The foundation of the Gospel of God's Grace is unmerited favor.
If one is created to go to the Lake of Fire, for ever, and another is created for no other reason than to live, eternally, with God, God is a capricious and at some points, an evil God. But we know from our studies and from a world of Christians gone astray, that God is Love and there is no evil in Him.
To be a TULIP, a Five Point Hyper Calvinist, much of scripture, by some means must be denied and that means, to me at least, that Scripture cannot be self authenticating, that every word of Scripture is not The Word of God. I am sorry but in Duet. 4:2 and at the last of Rev. 22, and one other place between them, God promised awful curses and plagues on such as should add or to omit a single word from God's Book, God's Love Letter to you.
God has no evil in Him but without any evil He could have, without all the muss and all the fuss, He could have created our spirits so they could do nothing more than to obey Him and to fawn over Him for eternity, saving the need for this stupid and then useless ball of dirt and all the amenities needed to make the place livable and desirable for the human beings.
But God does not want, just, obedience, He wants that served up because of the mutual feeling known to us as Love and love, absolutely, requires Free Will for it to b e given.
And from our studies we know we are created in God's own image. God did not forcibly submit submit to some higher power when He created everything, no, God used His free will and I submit, that free will is still found in the Image of God. God desires real love and real love is not robotic.