On the theme of miracles-
"Jesus and his followers crossed the Sea of Galilee and went either to Gerasa (Mark and Luke) or to Gadara (Matthew). They met a demoniac who was uncontrollable... (14- Matthew here as elsewhere multiplies by two) He saw Jesus, ran to him and knelt down. He - or rather the demon in him - cried out, "What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I abjure you by God, do not torment me." Jesus asked his name. He replied, "My name is legion; for we are many." There was a herd of swine near by, and the demons begged Jesus to send them into the swine. Jesus did so, "and the herd, numbering about two thousand, rushed down the steep bank into the sea, and were drowned."
"This story is strange on all counts... One of its details renders it unlikely. Gerasa is about thirty miles south-east of the sea of Galilee, and there is no other large body of water around. Matthew shifts the scene to Gadara, six miles from the sea, perhaps thinking this reduces the problem - though a six-mile leap is just as impossible as one of thirty miles."
(Mark 5:7 / Matt. 8:29 / Luke 8:28)
E.P.Sanders, The Historical Figure of Jesus
A couple of apparent contradictions to be explained, the difference in location, and the "two demoniacs" as Matthew has it. We also have an apparent geographical error.