Shana said:
"scripturally speaking, the human "soul" is simply the human experience. Soul is the sensation which results from the combination of an organic body with breath or spirit (
I have not dug deeply into your post because at the beginning you have so misused Genesis 2:7. It says that God breathed the Breath of Life into him and he became a living soul, nothing more. There are things to consider about this truth, what does that mean?
God is a Spirit Being that, by us, the created, He and the Angels cannot be seen nor touched. The instances of Abraham are special in that God had to create temporary bodies for Himself and the angels with Him. W hen Jesus, the Son of God, the God of the Old Testament as well as the New (John 1:1-3) was here in the flesh everything He did depended on the Father, where to go with that truth?
When the angels with him were to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, they did not the deed but rather called it down from on high, did they have their usual powers that are theirs when without a body or did god rain the Brimstone and Fire?
Did God create Himself a body to create this world? Scripture says He spoke and it was! Do spirits speak as we do in an audio range? Does God, the Spirit Being we cannot feel or hear nor see have a mouth like the one He created for us? Ks our physical image God speaks of when creating Adam?
I'm trying hard not to sound rude but as you can see, there is a good deal that must be answered before we can as for the answer to what does God mean when without mouth or a nose?
May god bless your study.