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John MacArthur: Distinguished Calvinist Preacher.


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Notice, those who are critical of not understand grace biblically
I was saved then attended a few charismatic churches .

Not all are bad . I want to make that known but I understand those who aren't and why they say what they say

John MacArthur . . . .
(John Fullerton MacArthur Jr.)

. . . . is a very distinguished Christian pastor, expository preacher and Reformed Calvinist
systematic theologian.

He is also an excellent primitive traditional Patriarchal Family man. He is married to his
wife Patricia and they have four children, fifteen gradchildren and two great-grandsons.

John MacArthur has pastored Grace Community Church in California since February 1969 --
that's 54 years.

He has written or edited over 150 books -- the most popular is the MacArthur Study Bible
which has sold over 1,000,000 copies.

The good news is John MacArthur is a strong Bible believing Reformed Presbyterian Calvinist.

The bad news is his defeatist eschatology -- sadly he holds the doomsday Premillennial
Dispensational view of the future of the Christian Church -- BUT NOBODY IS PERFECT.

John MacArthur is an excellent expository preacher. That means, unlike a huge number of
preachers he is short on giving you his personal OPINIONS nd long on giving you what the

John MacArthur has a large number of expository video sermons on YouTube. Here is one of


I used to love John MacArthur. When I found out the grace of God is that his Son bore terrible, undeserved sinful conduct at the hands of unjust people without bringing them into judgment, that's when I knew Mr. MacArthurs' view of Christs' sacrifice is wrong.
I have read the comments and the spew that people have said in videos about him.

Look at Benny Hinn, years ago saying he wanted a holy ghost machine gun to take him out. Is that love?

Most of the people who hate him are the unregenerate, so it only makes sense.

How about revisiting that tongues thread for a debate?

Grace and peace to you.

Do you believe that all people who speak in tongues are doing so by the spirit of a demon?

So do demonically persons ,that is his point .

I know a one ness church that has prophets and teaches typically charismatic stuff.

Oneness is a heresy .the Holy Ghost to them is the same Person as Jesus and the Father .
Some here in this thread bad-mouthed John MacArthur and made
accusations against him. My point in the post about the wars was
to say that true Christians have a long history of being very unkind
and accusatory to each other and even in some cases being very
hateful to each other in the name of "I have the truth and YOU DON'T.

And in many cases Christians killed other Christians in the tens of
millions -- their motives for killing each other is 100% irrelevant to my
point which was the reality that in fact they did kill each other. That was
the ONLY point I was making. And it is not arguable.

Here is the post to which you refer. See the bolded red which was the
main point I was making.


We live in the age/epoch where Christians kill each other by the tens
of millions in wars. Some examples: the American Revolutionary War
was fought between Christian England and Christian America.

The American Civil War was fought between the Christian North and
the Christian South.

World War 1 was, for the most part, fought between Christian nations.

World War 2 was (except for Japan) fought between Christian nations.

So in all that up there we had Christians killing Christians and by the tens of
millions too.


So it would be nice if Christendom had more tolerance for the various doctrinal
disagreements among Christians when there are good reasons to believe that there
is no major doctrinal heresay involved.

Nobody believes that John MacArthur is a heretic on any major Christian doctrine
because everybody knows he is not.

Yet reality tells me that tolerance is NOT going to happen. Why not? Because humans,
and especially we John 3:3 regenerated Christians, are a warrior species. Humans are
aggressive and adversarial and combative - and THAT is a fact.



Should a christian judge refuse to sentence a christian thief to jail? Should a christian executioner refuse to end the life of a christian murderer? Should a christian supervisor refuse to fire any christian but only the atheists? Should christians really be a good old boys club? Should a christian policeman never arrest a christian perpetrator? What does any of this have to do with MacArthur?

The basic point is you have a view of what it means to be a christian that is removed from reality as though seeing his theology as off is like christian men obeying their government and defending to the death their land.
I do.

My wife does.

My Pastor does.

Most of the people in my congregation do.

Many, many churches all across the world do.

