. That's the suffering, the patient endurance, that God sees and remembers and will reward a person for. Be patient, be faithful, O saints of God.

Satan has taken the most important truths of scripture and currupted them in a certain false religion. As truth is restored to the Church this truth will be brought back as well.
I've been hearing this for all of the 27 years I've been a Christian. Not a terribly long time in the big scheme of things, but so many preachers have been saying it's right around the corner for so long. Well, it's been right around the corner for all of my 27 years in the Lord. I don't listen to them anymore.

I'm convinced these are the last days when the leaven has all but polluted the kingdom of God with no remedy available, and the real truth is not going to be loudly published for the masses to see and hear and overtake the church, but will remain discreet and hidden and reserved for the pure in heart who are navigating their way through this polluted mess the church has become.

I'm convinced the next great revelation of the Glory and Word of God for all to see will be the Day he splits the skies with his return, upon which day...

41 The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil." (Matthew 13:41 NIV1984)
Yes, more Christians need to know you can not hurt other Christians and not literally suffer in your body for it.

All? Probably not.

Affliction has it's purpose. It seems that the real suffering is in trying to live in obedience to God when everything screams at you to resort to the sin you used to rely on and are so accustomed to indulging to take care of yourself. That's the suffering, the patient endurance, that God sees and remembers and will reward a person for. Be patient, be faithful, O saints of God.

I've been hearing this for all of the 27 years I've been a Christian. Not a terribly long time in the big scheme of things, but so many preachers have been saying it's right around the corner for so long. Well, it's been right around the corner for all of my 27 years in the Lord. I don't listen to them anymore.

I'm convinced these are the last days when the leaven has all but polluted the kingdom of God with no remedy available, and the real truth is not going to be loudly published for the masses to see and hear and overtake the church, but will remain discreet and hidden and reserved for the pure in heart who are navigating their way through this polluted mess the church has become.

I'm convinced the next great revelation of the Glory and Word of God for all to see will be the Day he splits the skies with his return, upon which day...

41 The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil." (Matthew 13:41 NIV1984)

I think the points you make,seem to be held and presented in an honest way.

I do believe part of discerning of the Lords Body is understanding of the laws of love that are supposed to rule His Church. But that is not the point I was making nor is it the point made throughout scripture, both OT and NT. The healing of the body is directly related to the forgivness of sins, so many times in scripture that if one could see the truth of how sin was judged in His Body, they would naturally understand that they have been set free from the effects of sin.

This is a truth that takes a level of faith and seperation unto God and His Spirit that most are not willing to be tested in this truth also?

But the promise is sure to those who will hold and not be moved.

The communion "bread" itself was not a picture of love in the Church although I agree with your point, it was a picture of His Body, broken for us.

The Blood that came from His side is better represents your point. They both are to work together.
The healing of the body is directly related to the forgivness of sins...
IOW, health because of the forgiveness of sin, the sin guilt being what hindered the health and well being of the body. This I definitely subscribe to.

Want to make yourself miserable, depressed, even sick? Walk in jealousy, hatred, envy, covetousness, adulterous thoughts, adultery itself, theft, lying, cheating, dishonesty, divisions, selfish ambitions, rage, etc....
I'm convinced these are the last days when the leaven has all but polluted the kingdom of God with no remedy available, and the real truth is not going to be loudly published for the masses to see and hear and overtake the church, but will remain discreet and hidden and reserved for the pure in heart who are navigating their way through this polluted mess the church has become. (your quote)
Hi Jethro,
I am right there with you Brother. I believe that the buildings and the institutions that we call churches today are all but that mustard seed that has turned into the Frankenstein tree in Matt 13:32. We see the birds off the air have nests ALL over its branches.

But God has remained faithful, If we truly want the truth He will provide a teacher and church that teaches the real Gospel. And it will be a Church that the world has not heard of or it will be under such attack by the world, we will KNOW that its teaching the truth.

I enjoy reading your posts, God must have given you some sound Bible doctrine in your 27 years as a Christian.
I'm convinced these are the last days when the leaven has all but polluted the kingdom of God with no remedy available, and the real truth is not going to be loudly published for the masses to see and hear and overtake the church, but will remain discreet and hidden and reserved for the pure in heart who are navigating their way through this polluted mess the church has become. (your quote)
Hi Jethro,
I am right there with you Brother. I believe that the buildings and the institutions that we call churches today are all but that mustard seed that has turned into the Frankenstein tree in Matt 13:32. We see the birds off the air have nests ALL over its branches.

But God has remained faithful, If we truly want the truth He will provide a teacher and church that teaches the real Gospel. And it will be a Church that the world has not heard of or it will be under such attack by the world, we will KNOW that its teaching the truth.

I enjoy reading your posts, God must have given you some sound Bible doctrine in your 27 years as a Christian.

I dont want to get the thread too far off topic, but I agree with what you have both expressed and even have dreams from the Lord that have shown me this demonic strong-hold among the denoms. But I must say that the gospel has not been preached and taught but this mixture of law a grace that defiles both the law and the grace of God. Two levens are revealed to us? hypocricy which comes from those who claim to honor the law but do not, and wickedness that comes from the lust and desires of the flesh of those who are under a false grace. A grace that excuses sin but does not overcome the sin.

I believe the Lord has revealed to me, that as the truth of the True Gospel is preached again as it was in the beginning by Paul, the Body will begin to heal itself.

The only biblical answer to sin, is grace! The only hope for the church is that they would walk in grace and in the spirit.

Even this topic of "walking in the Spirit" is not taught or known in the church! Those who most often use the term are speaking of some odd ideas about being in some excited state of religious ferver! Nothing could be further from the truth?
Walking in the spirit is best descibed as "entering into Gods rest"
I believe that walking in the Spirit is a very easy concept, but for us as sinners to accomplish it and live that way is a life long journey.

