Yeah you are right when you said we do these things because we are saved, I even quoted this in one of my early posts but why do you exclude these from salvation. Why are they not inclusive? Salvation is all about knowing the true God, getting back to God and the death on the cross and the faith is the way which Jesus hath made so that we can be re-united to Him. If you say that praying, meditating bible and fellowship are exclusive of salvation then you are also logically stating that they are optional
These things are indicative of salvation. Is what is being said. An option would be the idea that salvation is a decision we make to be saved or not to be saved. I'm not saying that. In the widest sense, ion the final analysis, some are saved, some are not. We can rightly say that the unsaved are unsaved by their own will, but we can not say that the saved are saved by their own will, for to be saved by one own will, would be a works based idea of salvation. So. I'm not leaving room for salvation as an option for the saved.
So, theologically, I'm saying the saved are saved by God and God alone, chosen by God and God alone from the begging to be saved. No option there.
This thread, the OP, does not address that. It simply ask if you can loose your salvation. What it implies is that a person chooses to be saved and then later chooses not to be saved. So, some might say a person chooses to be saved and then they can't loose that. What I'm saying goes even deeper than that. You can't even choose to be saved.
Both the saved and the unsaved are able to make choices freely, but choosing, or accepting salvation is not something anyone
can choose freely. The only reason a saved person can say they accept Christ is because they have been given to Christ by the father, and they pray, they meditate and so forth on the word of God. Their only effort is living the Christian life, not salvation.
You'll notice some are bringing up OSAS. Most likely they are thinking that that people who believe you can't loose your salvation also believe you have to choose to be saved or not. That's the middle of the two views. Often called semi pelagianism. very popular among some protestant view.
Works based salvation says that we may be saved we may not be saved and we can't know. That's the RCC view essentially. It's more full pelagianism. It says we are capable of being righteous and if we are then we MIGHT be saved.