Godfirst633 said:
Just curious to get different opinions regarding this matter. I have been raised pre-trib and I would say a majority of the church is pre-trib. However, after much study and questioning in my heart, I now believe post tribulation. Any thoughts?
Hi Godfirst633. I can give you my understanding based upon the best translations.
As you may know, Daniel's 70th week is generally referred to as 'the tribulation.' If you are familiar with Daniel, you must be aware that he is speaking of the times of terrible affliction on his people, Israel.
And the book of Revelation will be shown to be concerned with Israel, the Nations and the Earth.
Not the body of Christ. I'm convinced of this.
Believers today (and from the time of Paul) are part of the body of Christ. If you will read and study Ephesians and Colossians particularly, you will see that our future is in the heavenlies, not on the earth.
We are assured that the dead in Christ will be raised and we, which are alive at the presence of the Lord, will both be changed having spiritual bodies--fit for the heavens. Then, both at the same time will meet the Lord in the air, and thus ever be with the Lord. (1 Cor. 15:51-56 and 1 Thes. 4:13-18).
Perhaps, the confusing scriptures are in 2 Thes. 2:1-8. Paul is assuring the Thessalonian Church that the 'day of the Lord' has not happened. 'The day of the Lord' in my opinion, is not just one 24 hour period, but is a long period of time starting with the agreement of the 'man of sin' or, 'the anti-christ', with Israel to allow them to renew their sacrifices and offerings in a rebuilt temple.
While in verse 2:3, the word 'apostasy' is used in most versions, it is actually a tranlsiteration of the word in Greek, "apostasia", which means "departure." This is important. because Paul is asking them, "for the sake of the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ and our assembling to Him, that you be not quickly shaken from your mind" (CV),..... that the day of the Lord is present."
Going on: "No one should be deluding you by any method, for, should not the departure (apostasia--Gk) be coming first and the man of lawlessness be unveiled..."
In conclusion why the church body of Christ will be taken up to glory before the 'tribulation':
because we, the body of Christ have our destiny in the heavens (not on earth);
because we are assured that we are saved from wrath (Rom. 5:9; 1 Thes. 1:10 and 5:9), and the tribulation is certainly a time of God's wrath (It is true, that it occurs the last half of the seven years);
because we will be caught up to heaven to meet the Lord in the air; because Paul assures the Thessalonian Church (and us) that the departure should come first, and then the man of lawlessness be unveiled.
Blessings to you,