How can you believe something you have yet to hear?
I heard/believed/accepted the message of the gospel, and then turned from sin and received the gift of the Holy Ghost.
My rebirth came after I heard I could be free.
Belief does NOT bring salvation. Belief is a fruit of the Spirit given as a result of being saved not the cause of it. God commits that all whom He has chosen to salvation will hear the Gospel. From that, their faith grows, but only because they have ALREADY become saved/born again
[Gal 5:22 KJV] 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness,
You will need to show at least one example of that from scripture.
Paul's experience doesn't show that.
Oh yes it does
1) From Paul:
[Rom 12:2 KJV] 2 And be not conformed to this world:
but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
The renewing of their mind PROVED the receipt of the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. In other words, the good and acceptable and perfect will of God had already transpired, their transformation was the result of it.
2) Where do you read in the Bible of Saul (Paul) of himself choosing to accept Christ or anything regarding Christ? Just the opposite in fact. Right up to the instant he was born again on the road to Damascus, he had accepted nothing, and it was his life's desire to imprison and kill Christians because of their belief- which he had already done. Saul instantaneously changed to a Christian without doing anything of himself. He went from the world's greatest anti-Christian protagonist to its most prolific biblical writer, almost immediately. Question: How did that happen and happen in that manner? Answer: Solely because God chose Saul to be saved and to be His instrument
How does one believe something they have no knowledge of?
They don't, but neither is belief a requirement for salvation. Belief comes after salvation. It is not the cause of it. God commits to providing the Gospel to all who He has chosen to become born again. It is from that, that belief is born, and grows. The reverse is also true: that unless someone is born-again, no matter how often they hear the Gospel, it will bring forth no change in them. They will consider it folly.
f there is a gift given, there is a Giver of the gift.
All men are given a choice to follow, or ignore/reject that gift.
Rejecting it doesn't mean there was no Giver.
There is a giver of the gift, but the gift is not given to all.
Unless born again, it is impossible to desire the gift. Before salvation
everyone is dead spiritually in sin, and incapable of giving to themselves
spiritual life - just as a physically dead person cannot give themselves physical life neither can a spiritually dead person give themselves spiritual life.
I never said nor did I imply there is no giver. The giver is God, but He only gives the
gift to certain people, not everyone. And whom He chooses to give it to, it shall be within themselves.