And before you reach for your copy of Deuteronomy and try to flop out the law on me, let me tell you, I've been there. Birds get to hop from one place to another, after all.
Here's the Deuteronomy Scripture. Notice that he mentions "The Unclean" and then take note again. He didn't say Jews could eat unclean meats. Nobody said that. I think God was talking about "the unclean" as in a servant or a stranger in the gate; He is saying that the unclean may (has His permission to) eat flesh, which is to say, in this case -->
clean flesh like the roe or the hart (field deer).
"If the place which the LORD your God chooses to put His name is too far from you, then you may slaughter of your herd and flock which the LORD has given you, as I have commanded you; and you may eat within your gates whatever you desire. "Just as a gazelle or a deer is eaten, so you will eat it; the unclean and the clean alike may eat of it. "Only be sure not to eat the blood, for the blood is the life, and you shall not eat the life with the flesh.…
Citation: Deuteronomy, chapter 12 somewhere around verse 20 or so?
<-- also, from some non-copyrighted version. I'm never sure because I grab it real quicklike.
Also, I'm not here trying to say that people are cherry picking Scripture to suite their own purpose. Taking things out of the complete context need to understand them is indeed like being a cherry-picker, though, at least in a way. But I'm just setting the stage (giving opening remarks) prior to making a joke, are you ready? Here it is:
Cherry Picker's Special from the above quoted
"...and you may eat within your gates whatever you desire..."
He was talking to the physical children of the Promise as blessed and as made to the Woman (Eve, and her seed) and as that P
ROMISE was traced down, through Abraham and bypassing Esau to Yakov (Jacob, the son of the most mysterious of the founding fathers and
Oi vey(!) the Terror o' Yitzhak! through to King David who had come from Ruth, the great-grandmother of David, a man after God's heart. Ruth was a 10th century BC
Moabite Princess who married the son of Naomi and Elimelech and was grafted to the family tree because of her devoted friendship to the one who went out bitter (Mara) and came back joyous (Naomi), her mother-in-law (And
IN LAW means something different to the Children of Israel). Among all the books of the Torah, the one that is read in its entirety on
Shavuot (the Festival and Celebration of Revealing)
(in many communities it’s read from a scroll in the synagogue) is a seemingly minor tale of a couple of Moabite widows and their Jewish mother-in-law... Riddle:
“Why were Adam and Eve the happiest couple in the history of the world? Answer:
Because neither one of them had a mother-in-law.” But Ruth's MIL was a blessing indeed.
And from there (and elsewhere) the PROMISE is traced through to Jesus and now to us... we are children of PROMISE (too).
Just having been freshly grafted in the space of a mere couple thousand years or so which is, in one way of thinking, only 2(1 x 1,000 year) 'days' ago... but that's not the point. It's the flow that is the thing. Life flows! It is NOT rigid. And it's not Csikszentmihalyi (sounds like "Chics-Sends-Me-High) flow either. It's better!
So, it's simply not right
(while speaking in the context of the LAW ("Oh! The Law," the almost wistful sigh is heard) and while we expect meat to be chewed so sweetly into pablum for us) to say,
"It's not a sin," followed by
"Jesus declared that all foods... are pure" Because even
THAT doesn't mean that we can eat any flesh. If your conscious condemns you and you can not eat in faith and can not eat with thanksgiving? Then for
YOU it is sin.
You may now return to your regular programming.
Please pardon the interruption (to your viewing pleasure).
Rant over (probably, although I make no guarantees)