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Is TULIP biblical?

It's of no value to tell a person they must repent to be saved if in your heart you know it's not honest because it's God that must predestinate any person to repent.
It's like the God given love any decent parent has for his or her wayward child has become apathy.
It's like the caring any person can have for a loved one has become unGodly.

It's just so foreign to everything Jesus taught by word and deed.
Calvanists teach everyone is born unable to repent. Do you believe children are incapable of understanding God loves all people and will forgive our sins if we repent?
I wonder if I will get into trouble for thi?

This gets ticky, do you really mean what you seem to have said?

Repentance is under John’s baptism, but John the Baptist also said and believe in the one who comes after me. There is one name under heaven whereby we can be saved. (Jesus)
I will let you explain.

Mississippi redneck
It's like the God given love any decent parent has for his or her wayward child has become apathy.
It's like the caring any person can have for a loved one has become unGodly.

It's just so foreign to everything Jesus taught by word and deed.
Correct 100%
Why did Jesus have His ministry if not to teach us how to achieve salvation...
If He taught how, it means it's up to us to decide for God or against Him.
Romans 6:16.
I wonder if I will get into trouble for thi?

This gets ticky, do you really mean what you seem to have said?

Repentance is under John’s baptism, but John the Baptist also said and believe in the one who comes after me. There is one name under heaven whereby we can be saved. (Jesus)
I will let you explain.

Mississippi redneck
Journeyman is correct.
This is what totally depraved means.
Man is unable to repent because he is totally depraved. This is the reformed/calvinist teaching.
Journeyman is correct.
This is what totally depraved means.
Man is unable to repent because he is totally depraved. This is the reformed/calvinist teaching.
Unwilling by as he isn't inclined.

Without the Power to change I can't

Can the murderer undo his act ? By himself ,no he can't undo the death and change his past .

Angels can love and hate ,they feel pain and fear .

No offer to repent given should they rebel and they the demons also are his creations and sons of God as spoken of in job .

job 1:6.

If God is a parent like as some claim then I guess he is a poor one .do we simply let minors own ,touch a gun without proper safety precautions.thr tree was a poison and no it didn't create itself ,Satan can't create life .God made that .

Unwilling versus unable ought to be noted. I willing to fight in the ring but my age and injuries render that unwise( unable ) .

Im very willing to work in certain fields I once did but the opportunity isn't there ,this a type of unable .

Walking miles didn't phase me .still doesn't once I get back to it . opportunity for that work isn't there .
I wonder if I will get into trouble for thi?

This gets ticky, do you really mean what you seem to have said?
I meant every word.
Repentance is under John’s baptism, but John the Baptist also said and believe in the one who comes after me.
This is why John said, "He must increase, but I must decrease." Jn.3:30 KJV

And why Paul said."Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.
1Cor.11:1 KJV

because Jesus said, "Abide in me," Jn.15:4
There is one name under heaven whereby we can be saved. (Jesus)
I will let you explain.

Mississippi redneck
Easily. The One Name under Heaven we must be saved by, shown grace for having sinned against, may go to for forgiveness is God. Now you understand why the Son put up with mankinds sin against Himself.

Is it plain enough to you that Jesus is God and will sit as Judge over all living and dead which includes every sin committed against Him before and after He was born on earth?

Please let me know.
Correct 100%
Why did Jesus have His ministry if not to teach us how to achieve salvation...
If He taught how, it means it's up to us to decide for God or against Him.
Romans 6:16.
Yes wondering,
Paul absolutely taught Gods' mercy towards sinners is clearly displayed in Christs' patience with sinners that hated Him so much they planned and executed Him...contrary to Moses' law.

Isn't it true that Jesus annuled the law that would have executed them?

That's called Grace. 😊
Unwilling by as he isn't inclined.
Unwilling means you're are not going to do something.
Inclined means you're leaning toward one side and may change your mind.
Calvinism teaches that no one can go to God unless God predestinates him to.

Without the Power to change I can't
That would be the Holy Spirit Whom Jesus sent to be our paraclete.

Can the murderer undo his act ? By himself ,no he can't undo the death and change his past .

Angels can love and hate ,they feel pain and fear .
Sounds like you know for sure.
I don't know for sure and really don't know how you can.

