- Jul 21, 2011
- 4,907
- 826
Speak for yourself!
I am a son of God.
You are what you believe.
Be it unto you according to your faith.
As a man thinks in his heart so is he.
I am a new creation, all things have become new for me, in Christ.
Have a nice day!
Good, I'm glad to hear you acknowledge that you are a new creation in Christ, and that you consider yourself a son of God. I take no exception to that at all; for by Faith I also consider myself to be a son of God, and a new living creature by the Spirit of God, created in his image. But I am curious as to a few things about your statements that maybe you would be so kind as to clarify them for me.
If you are a new creation in Christ, then is not your old nature destroyed by the Spirit of Christ? Do you deny that before Christ you were considered according to the flesh a man of sin?
If you believe yourself to be a son of God, then you must be alive in the resurrection of Christ, for God is a God of the living, and not of the dead (Matthew 22:31-32). So if you are living by the resurrection of Christ and as you claim to be a son of God, then why do you say the resurrection has not happened? And if you are not living in the resurrection, then how can you claim to be a son? Christ is the resurrection (John 11:25).
If you believe yourself to be a son of God, then you would have to say that the Spirit of Christ dwells in your heart. As the scripture says that God has sent forth the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying Abba, Father (Gal 4:6-7). By claiming to be a son of God, you are therefore declaring that the Spirit of Christ dwells within your heart and thus the Lord is present with you. God is a Spirit (John 4:24), so if the Spirit of Christ already be with you, why do you then look for another?