MarkT said:
You're assuming they were saved and you're assuming some sort of status ie. saved. not saved. First they were saved. Then they were not. But knowing Jesus is the Christ is knowing. Remember even demons recognized Jesus. But Peter doesn't go so far as to say they were saved. He said they had received the word, the holy commandment. They were informed and then they turned back.
Perhaps we need to define "saved" means, according to the Bible. It means that a person is freed from sin. Jesus came to save man. How? By freeing us from sin by His death. Being saved means being freed from sin. It DOES NOT mean "going to heaven", although it certainly is a necessary step to that process.
Now, let's look at what Peter said:
For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. 2 PEter 2:20-21
Now, first, they ESCAPED THE POLLUTIONS OF THE WORLD. Clearly, that is a saved person, whether they are a teacher or not, the result is the same. Escaping the pollutions of the world means they escape sin. SAVED. Escaping the pollutions of the world, sin, happens only one way, Mark. By being saved through the Blood of Christ.
Do you disagree with that? Do you have ANOTHER means in mind where people escape the pollutions of the world?
Yes, Peter considered those false teachers as "once saved". They had escaped the pollutions of the world at one point in their lives. They, being teachers, had a more advanced knowledge of Christ - but by becoming proud, they began to teach falsely. Their actions became recognizable as bearing bad fruit. How? They returned to their former ways of sin. RETURNED, mark. That means they once LEFT their evil ways. Again, more evidence that Peter is talking about saved men. Whether they were teachers or not is inconsequential. We have a saved man who returned to the vomit of his former life. Thus, once saved always saved is false, according to Scriptures.
Clearly, this passage rules out OSAS, which is why I suggested long ago that a person use this to test a so-called teacher to see what they said and how they would avoid what the Bible actually says on the subject.
MarkT said:
He said they had turned back from the sound teaching they had received, and they were leading men astray. For this reason it would have been better for them if they had never known the way of righteousness.
francisdesales said:
That is not all it says.
It says they turned from a life of sin.
MarkT said:
Outwardly perhaps they did for a time.
Which means they were once saved, not always saved... Thanks ;)
MarkT said:
francisdesales said:
It's a proverb, not a scientific fact. Nor is the sinner a biological dog... Pleae remember that a proverb is not to be taken literally
It’s a spiritual fact francis. A truth. Or do you prefer scientific 'facts' over truth?
You are twisting my point so you don't have to confront it.
Yes, it is a spiritual truth, because men are not dogs. But Peter's point, and mine, remains. We don't take such statements in Scriptures literally, since men are not dogs, nor do they have a spirit analogous to dogs. They ACT like dogs when they return to their vomit, not that they ARE dogs.
MarkT said:
francisdesales said:
Peter didn't believe in OSAS!!! Being saved means being freed from sin, not "you are going to heaven no matter what".
I didn’t ask you why. I asked you how. How could Peter be saying they were saved?
How? By writing they had escaped the pollutions of the world, which is sin.
what are you getting at?
MarkT said:
Haven’t you argued that we can not know who will be saved till the end? Then how could Peter be saying they were saved?
AH! You think that being saved means going to heaven. I don't. Nor does the bible. Being saved is a thing of the past, and we are not in heaven, so obviously, being saved is something that has already happened - and cannot be taken away. We were once freed from sin. That cannot be taken away. Even by holier-than-thou's who view someone 20 years later and think they "never were saved". You give with your OSAS, than you take away 20 years later because they fell away!!!
MarkT said:
When the disciples asked Jesus who can be saved Matthew 19:25 RSV
When the disciples heard this they were greatly astonished, saying, "Who then can be saved?",were they asking him who can be freed from sin or were they asking him who can be saved from the coming destruction of the wicked?
Same thing. Sin leads to destruction of the wicked.
MarkT said:
Sorry I don’t understand. I’m not taking anything out of context. A true Christian worships God in spirit and truth.
Perhaps you are new to Christianity. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
However, those who realize that life is a journey will readily understand that people's faith ebbs and flows. Sometimes, we are strong in Christ, strong in faith working in love. And other times, we sin or have doubts about God's work in our lives. Our faith suffers. Thus, we don't know if we are encountering a Christian in a low point in their walk or an apostate person who has no intention of loving Christ again. Thus, the parable clearly tells us NOT TO PULL UP THE TARES! You do. You ATTEMPT to identify the tares based on what they are doing TODAY, not realizing that God's time is not our time. Men and women sometimes fall away. I again suggest you read the Prodigal Son. Consider the Father's attitude. Was it like yours? If you had known the son while living in perdition, would you have totally judged him as not worthy of returning to the Father?
That is not our job, Mark. WE don't judge a person based upon their walk TODAY because we don't know if they are a dog/tare, in God's eyes. We don't know whether a conversion is coming in the future. Thus, your judgmental words and actions are counterproductive to the work of the Spirit. You are actually working AGAINST God, Mark.
No, I don't approve of that attitude. Would you?
MarkT said:
The weeds will be uprooted at the close of the age. I’m not uprooting any. I’m just speaking the truth.
You are uprooting the tares, Mark, by telling people not to evangelize the 'lost cases', in your opinion, not knowing God's will for person "X".
Please accept this in the intent given - a friendly chastisement of a fellow brother.