I'll ask you one more time, could you truly enjoy heaven if people were all suffering the same punishment JUST for not sharing your beliefs? Even if these people never lied for self gain, stole, committed murder, or adultery. And if so how can you say you love your neighbor? That's not justice that's just sadistic. The greek words used in the bible originally never indicated any sort of place of eternal torment, when it was translated to English hell took it's own meaning and that's where all these false doctrines come from.
Saying it's their fault not yours completely takes mercy out of the picture. How can you say you love mercy when you say it's their fault so who cares
He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8
And do you believe in hell because that's what the holy spirit told you? Or because that's what someone else taught you, and then you put blind faith in it and strengthened that belief? Do you put more faith in the English translation, or do you put more faith in the original meaning of the words it was translated from?
The word Aeon means indefinite. It can be measured after it's been completed. When Jesus was talking about the place, do you think he would have been able to use any other word to describe it so broadly, and yet still be able to used to indicate it for everyone sent there? While still maintaining the justice and the mercy of our God? How can you call your God merciful as he's described himself, when he would endlessly torture someone without mercy? He said he'd punish someone sevenfold for the sin he committed, he has never said he would punish someone endlessly and unfairly.
I'm done posting here if you don't even want to consider the evidence against it. If you want to put blind faith in a concept that has no REAL biblical support then go ahead and do so, but be warned, you're putting your faith in man, and not God. I'm not trying to rule out the concept of Hell. I KNOW Gaheena exists, and I have faith in that. What I don't have faith in, is the blind disregard for the mercy of the Lord. It just doesn't make sense at all. Why is it so hard to accept that you could be wrong based on so much evidence, and that our God is loving merciful and just? And not some sadistic nightmare that tortures people for eternity :/
If people could just accept this, then we COULD change our culture, we could change the face and image of our Churches because we could make our primary focus on acting like Christ and not just "saving people from eternal torment". Do you really think it would be a bad thing, if everyone just acted like Christ?