Originally Posted by MarkT
It doesn't say they went to hell or that they died in unbelief.
Uh, yes, it does. If we can't read the fact o that there is little point trying to move past that fact.
Are you talking about the people of Israel or Moses and Aaron who led the people of Israel out of Egypt?
Yes, Moses and Aaron. IN fact Aaron had quite an interesting death. Quite interesting. And you can include everyone over the age of 20 who all died in the desert because of UNbelief except 2 people out of a total of a possible couple million. (and please don't turn this into a math accuracy quest on the total numbers.)
Are you talking about the people or the servant of God who was punished on their account. Read Psalms 105-106 Psalm 106:32 'They angered him at the waters of Mer'ibah and it went ill with Moses.' The Bible doesn't say Moses fell into unbelief. The unbelievers were the people of Israel. That's who Jude is talking about.
I just cited you scripture a couple times now that they BELIEVED NOT, which is unbelief.
What seems to be the problem here?
You know the factual observation made was meant to jamb the gears of the NON OSAS position and jamb it does, obviously.
'You did not believe in me' suggests a lack of faith, not unbelief. Or are you saying Moses and Aaron did not believe they were talking to the LORD? Moses' entire generation was destroyed for their unbelief. Yes. But the Bible doesn't say Moses and Aaron fell into unbelief. It doesn't say they acted immorally. And it doesn't say Moses and Aaron were not saved from the anger of the LORD. The Bible says Moses questioned the LORD. The people put the LORD to the proof. So that entire generation was destroyed
The LORD said, 'Because you did not believe in me.' Saying 'you did not believe in me' suggests a lack of faith, not unbelief. Unbelief is the opposite of what Paul said. Unbelievers do not believe in the Father or the Son. They do not believe in the things they can not see.
Regarding Moses and Aaron, the Bible says they did not sanctify the LORD in the eyes of the people ie. their work was no good. You can argue what sanctify means, but bottom line, it was their job. They didn't do it. Score one for works and faith.