No-one here thinks works can get you into heaven.
Only Christ's sacrifice on the cross can get us there.
But I believe to be eligible for that gift of eternal life, we DO have to live up to a few requirements. They are not works (like miracles or good deeds) they are things required for us to be eligible to get into heaven. After all, the sacrifice will not save EVERYONE even though it gives everyone the equal opportunity to be saved.
One thing we need to do to be saved is that we believe in Christ. This is something that, according to the Bible, we simply must do in order to be saved.
The second thing, I believe, is repentance for sins.. I believe that we must repent our sin/sinful nature in order to be saved
And I think we always have the free will to stop believing in God and thus lose our gift from Jesus.
1. From what am a being saved?
From our old destiny of eternal separation from God. That was the consequence of our sin, but because of what Jesus did on the Cross, we have a CHANCE to escape that fate and spend eternity with God.
2. When is this salvation realized?
I believe salvation is only guaranteed after we die and we have been saved once and for all, after God Himself has judged us (not based on our "works" but based on our belief and repentance for sin). Once we are in heaven then we know our salvation is guaranteed 100%, because God has judged this so.
3. On this side of life, are ANY saved, or are there instead those of us who are undergoing the process of being saved?
I believe that in this life there are none that are "100% saved"... It's up to God to judge us when we die, so to say you're 100% saved already is to say you already know how God is going to judge you..It's to presume you are as wise a judge as God and know your own heart as well as He knows it. Jesus said that people will come to him and he will say "I never knew you" which shows that there are people out there who think they are saved but are probably not.
The thing is, at any point before death a person could turn their back on God. So they don't know FOR SURE that they're saved till the end, I think. I could be wrong but that is what I think at the moment.