If God is a parent like as some claim then I guess he is a poor one .do we simply let minors own ,touch a gun without proper safety precautions.thr tree was a poison and no it didn't create itself ,Satan can't create life .God made that .
God is not a parent like we are parents. We could use it as an example sometimes, as even Jesus did,
but I'd say He's very different.
You state the above because you don't believe in free will.
The devil is present....
We could obey God or we could obey him.
Our choice.

Happily for humanity, God has given every person alive the possibility to be saved.

Unwilling versus unable ought to be noted. I willing to fight in the ring but my age and injuries render that unwise( unable ) .
Unable means that humans are unable to go to God unless God commands them to.
Calvinism is easy get it all mixed up with regular Christianity.
You can't mix the two.
Unwilling means you're are not going to do something.
Inclined means you're leaning toward one side and may change your mind.
Calvinism teaches that no one can go to God unless God predestinates him to.

That would be the Holy Spirit Whom Jesus sent to be our paraclete.

Sounds like you know for sure.
I don't know for sure and really don't know how you can.

God is not a parent like we are parents. We could use it as an example sometimes, as even Jesus did,
but I'd say He's very different.
You state the above because you don't believe in free will.

The devil is present....
We could obey God or we could obey him.
Our choice.


Happily for humanity, God has given every person alive the possibility to be saved.

Unable means that humans are unable to go to God unless God commands them to.
Calvinism is easy get it all mixed up with regular Christianity.
You can't mix the two.
You mean historic Catholics which I called mostly heresy .
That said,despite history of man killing each other .in Roman mass graves of babies killed before Christ and after .and after as cultures .

Free to me without conditions .

I'm not free to ignore God to do as I wish and live .

Im not the one who believes that a Muslim who believes in God is saved or a pagan who worships the red woods or cherokee .

That's you .you simply believe man is by nature good at birth and simply makes mistakes and some become evil.despiitr 80 years ago .i know must be aware of the lineage I bear .

Even in America.

But I guess the Lord doesn't order the steps of the righteous .life is random. ...

I'm Not a reformed or arminist .I don't believe in your extremes of free will that you simply can't define .
Do you believe children are conceived in sin?
Of course. We are the offspring of our parents who are imperfect by having sinned and all the way back to the garden.

We are therefore born into a sinful world.

This doesn't mean sinners cannot understand that God exists and will forgive the repentant. The Messiah also said to become like children for a reason.

The reason is,

unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Mt.18:3 ESV

So lets' become like them. 😊

By the way, did you notice I answered your question but you didn't answer my question? This was my question,

Do you believe children are incapable of understanding God loves all people and will forgive our sins if we repent?
Unwilling means you're are not going to do something.
Inclined means you're leaning toward one side and may change your mind.
Calvinism teaches that no one can go to God unless God predestinates him to.

That would be the Holy Spirit Whom Jesus sent to be our paraclete.

Sounds like you know for sure.
I don't know for sure and really don't know how you can.

God is not a parent like we are parents. We could use it as an example sometimes, as even Jesus did,
but I'd say He's very different.
You state the above because you don't believe in

You should study some Christian History.
We may not be like the orcs today, but we certainly were back thousands of years ago when the Israelites walked the earth and also when Jesus was on earth.

People were either rich or poor. They went hungry and had no medical treatment.
Towns were raided, people taken captive, and some were burned down.

Christianity created more civil action/behavior on the part of persons.
It began the first universities in Europe.
I would think this could be found on the's good stuff to know.

We're certainly more civil today, but only because we follow the commandments -
all civilized societies follow the commandments whether they call it that or not.

I agree. But they also are following laws.
What I'm saying is that without following the commandments, our society would become pretty savage within 2 or 3 generations - degenerating into the strongest have the command.

The only explanation is that they were out of their body.
But still, the main point is that we believe Jesus or we don't.
That's the decision we have to make.

Right. But He's not in a padded room!
He's still remembered 2,000 years after His death.
The resurrection is the proof that He was who He said He was.
I'll put a link at the end. You might know this guy too...he's an expert on the resurrection.

Riven, scripture cannot contradict itself.
It states that we're to honor our mother and father in the commandments.
Jesus taught that Love covers sin...that the 10 are all contained in the two:
Love God
Love your neighbor as yourself.

So surely the hating must mean something different.
The bible was written in a different culture, in a different language.
Hate, in this instance, means to love less. (not hate as we understand it...some words are not in English and the translation is bad).
Jesus meant that if we don't love HIM first, above everything else, even our parents, then what He teaches will not work.
Read the 2 commandments again and you'll see what I mean.
We love GOD FIRST....then we ARE ABLE to love everything else.