So much for that. :gavel
Silly rhyming noises, barking like dogs, laughing like lunatics are not Biblical tongues.You and others can make such claims, but we know it is not a language of any kind.
I can type in tongues
Kokomo MO shiki shonfo go gogo.
The interpretation is the signs of the Apostles ceased.
Silly rhyming noises, barking like dogs, laughing like lunatics are not Biblical tongues.You and others can make such claims, but we know it is not a language of any kind.
I can type in tongues
Kokomo MO shiki shonfo go gogo.
The interpretation is the signs of the Apostles ceased.
I do quite often pray in tongues . How do I know it is a language ? There are two words I do recognize when the Spirit gives the utterance and I pray in tongues , Eli and Allah .
I do quite often pray in tongues . How do I know it is a language ? There are two words I do recognize when the Spirit gives the utterance and I pray in tongues , Eli and Allah .
I you make foolish rhyming sounds, but sprinkle in eli, allah, then it is all good??? got it!
Ridicule me all you want to , I have no problems with that .
I have no need to do that. I have been to such meetings. I have seen such claims. I had two moderators make foolish claims.
One said their car ran out of gas in the outback in Australia. His mother in law spoke in"tongues and the car ran 160 miles with no gas...another claimed angels appeared to her outside of a bar at 2 am, asking her what she was doing there??? on christianityboard
We are not to believe such stories, but the word of God.
I have no need to do that. I have been to such meetings. I have seen such claims. I had two moderators make foolish claims.
One said their car ran out of gas in the outback in Australia. His mother in law spoke in"tongues and the car ran 160 miles with no gas...another claimed angels appeared to her outside of a bar at 2 am, asking her what she was doing there??? on christianityboard
We are not to believe such stories, but the word of God.
Of course you should always consider the source of the stories you hear . I understand that you would have doubts about things I would say , that's fine . Praying for your healing and soon return to work . Rehab can be a pain sometimes .
Of course you should always consider the source of the stories you hear . I understand that you would have doubts about things I would say , that's fine . Praying for your healing and soon return to work . Rehab can be a pain sometimes .
If I can help you in any way I will. God has brought this about so I can bear witness to people I would not meet if i was driving. I have dealt with several doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and Insurance people, I tell them about the gospel using as a conversation starter.
In the past two weeks, I have spoken to several people and as MRI has been scheduled i will be in contact with many more.
Hawk, as believers I think we are to be out in the world, but not of it. Do you agree?
I had started a thread called cultural interaction dealing with this idea.
Do you believe that all people who speak in tongues are doing so by the spirit of a demon?

As you know, I believe the gift of tongues has ceased. If any of these people are truly Christians, they are being deceived by their own self pride to be put on a pedestal in a group of people. I do not believe that a true Christian can be demon possessed, that is not Biblical in any way.

If these people are not true Christians, then yes, I believe this is demon influenced because the Bible teaches that unbelievers are of their father the devil.

Ephesians 2:2 in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the ruler of the power of the air, the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience,

John 8:44 “You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

This is not the thread for this discussion. I will ask you for a third time to debate this in the thread I had created a while back.

Grace and peace to you.
Yes, his Reformed belief about the cessation of the gifts is troublesome.

Yes. I found MacArthur to be relatively solid as expositors go, but off on his Calvinism and Cessationism. Nevertheless, to his credit, I was pleased to see him change his position on eschatology and teach that the Antichrist will be coming out of Islam now. It demonstrates he is still capable of learning and modifying his positions, even after decades of teaching something else, which is to be admired.

It's why we are commanded to pray. Such men are capable of changing their positions on other issues as well if they come around to seeing things with new information in hand.
As you know, I believe the gift of tongues has ceased. If any of these people are truly Christians, they are being deceived by their own self pride to be put on a pedestal in a group of people. I do not believe that a true Christian can be demon possessed, that is not Biblical in any way.

I didn’t mention “demon possessed”.

What John M believes is Christians who speak or pray in tongues and cast out devils are doing so by demons.

IOW the spirit that they are operating by is a demon spirit, not the Holy Spirit.

Is this what you believe?


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