John said:
...* Over 250 Flood legends from all parts of the world have been found. Most have similarities to the Genesis story.
There are tens of thousands of legends and myths from all around the world. Many of these involve floods of one sort or another. Can you think of a reason why flood myths might be common that has nothing to do with the occurrence of a global flood? There are only a certain number of themes that can be played in the context of a flood. Even if every one of these legends had the same origin - which I would doubt anyway - this is not evidence that they are anything other than legendary.
* Noah’s ark was built only to float, not to sail anywhere. Many ark scholars believe that the ark was a "barge" shape, not a pointed "boat" shape.
The description of the Ark is so imprecise that it could be any shape you care to imagine. Barges are flat-bottomed and generally blunter at bow and stern than sea-going vessels for a simple reason: they do not have to weather the sea-states that sea-going vessels have to cope with. Postulating an Ark that is more like a barge than a boat only compromises the seaworthiness of a vessel that is already facing enormous problems because of its size and lack of power.
This would greatly increase the cargo capacity.
How greatly is ‘greatly’? How about running some figures past us?
Scoffers have pointed out that the largest sailing ships were less than 300 feet because of the problem of twisting and flexing the boat. These ships had giant masts, and sails to catch the wind. Noah's ark needed neither of those and therefore had far less torsion related stress.
The stress on a ship's hull is largely imposed by the fact that the upthrust from the water in which it floats is not constantly and evenly distributed throughout its length and breadth, i.e. the bulk of the stresses imposed on the hull are caused by wave-action. Any vessel will flex and twist in anything other than the gentlest of seas; the effects of this flexing and twisting on large wooden hulls are serious and, in the case of a vessel of the Ark's dimensions, most likely catastrophic – especially if it is more ‘barge’-like than ‘boat’-like. Put simply, in heavy seas the vessel would flex itself to pieces.
* Even using the small 18-inch cubit (my height is 6-ft. 1-in. and I have a 21-in. cubit) the ark was large enough to hold all the required animals, people, and food with room to spare.
Perhaps you can support this assertion with some facts and figures?
* The length-to-width ratio of 6 to 1 is what shipbuilders today often use. This is the best ratio for stability in stormy weather. (God thinks of everything!)
Do you want the Ark to be a ‘barge’ or a ‘boat’? Make up your mind. Keel weight, in relation to waterline length and beam is what gives a vessel stability. Beam provides form or initial stability, but keel weight (or keel ballast) is what gives a vessel ultimate stability, i.e. the ability to return to a level position after heeling. The rule-of-thumb used throughout much of the time that single-hulled wooden vessels were built is that a vessel needs to be about three times as long as broad. Actually, the situation is more complicated than this, because the longer a vessel, then the less beam it requires proportionately. The heeling moment of waves and swell on a ship’s hull varies as the cube of its length. High ratio length-to-beam vessels are usually the consequence of a need for speed, not a requirement of the Ark. Contrary to your assertion, God does not seem to have thought of everything after all.
* The ark may have had a "moon-pool" in the center. The larger ships would have a hole in the center of the bottom of the boat with walls extending up into the ship. There are several reasons for this feature:
* It allowed water to go up into the hole as the ship crested waves. This would be needed to relieve strain on longer ships.
* The rising and lowering water acted as a piston to pump fresh air in and out of the ship. This would prevent the buildup of dangerous gasses from all the animals on board.
* The hole was a great place to dump garbage into the ocean without going outside.
Speculation devoid of evidence. The Ark may have had wind-powered electrical generators, hamster-powered conveyor-belts and food-hoppers operated by trained gerbils, but there is no evidence for any of this either, so why would you think that it may have had a moon-pool rather than these other improbable devices? I am intrigued also at the idea that piercing a hole in a the bottom of the hull of a ship actually increases its seaworthiness; hull-strength is largely a factor of the structural, load-bearing components of that hull, not the skin that provides water-tightness. If moon-pools are as advantageous as you suggest, I am minded to wonder why marine architects don’t incorporate such a feature in all large vessels, rather than just those that appear to need it for the purpose they were built for?
The ventilation idea is just bizarre. Have you worked out the mechanics of how this would function?
What garbage would be dumped in the moon-pool? How much of it would sink and how much of it would simply float in the moon-pool, decaying and adding an even more noxious aroma to the Ark as the gases of corruption were circulated by the proposed ‘piston’ action of sea rising and falling in the moon-pool?
* The ark may have had large drogue (anchor) stones suspended over the sides to keep it more stable in rough weather. Many of these stones have been found in the region where the ark landed.
How do you propose these would have worked? Drogue and sea-anchors are not used to stabilize vessels in heavy seas by hanging them over the side. I am interested in the stones that you claim have been found. How do you know they come from the Ark and how do you know they were used in the manner suggested?
* Noah lived 950 years! Many Bible scholars believe the pre-Flood people were much larger than modern man. Skeletons over 11 feet tall have been found! If Noah were taller, his cubit (elbow to fingertip) would have been much larger also. This would make the ark larger by the same ratio. See Seminar tape #2 for more info on this.
