Orthodox Christian said:
Naked? Me? No, on the contrary I am clothed in your love.
'Fraid not Orthodox..... my love is not good for clothing. But the Lord's is.
Yet, you missed the point... again.
Orthodox Christian said:
So you acknowledge that you use essentially the same argument as atheists.
I acknowledge that you don't understand much of the truth contained in scripture..... hope that helps you be more clear.
Orthodox Christian said:
That was pretty much gibberish, but I did pick up on the fact that you were attempting again to elevate self. You project hate in the guise of spiritual purity, just as does Reverend Phelps. In Phelp's favor, he can string together a coherent polemic.
Is Reverend Phelps of the Orthodox institution also?
And yes, it was not easy for the Israelites to understand Ezekiel's actions either.
Orthodox Christian said:
This Jesus who spit in the dirt and rubbed it in a man's eye, this Jesus who eschewed a perfectly good boat but chose to walk on the water, this Jesus employed women in His ministry- yet you say He was normal. Normal for a mystic/prophet, sure, normal for a carpenter, not.
So, you are saying that the actions of these post-Jesus-walking-on-the-earth-days folk all have very deep meaning.... such as the very deep symbolic meaning that is hidden in Jesus' actions of spitting in the dirt, and His walking on the water...... what I believe you are saying is that all these seeming oddball actions of people expressed deep symbolic truths'
Is this what you're saying Orthodox.... cause I'd really like to know if you equate the actions of these oddball believers to the actions of Christ.
Actually, I think all on this forum are interested in your answer.
Orthodox Christian said:
Your need to argue, bite and devour is being manifest in your inability to even follow the most rudimentary of points. Here you spend several paragraphs claiming that there were no eccentrics in God's employ.
No, that is not at all what I said...... my point was simply that God always has purpose in His expression.
But, again i eagerly await your answer to my question above.
Do you equate the actions of these oddball believers to the actions of Jesus?
Orthodox Christian said:
The argument was not that everyone God ever used was an oddball- the argument was that those who seem foolish to the world are often they whom God is using to shame the wisdom of men. Ordinarily, you would agree with this, but because it is me saying it, your hatred and resentment impel you to argue and to take potshots, as we shall see....
I would absolutely agree with what scripture says, that God uses what seems foolish to the world, to put the wise to shame.
But this does not give foolishness a license to run rampant.
For instance..... the foolishness of praying to the dead saints. The foolishness of building hugh ornate meeting halls. The foolishness of wearing silly robes and jewelry. Etc., etc...
Where in scripture does it say that from God flows foolishness that He may be upheld by such?
Does foolishness come from God? Of course not. God will use the foolishness of men to bring glory to Himself, by showing that His wisdom is able to turn that which was meant for evil into good.
What can be added to God by having blood flow out of a believer's hand?
Yet you worship this "nothing" by adorning it with glory.
Yet, God will even bring good out of this foolishness.
God Himself flows into our regenerated spirit as life, and this life flows into our heart as the transforming and conforming virtue.... that we may live out God from our being.
Ain't nothing foolish coming out of our regenerated spirt Orthodox.
And if it ain't out of our regenerated spirit, then it is just the old fallen man being expressed.
Now, to a study of scripture, shall we go......
Orthodox Christian said:
In Matt 21, the complaint was that the children were crying out "Hosanna to the Son of David." (verse 15). This angered the scribes and priests, and Jesus answered them, saying "Out of the mouths of nepion kai thelazonton (children and sucklings) thou hast perfected praise........ These were children who were old enough to speak, and old enough to recognize the hour of their visitation.
Good,..... please note your concluding statement, as it exposes your ignorance of the truth contained in these scripture verses.
The fact is, so were the adults also old enough to, in your own words, "speak, and.... recognize the hour of their visitation."
Yet, these very same adults, who by the way were also shouting "Hosanna to the Son of David." (see previous verses), and thus were most possibly the pattern that the younger ones followed, these adults were some of who later cried "Crucify Him."
Additionally, make note of their cry..... "Son of David"..... as Christ was certainly much more than just David's son. Christ was/is Emmanuel, God with us.
Funny, one would think that perfected minds praising in perfection, should have at least been crying "Emmanuel, Emmanuel,..... We are saved, God is with us!"
Or even cried "Son of God."
But they weren't, because they were looking at Jesus in His humanity only. And why? Because they only had half the story that scripture reveals.
So just whatt did Jesus mean when He used the quotation from the Psalms?
Why were these people unable to see the whole truth? Was it not the job of the priests to teach the people? Yet, did the people know God at the "time of their visitation?"
It would seem not?
Yet the people gave according to the little they knew, babes and sucklings that they were.... but the Pharisees, they became indignant,.... and it is to this indignance that Jesus responded.
Let's read the verse again... "This angered the scribes and priests,
and Jesus answered them, saying..."
Jesus' words were to the scribes and priest, a direct rebuke to those who believed they had great knowledge, and thus had become offended by the words of the "babes and sucklings", since they themselves (the scribes and priests) were not leading the cry as they thought it should be.
The "perfection" Jesus was speaking of is seen in the rejection of the people, of the corrupt Jewish leaders.
All the people who were crying out, adults and children, those who Jesus referred to as "babes and sucklings" (since spiritually they were. And God is spirit, and thus speaks according to spiritual things) were absolutely rejecting the corrupt Jewish leadership.... and in this is seen perfect praise.
The fact is, the scene is set in the verses that came before, the verses that spoke of..... "And He said to them, It is written, "My house shall be called a house of prayer,'' but you are making it a den of robbers."
"A den of robbers" were rebuked when the words" Hosanna, Son of David" were shouted out by "babes and sucklings", by spiritually young and weak believers.
And there is even more..... because in the last part of the previous chapter we see Jesus revealing the process by which we come to know the truth..... by the opening of our eyes. Our inward eyes.
So Orthodox, yet again, as revealed by your own words, we see that you know little about the truth contained in scriptures.
Orthodox Christian said:
Christ is the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega. It is apparent to me that both you and I have lusts of the flesh that have manifest on this forum, for I have allowed myself to reply to you in the manner that I have been spoken to. I can do nothing about your manifestations, but I can deal with mine.
Isn't it shameful that you would attemp to put forward a humble face and yet subtly throw the blame my way......
.... for I have allowed myself to reply to you in the manner that I have been spoken to.
Ohhh Orthodox, is it not obvious to you.
Orthodox Christian said:
How that is not considered flaming, I'll never know. Not good flaming, just flaming.
I'm not flaming, I speaking it as it is.
Most of what you speak is no better than refuse.
Orthodox Christian said:
Spare me the mythology and the soul sleep heresy.
Darkness expressed in its rejection of light.
Perhaps instead of a nothing response, we could get something more out of you regarding why you think what I said is mythology and soul-sleep heresy.
If you are able that is.
In love,