- Jun 30, 2020
- 151
- 72
Luke 21:
20 Whenever yet ye may be seeing the Jerusalem surrounded by war-troops, then be knowing that nigh the desolating/ἐρήμωσις<2050> of Her
24 “And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive into all nations. [Revelation 13:10]
And Jerusalem will be trampled<3961> by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.” [Revelation 11:2]
And there is Luke 19 affirming those verses:
Luke 19:
43 That shall be arriving<2240> days upon Thee, and Thy enemies shall be casting about<4016> a rampart/siege-work<5482> to Thee and shall be encompassing Thee, and pressing Thee from-every-side.
44 And shall be leveling Thee and Thy offspring in Thee, and not shall be leaving stone upon stone in Thee, stead which not Thou knew the season of the visitation<1984> of Thee".
A great commentary on Josephus' war of the Jews leading up to70ad. Coincidentally, Titus sieged Jerusalem on the Passover and why the slaughter of Jews was close to 1 million.
At this critical and alarming conjuncture, intelligence arrived that the Roman army was approaching the city. The Jews were petrified with astonishment and fear ;.................................
The day on which Titus encompassed Jerusalem, was the feast of the Passover ; and it is deserving of the very particular attention of the reader, that this was the anniversary of that memorable period in which the Jews crucified their Messiah !..........................
Hello JLB.That’s the great tribulation being spoken of by the Lord just before His coming.
While translating and harmonizing the Olivet Discourse, I noticed some words and phrases used in Luke's version that are not found in Matt or Mark' versions.
For instance, Luke's version never uses the word "tribulation", but rather "distress and wrath". Dan 12 uses "distress" and "escape", as does Luke 21:23, 29
Daniel 12:1 "In that time Michael shall stand-up, the chief/prince, the great, the one standing over sons of thy people.
And a time of distress<06869>, which not ocourred since to become of a Nation, until that time.
And in that time, thy people escape<4422>, every one being found being written in scroll
Matthew 24:19
Woe yet to those pregnant, and to those giving suck in those the days
Mark 13:17
Woe yet to those pregnant, and to those giving suck in those the days
Luke 21:
23 “But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days!
For there will be great distress<318> in the land and wrath upon this people.
36 “Yet be being vigilant/watching<69> in every season<2540>, beseeching<1189> that ye should be being strong to be escaping<1628> all these, the being about<3195> to be becoming and to stand before the Son of the Man.[Daniel 12:1]
Jesus refers to the "Daughters of Jerusalem" concerning that future 70ad event
Luke 23:
28 Being-turned yet toward them, the Jesus said: "Daughters of-Jerusalem no be-lamenting over Me, moreover for yourselves be-lamenting, and upon the children of ye.
29 That behold! Are coming Days in which they shall be declaring 'happy are the barren-ones. and the wombs which not generate, and breasts which not suck.
[Luke 21:29]
Josephus writes about that in his "War of the Jews" chronicles....
Meanwhile the horrors of famine grew still more melancholy and afflictive.
The Jews, for of food were at length compelled to eat their belts, their sandals, the skins of their shields, dried grass, and even the ordure of oxen. In the depth or this horrible extremity, a Jewess of noble family urged by the intolerable cravings of hunger, slew her infant child, and prepared it for a meal.......................
If you count the fall of Masada in 73ad, the great Jewish revolt started in 66ad and technically lasted about 7yrs or so.
None of the NT, or the Apostles mentions this as having occurred.
Visual Timeline of the Roman-Jewish War ARTchive @ PreteristArchive.com,
CAST OF CHARACTERS: Roman: Emperor Nero | General Vespasian | General Titus | The Roman Army || Jewish: General / Historian Josephus | Factional Leaders in Jerusalem || Administrators of Roman Judea Targets: Jerusalem | Herod's Temple // Maps of the Roman Invasion // Theological Timeline
Stage 1: Murder of James the Just, "Opposition High Priest" ; Irrevocable Split: 62
Stage 2: General Revolt in Jerusalem ; Zealot Occupation of Masada: August-September 66
Stage 3: The Campaign of Cestius Gallus and the Defeat of the Twelfth Legion: October-November 66
Stage 4: End of Collaborative Government, Priesthood ; General Flight: November 66 - March 67
Part 6: Vespasian Subdues Northern and Western Palestine: December 66 - December 68
Part 7: Three-way Power Struggle within Jerusalem After Roman Retreat: January 68 - May 70
Part 8: Romans Breach City Walls and Leave Jerusalem Desolate: May 10 - September 10, 70
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