Well, I can say that I definitely do not have an Arminianism view. They are way too left(or right) of my position. Probably just as far the opposite side as Calvinism is on one side of my position.
I fully believe that election and perseverance is a God ordained, and worked, theology. I just can't see where someone, who truly comes to Christ, has ever done so without wanting to. Which, I guess would be part of the "irresistible draw" of Calvinism. But if that's the case, then the people I know, who have 'felt this' and then turned away from it are either lying or completely crazy. If Calvinism were true, I don't see how God would partially call to someone, then when they came close, say "no, I did not choose you".
We have to understand that "many are called, but few are chosen". So if He does call many, but only chooses a few, then He is indeed
turning people away. There is no way to get around that(that I can see) with Calvinism.
You cant say the ones "not chosen" were not called. Maybe some were not? But we know some were. So, according to Calvin, irresistible draw would not let the ones called be turned away.
So you have a dichotomy(extreme conflict) with turning people away and irresistible draw. Calvinism contradicts itself.