If you can find any evidence that any human anywhere has lived to an age greater than about 120, I would be interested to see it. Likewise 11-foot skeletons. A larger Ark only compounds the already existing seaworthiness problems. If the size of a cubit is a movable feast, perhaps the Ark was much smaller than you propose, rather than larger.
* God told Noah to bring two of each kind (seven of some), not of each species or variety. Noah had only two of the dog kind, which would include the wolves, coyotes, foxes, mutts, etc. The "kind" grouping is probably closer to our modern family division in taxonomy, and would greatly reduce the number of animals on the ark.
More speculation devoid of evidence. Where are the genetic bottlenecks that would support this speculation? The dog ‘kind’ is pure invention; you have no evidence whether Noah took dogs, foxes, coyotes, wolves, etc onto the Ark or not.
Animals have diversified into many varieties in the last 4400 years since the Flood. This diversification is not anything similar to great claims that the evolutionists teach. (They teach, "Kelp can turn into Kent," given enough time!)
More assertion without evidence. The rate of diversification proposed is wholly absurd and how it is supposed to be dissimilar from evolution remains unknown, except for your statement to this effect. There are over 350,000 beetle species; did all these diversify in a few generations from the two representatives of the beetle ‘kind’ taken on board the Ark?
* Noah did not have to get the animals. God brought them to him (Gen. 6:20, "shall come to thee").
Selective quoting there. Genesis 6:20 refers to ‘fowls’ and ‘creeping things’. Genesis 6:19 casts a different light:
And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female.
So quite clearly Noah is told that he must bring ‘every living thing of all flesh’ to the Ark, not that they will come to him.
* Only land-dwelling, air-breathing animals had to be included on the ark (Gen. 7:15, "in which is the breath of life," 7:22). Noah did not need to bring all the thousands of insects varieties.
Selective interpretation. If you think insects can survive without air, trying placing them in an airless environment and see what happens. Insects are aerobic organisms and require the ‘breath of life’ o survive. Also, if ‘creeping things’ does not include insects, why does it exclude them?
* Many animals sleep, hibernate, or become very inactive during bad weather.
Examples, please? Most do not.
* All animals (and people) were vegetarians before and during the Flood according to Gen. 1:20-30 with Gen. 9:3.
I thought meat-eating was supposed to be a consequence of the fall, not the flood? Do you not think fossil coprolites are evidence that invalidates this observation?
* The pre-Flood people were probably much smarter and more advanced than people today. The longer life spans, Adam’s direct contact with God, and the fact that they could glean the wisdom of many generations that were still alive would greatly expand their knowledge base.
Speculation. There is no evidence that the ‘pre-Flood people’ as you describe them either existed or were any smarter than anyone else.
* The Bible says that the highest mountains were covered by 15 cubits of water. This is half the height of the ark. The ark was safe from scraping bottom at all times.
The Ark was reputedly 30 cubits high. Where is your calculation of the Ark’s draught the Ark how this impacted on its stability?
* The large mountains, as we have them today, did not exist until after the Flood when "the mountains arose and the valleys sank down" (Ps. 104:5-9, Gen. 8:3-8).
Unsupported by the geological evidence.
* There is enough water in the oceans right now to cover the earth 8,000 feet deep if the surface of the earth were smooth.
If we had some ham we could have some ham and eggs if we had some eggs. The surface of the Earth has not been smooth at any relevant point in the past.
* The continents were not separated until 100-300 years after the Flood (Gen. 10:25). The people and animals had time to migrate anywhere on earth by then. See Seminar Part 6 for more information.
Unsupported by the geological evidence.
* The top 3,000 feet of Mt. Everest (from 26,000-29,000 feet) is made up of sedimentary rock packed with seashells and other ocean-dwelling animals.
This is not evidence of a global flood. It is evidence that the rocks that now make up the Himalayas were once sedimentary deposits in a sea. Geology explains this feature quite satisfactorily – supported by evidence - as the result of orogeny along the line between the Indo-Australian and Eurasian plates. This collision began about 70 MYA.
* Sedimentary rock is found all over the world. Sedimentary rock is formed in water.
The world is mostly water. How is your point relevant to the occurrence of a global flood? There is no evidence to support the idea that all sedimentary rocks were formed by a single global immersion event. The Western Ross Sea in Antarctica is underlain by around 14,000 metres of mostly flat-lying sedimentary strata; are you suggesting that this nearly 10 miles of sedimentary rock was deposited by the Noachian flood?
* Petrified clams in the closed position (found all over the world) testify to their rapid burial while they were still alive, even on top of Mount Everest.
Evidence of rapid burial, perhaps; not evidence of a global flood. Consider the case of crinoid fossils, which are evidence against a global flood.
* Bent rock layers, fossil graveyards, and poly-strata fossils are best explained by a Flood.
* People choose to not believe in the Flood because it speaks of the judgment of God on sin (2 Pet. 3:3-8).
As opposed to the absence of evidence reason?