The other nine commands are part of the Written in Stone tablet commands... there's more to the Law (even the LAW, as it came through
Moshe) than that. There is more, much more. It's not about the 10 tablet command synopsis. But you know this and don't need me to teach it to you.
I thought you said you would not argue theological battles here in thread.
WB (Welcome Back)
jocor Know that you are in my prayers here, as are all of our brothers and sisters who enter into this thread in General Talk aka The Lounge. We will keep it light and suitable to be labeled as a F
IRESIDE chat. That's not a certainty, but it is my HIPE (oops, forgive me, I mean H
Men fight. God laughs. Battle is over! BOOM. I'm calling our HERO to come. Join with this little drop of rain and call as you fall. Let that fire go out! We don't need to snuff candles. That's not for here. It is NOT. And I'm not speaking to our friend, jocor either. Even though he really knows what I'm talking about better than most, I'm
crying out to all who are given an ear to hear in this, our wilderness.
Church of ---> tune your radio dial to channel 410
(right next to channel 411) and HEAR what the Spirit says to you. We are joining together here, or the better way to say it is, the Holy Spirit is calling us to set down our flesh and join together in spirit and in truth even here. Attend this service or be taken to the church of slappy. It's up to you! Ignore this friendly reminder at your peril. Right now we are only "hard of hearing" but that doesn't mean that we won't go deaf utterly.
We are being seized and we are falling back. So then what? Stop and speak to your God. His Spirit, our
Ruach HaKodesh is easily (readily) entreated.
According to Allen Walker, a writer for,
"There was nothing in the Ten Commandment law about meats, drinks, new moons, sabbath days (plural), or feast days. All these were in the law which the Lord told Moses (I like to call him MOSHE because that's his name -inserted by Sparrow) to command to the people. The weekly Sabbath is not mentioned in these texts. Paul says plainly that he is speaking of "sabbath days which are a shadow of things to come," and not of the weekly Sabbath [Saturday, end-of-week Sabbath of the Creation Week] which was a memorial of something that happened in the past at creation."
Walker continues and brings a very interesting point about looking forward vs. looking backward, and tell us that,
"[t]he fourth commandment does not tell us to keep the seventh day as a type of something to come. It says: "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. ... For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it."
I think that Walker was saying that there is a big difference between continuing something that was given as a memorial even if it was etched in stone (to symbolize how it would never change) and something that was given as a type and a shadow of the new to come! We are told that it is a memorial. Right there in the text, but yet, some will refuse to hear and they will be seized and caught and dragged back. But that is not what I think of you, beloved of Him. Not one bit. He loves and will release you of all bondage. There is no doubt, but what will you do with your new found freedom? That is the question.