The universe is not neutral.
Stars explode into each other.
The sun flares thousands of miles and would destroy the earth if the flares came any closer.
Planets are dead, they have no life in them.

A soft breeze could turn into a hurricane.
A soft rainfall could turn into a big storm.
The soft ocean could turn into a tidal wave.
Plants could survive, or they could die.

Ditto for animals.
Evil infests everything.
This is why Romans 8:19.....states that even nature is waiting for redemption.
Adams fall affected our relationship with:

19For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God.
20For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope
21that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption...

And yet scholars who study scripture accept that the resurrection happened.

I asked you an important question that you didn't answer:
WHY should I believe the NT?
Faith is not the answer.

No. If we believe Jesus then we must also live by His teachings.
We will always sin, but living a LIFE OF SIN is not acceptable to God.
It would mean that we're following the evil one and not God.

Right. Even Paul agrees with you.
Romans 8:24
24For in hope we have been saved, but hope that is seen is not hope; for who hopes for what he already sees? 25But if we hope for what we do not see, with perseverance we wait eagerly for it.

Try to answer the question I've asked you.


OK, but not all muslims are saved.
If they really believe in God, then they will be.
If someone never heard about God but they see Him in nature and worship Him, then they will be saved.
Persons that don't agree with this seem, at least to me, to put God in a very little box. Most on this forum disagree with me. As if only they have the real God.
So I agree with you.

Some Christians feel intimidated.
Follow God, not Christians.

I wonder what she meant by different opinions.
We've got plenty right here on this forum!
free will.
The devil is present....
We could obey God or we could obey him.
Our choice.

Happily for humanity, God has given every person alive the possibility to be saved.

Unable means that humans are unable to go to God unless God commands them to.
Calvinism is easy get it all mixed up with regular Christianity.
You can't mix the two.
Choose can't get a choice if none is offered. Unwilling meaning that unless God seeks us out we simply won't know .

Yet you claim .

That j can see God in nature .

There are alleged churches that don't read Bibles and simply go horse back riding. The wiccans and pagans are close to that .

Which God is this God ?

The Trinity or some pantheon ?

This doesn't mean sinners cannot understand that God exists and will forgive the repentant. The Messiah also said to become like children for a reason.

Yes it does, man may understand a god exist, a creator yet we have no saving knowledge of God, that comes through a saving work of Jesus Christ Jn 17:1-3

These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee:

2 As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him.

3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

That Knowledge of the True God is with the Gift of Eternal life.
Choose can't get a choice if none is offered. Unwilling meaning that unless God seeks us out we simply won't know .
You addressed this to wondering, but I would ask you to examine the passages of scripture where sinners are "unwilling" to acknowledge God.

Is there anything in those passages that indicates why sinners are "unwilling" to come to God?

Is there anything in those passages which says people didn't regress from the knowledge of God? In other words, sinners once believed in God, but over time sin consumed them?

The NT shows God as a loving Father toward all, like the father in the "prodigal son" parable.

The NT shows God sending prophets to people and some listened and some didn't, but the point the NT makes is that our loving God always gave sinners whether Jew or gentile time to repent.

That's what the gospel shows our great Lord Jesus doing I'm sure you'll agree. 😊
Of course. We are the offspring of our parents who are imperfect by having sinned and all the way back to the garden.

We are therefore born into a sinful world.

This doesn't mean sinners cannot understand that God exists and will forgive the repentant. The Messiah also said to become like children for a reason.

The reason is,

unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Mt.18:3 ESV

So lets' become like them. 😊

By the way, did you notice I answered your question but you didn't answer my question? This was my question,

Do you believe children are incapable of understanding God loves all people and will forgive our sins if we repent?
14 and the natural man doth not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for to him they are foolishness, and he is not able to know [them], because spiritually they are discerned;
It's of no value to tell a person they must repent to be saved if in your heart you know it's not honest because it's God that must predestinate any person to repent.
it is quite honest to command people to repent and believe,
The Apostle Paul who was used to teach the believing church about election and predetination had no problem teaching that very thing.
31 Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.
Salvation is not "achieved" , but granted as a gift of grace. Perhaps you should learn of it.
Christ achieved Salvation/Redemption for His People He died for Heb 9:12

Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.