A self-appointed pedigree that does not stand up to historical scrutiny save by the scrutiny of those that have a vested self-interest.
Definition of Church: The Bible never uses the term visible church or invisible church. But the idea of the visible church versus the invisible church is a natural result of a biblical understanding of the doctrine of salvation. The visible church is the expression of Christianity that people can see: the gathering and practices of the individuals in various church buildings on Sundays. The invisible church is the true church, which only God can see: born-again believers, past, present, and future. Because not everyone who attends church or performs religious deeds is saved, the visible church includes unbelievers. The invisible church is comprised of the redeemed and sealed by God. Gotquestions (I like this site as it saves me a lot of typing).
Roman Catholic Doctrine:
When you understand the the mass (in the Mass, "the same Christ who offered himself once in a bloody manner on the altar of the cross, is present and offered in an unbloody manner"), the treasury of merit, indulgences, the excess merit of Mary, purgatory, that one righteousness consists of that of Christ, Mary, the saints and oneself, sacraments, that the priest is another Christ (Google) … yeah, right ... this is the infallible, true church.
If you ever want to take over religion you claim to be the infallible representative of God and sole source of scriptural interpretation and able to Christianity of antiquity is demonstrably Catholic. I can provide the names of Catholic bishops, writings, Councils, archaeological sites, saints, martyrs, liturgical prayers, Scriptures, psalters, epitaphs, art work, names of her opponents, etc. from eaplace tradition on a par with scripture.