I think our constant barrage of religion and this world hide the simplicity of Grace from us, and our sin nature of course.

In Gods word there is nothing mystical or emotional about being filled with the Spirit and walking with Him.

There are 3 conditions that the believer must do to be filled with the Spirit in Gods word.
is a Person not a thing (John 15:26; 16:7; 2 Cor. 13:14; 1 Pet. 1:2). The Holy Spirit
is the unseen power of God. He reveals the Plan of God on earth and is the agent
for executing the Christian way of life.

1. we are not to grieve the Spirit.... “Grieving” the Holy Spirit (Eph 4:30) any known Sin that you have in your life. and 1 John 1:9 covers you. name it and site and be done with it,even if you KNOW you will have to confess it again tomorrow. He is faithful to forgive your sins and all unrighteousness(unknown sins) Grieving is also lying to the Spirit.

2. we are not to quench the spirit....“Quenching” the Holy Spirit (1 Thess. 5:19). This is saying NO to the spirit. All we have to do is be willing to do Gods will. Human good, Works,religion, legalism are a few examples of Quenching the spirit. Just be willing to do Gods will.

3. Walk in the Spirit...and if you have the first 2 conditions met,you are walking in the Spirit.

I am to the point that I can last a couple minutes in the Spirit. but Bible doctrine day in and day out for 20 or 30 years I hope to graduate to ten minutes or so.
I believe that walking in the Spirit is a very easy concept, but for us as sinners to accomplish it and live that way is a life long journey.

I think our constant barrage of religion and this world hide the simplicity of Grace from us, and our sin nature of course.

In Gods word there is nothing mystical or emotional about being filled with the Spirit and walking with Him.

There are 3 conditions that the believer must do to be filled with the Spirit in Gods word.
is a Person not a thing (John 15:26; 16:7; 2 Cor. 13:14; 1 Pet. 1:2). The Holy Spirit
is the unseen power of God. He reveals the Plan of God on earth and is the agent
for executing the Christian way of life.

1. we are not to grieve the Spirit.... “Grieving” the Holy Spirit (Eph 4:30) any known Sin that you have in your life. and 1 John 1:9 covers you. name it and site and be done with it,even if you KNOW you will have to confess it again tomorrow. He is faithful to forgive your sins and all unrighteousness(unknown sins) Grieving is also lying to the Spirit.

2. we are not to quench the spirit....“Quenching” the Holy Spirit (1 Thess. 5:19). This is saying NO to the spirit. All we have to do is be willing to do Gods will. Human good, Works,religion, legalism are a few examples of Quenching the spirit. Just be willing to do Gods will.

3. Walk in the Spirit...and if you have the first 2 conditions met,you are walking in the Spirit.

I am to the point that I can last a couple minutes in the Spirit. but Bible doctrine day in and day out for 20 or 30 years I hope to graduate to ten minutes or so.

Jarrod, you sound as a honest and forthright believer. I have written much on this thread about the truth of walking in the spirit. It is not a suggestion or something we do for a few mins as we are able. It is walking in the light and truth of who we are in Christ.

Do not confuse being filled with the Holy Spirit and "walking in the spirit" we see that the Corinithain church was a carnal church that had spiritual gifts. Over and over we are told that we must "renew" our minds, and set our minds upon Christ.
Over and over we are told the victory over the flesh is to walk in the spirit? I doubt 10 mins a day brings much victory over the flesh? Also you appear to teach the word? although you admit you have little ability to be "spiritual"?

I do not want to be harsh but that makes little biblical sense to me?

You state that "walking in the spirit" is a "very easy concept" yet you proclaim that you are not able to do that "easy" thing?

Could it be that you do not understand?

Now again I see alot of truth in you, but I am a "called" teacher of Gods Word, and i must be honest with you. I see much error in your understanding and doctrine. I hope that you might consider the first lesson of being a student of the Word and of the Spirit of Truth? " if any man thinks he knows anything, let him admit he knows nothing yet as he should know"

Grow in grace and knowledge of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Jarrod, you sound as a honest and forthright believer. I have written much on this thread about the truth of walking in the spirit. It is not a suggestion or something we do for a few mins as we are able. It is walking in the light and truth of who we are in Christ.

Do not confuse being filled with the Holy Spirit and "walking in the spirit" we see that the Corinithain church was a carnal church that had spiritual gifts. Over and over we are told that we must "renew" our minds, and set our minds upon Christ.
Over and over we are told the victory over the flesh is to walk in the spirit? I doubt 10 mins a day brings much victory over the flesh? Also you appear to teach the word? although you admit you have little ability to be "spiritual"?

I do not want to be harsh but that makes little biblical sense to me?

You state that "walking in the spirit" is a "very easy concept" yet you proclaim that you are not able to do that "easy" thing?

Could it be that you do not understand?

Now again I see alot of truth in you, but I am a "called" teacher of Gods Word, and i must be honest with you. I see much error in your understanding and doctrine. I hope that you might consider the first lesson of being a student of the Word and of the Spirit of Truth? " if any man thinks he knows anything, let him admit he knows nothing yet as he should know"

Grow in grace and knowledge of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Hi Mitspa,

I was being sarcastic and I am sorry for the misunderstanding.

This is not a mystical and emotional ride. as believers we have access to all that is ours In Christ. and we can not walk in the Spirit if we are not Filled with the spirit. and there are simple and direct conditions to our Filling as believers , Christ did not hide them from us. we have access the moment we BELIEVE and most teachers and most pastors will not let believers know how easy it is to access these promises. Do not grieve, do not quench and walk, it is that simple.


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