So, the scriptural math regarding "regaining" salvation is this:
We are to remind "the fallen" in whatever fault, whatever open sin, that we DO have a very harsh adversary in play in our current flesh life. We can be taken captive in the flesh AGAIN, by that adversary, particularly when we DON'T PERCEIVE this enemy as 'real.' And instead, we only see ourselves.
We fail to apply judgment unto WHOM judgment IS due. That JUDGMENT must reside in any believer against our own flesh, because that is where the enemy of our soul fights against us all. When we don't see this, we end up being the flesh pawn of our enemy again, and we turn to railing accusations against each others, because we FAILED to see what is really going on.
Paul lays out some dictates about the 'restoration' and 'recovery' process for the fallen faithful who are again in blindness. First of all, we who seek to restore, must remain with GOOD REPORT for all such, because in theory, we are supposed to see what happened to them. Otherwise we too are merely showing our own spiritually imposed blindness from our enemy.
1 Timothy 3:7
he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and
the snare of the devil.
Do we think the devil really cares if we try to "recover" any fallen from his hold by the threat of "burning them alive forever?" The devil will laugh in the face of such threats. The devil already knows that is his fate. We're not telling the devil anything he doesn't already know. IF you haven't seen the snare, the snarl, the mockery of the devil on the face of his victims, you ain't living the Christian, captial C, LIFE. This is a very real principle and a very real activity in the world of flesh men, and yes, even in "the churchy folk."
So, bear His Sword with dignity, with honor, with purpose.
Seek to DIVIDE your fallen brethren from the hold of the adversary. Love one, HATE the other. God might actually honor such witnesses, and grant that person repentance.
Secondly, we ourselves must use caution in all these matters, because we actually deal with the same issues ourselves, in our own flesh.
2 Timothy 2:26
And that they may
recover themselves
out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.
We don't divide, we don't recover, if we can't see what's really going on.
There is no "just the fallen believer." There is that person, and there is the adversary, capturing them, blinding them, manipulating them, holding them.
Get your Spiritual hat
screwed on straight, and
you'll see clearly how to pluck that sliver out of the eye of another. That is, if we can see the MACK TRUCK that smashes our own spiritual eyes to hamburger.
Nothing Jesus hated more than a lying hypocrite. For these "religious people" He reserved His Harshest Words, calling them "children of the devil." John 8:44. HOW is it exactly that all these "religious hierarchy" in Israel had so many problems? See Mark 4:15. People like them, LIKE US, who engage the Word, who LOVE the Word, will experience the "resistance" of our enemy, usually in very short order. Those "men" were children of the devil because the DEVIL over ran their flesh, turning them into prideful, arrogant NON sinners-and in this they LIE they were turned as many religious people are turned, into HYPOCRITES. This is the worst fate that any "believer" can land in, and it's a CURSE from God to the DEVIL in the flesh, showing others to 'AVOID' that person and what they carry. To be a lying hypocrite, POSING as a believer. IF you haven't seen the devil's eyes flashing on TV in some preachers eyes, you just ain't lookin.
I for one am not interested in having that said to me, being a child of the devil. But to understand it means I must have HIS TRUTH in my own flesh, to see my way in the darkness of this present world, and DIVIDE from that working
that I know for no uncertain fact that I have in my own flesh, just as Paul saw for himself in Romans 7, in 2 Cor. 12, in Galatians 3-4-5, in 1 Tim. 1:15, 2 Tim. 2:20-21 and other scriptural citings.
We are called to "divide."
Yeah, we do have a quest. The persons we divide from this adversary, and they MIGHT recover from, will be spending ETERNITY with us. Be nice. It's a long time.