CF Ambassador
- Dec 26, 2015
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LOLI just don't see this parable as a reality.
Can a man in what is portrayed as hell, really talk to anyone in what is portrayed as heaven?
If that were the case, how could anyone in heaven ever get any peace?
Ex-friends and relatives would never leave them alone !
I totally agree with your last sentence, which is why I have a problem with praying to the saints or persons in heaven.
Of course the CC believes they can hear us, but for the reason you've stated I always doubted this.
Anyway, most theologians agree that the story in Luke 15 is speaking of real persons because it's the only time Jesus mentions someone's name. Why give someone a name if there is no such person. For instance, in the parable of the Lost Son, Jesus refers to persons as father, son, brother, servants, etc.
Also, it's established that the gates of heaven were closed until Jesus death (or maybe the resurrection, can't remember)
so where were all the saved souls during the time they awaited for Jesus sacrifice? Abraham's Bossom would be a place of comfort, but not heaven, as depicted in Luke 15.
Matthew 27:51
51And behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth shook and the rocks were split.
This would be the time when the gates were opened.
A new relationship with God would begin.
The gates of heaven are opened.
(I guess it was at the death).