OSAS vs OSNAS is no longer allowed to be discussed here in CF. Same goes with Arminianism vs Calvinism or pinning any particular religion against another that causes division among the members in what and how they believe by what or who is teaching them.I can't remember if this board has a rule against discussing OSAS vs OSnAS - or any discussion of Arminianism vs Calvinism - one board I know has a rule against it. I would hate for that rule to knock out our "Faith is a work - vs "Faith is not a work" discussion; but I think we are on a slippery slope.
CF.net does not hold to the various doctrines of man or his religious affiliation, but only the Doctrines of Christ for what He has already given to the Apostles to write in what we study from. God is infallible in all knowledge as He alone is our knowledge, man is not and errors are made in their own views and opinions. These are discussions done in a mature manner as we are all ever learning and could never exhaust our understanding of what is written in the Bible. We need to be opened for correction as the Holy Spirit gives us when we do error in our understanding as only the Holy Spirit, not man's various religions and philosophies, as only the Holy Spirit teaches us all truths in what God wants us to learn.
Latin root word for religion is bondage, which is different then that of Gods pure religion of James 1:27, but that of following tradition and the doctrine of a mans church, not Gods true Church. The Latin root word is religare as re is a prefix that means return and ligare means to bind. Religion tells you what you can and cannot do and becomes socially acceptable by mans interpretations, traditions and doctrines. Religion is what nailed Christ to the cross because the Bible is not socially acceptable to society, if it were then Christ would have died in vain. God is not about mans religion, nor does he recognize religion. God is about a personal relationship with you and His son Jesus Christ.
John 1:1-14