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Saved by Grace Through Faith, Not by Works

Why do you keep asking me this? I don't believe it is possible to lose any scenario that you come up with.

Your scenario above~~the sin unto physical death. Entering the kingdom, but not inheriting the kingdom.

If we choose not to glorify Christ after He saves us........we will be called least in His Kingdom. But we will enter His kingdom.

New American Standard Bible
"Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

I only ask because you keep asking me to show how I know the truth of the matter.

Not being in Christ is not the same as being in Him and not being as obedient as another.

No one(in their right mind) would deny that a believer in Christ will be in His kingdom.

The debate is whether or not a person who is not in Christ can inherit the kingdom.

I maintain that being in Christ is not based on something you did, but because of what God does in you.

We can't rely on a confession made at a point in time to be the reason God accepts us. It is only those found in Christ at His appearing who will be saved.
You have an explanation for this?
An explanation for what?

John 3:36 The one who believes in the Son has eternal life, but the one who disobeys the Son will not see life—but the wrath of God remains on him.

1 + 1 = 2
1 (who believes in the Son) plus
1 (who disobeys the Son)
= 2 one's

1 has eternal life but 1 does not. Simple.
What needs an explanation?

An explanation for what?

John 3:36 The one who believes in the Son has eternal life, but the one who disobeys the Son will not see life—but the wrath of God remains on him.

1 + 1 = 2
1 (who believes in the Son) plus
1 (who disobeys the Son)
= 2 one's

1 has eternal life but 1 does not. Simple.
What needs an explanation?

The explanation desired is of how the one who no longer believes still has life.

Seems that if there are only two groups, then the one who no longer believes falls into the "disobeys the Son" group.
You may want to double check this.
Why should I double check it????

I gave you at least ten verses that show how BELIEVE is in the present tense.

Could you please post some verses that show that if I believed AT SOME POINT IN TIME, AND THEN LOST that belief,
I am STILL saved.

Are you trying to tell me that someone who BELIEVES in God and someone who DOES NOT BELIEVE in God, are in the same situation?

Could you, instead, explain some of my posts.
John 3:36 would be a good start.

I always hear about how God is not a liar.

Well, is Ephesians 2:8 a lie??

We are saved by grace THROUGH faith...

So if someone loses FAITH, they are STILL saved???

Please clarify.
I answered your question. If you don't like it that's fine.
No you didn't.

You asked:
Could I divorce my wife if I was never married?
I answered "no" and then asked you what Scripture you were referring to. You did NOT answer my question.

You asked:
Could I quit a job that I was never hired to do?
I answered "no" and then asked you what Scripture you were referring to. You did NOT answer my question.

What you said was they were analogies, which I already knew. The question is analogies for what Scripture?
Those are analogies.
An explanation for what?

John 3:36 The one who believes in the Son has eternal life, but the one who disobeys the Son will not see life—but the wrath of God remains on him.

1 + 1 = 2
1 (who believes in the Son) plus
1 (who disobeys the Son)
= 2 one's

1 has eternal life but 1 does not. Simple.
What needs an explanation?

are you a mathematician?

This is Religion Class.

John 3:36
The one who BELIEVES (present tense) HAS eternal life. (now. Has. NOT ..... WILL HAVE)

BUT the one who DISOBEYS THE SON... will not see life (ever, not now, not later).

Some translations use the word Does Not Believe instead of Disobeys.

It's the same. Do you know why?
Come on. Let's really do this...
No you didn't.

You asked:
I answered "no" and then asked you what Scripture you were referring to. You did NOT answer my question.

You asked: I answered "no" and then asked you what Scripture you were referring to. You did NOT answer my question.

What you said was they were analogies, which I already knew. The question is analogies for what Scripture?
They were analogies, analogies are not refrences to Scripture. Analogies help us understand principles. Analogies are not Scripture.

I'm sorry if you do not like this answer. I can't make the analogy Scripture and never intended you to think it was.
In what Scripture does Jesus describe this "one who no longer believes"?
Are you tired of this verse? I am.

Peter spent over 3 years with Jesus.
I think Peter knew what he was talking about when he said:

2 Peter 2:20-22

And please don't tell me he was talking about some teachers that had gone astray.

Yes. That's the whole point.

It doesn't MATTER WHO that verse is talking about...

The person was lost
Got saved
And got lost again by going BACK into the world.

If you go BACK to something, it means you were there, left, and then went BACK.

(maybe this is English class)
In what Scripture does Jesus describe this "one who no longer believes"?

Every passage that speaks of an unbeliever. Your asking for a third group of people?

If someone does not believe, they don't believe. Right?

You said yourself there are only two groups of people. Unless you think there is a third?
Because your list is wrong. Check Acts 16:31.
What's wrong with Acts 16:31?

The jailer asked what he must do to be saved...

Paul answered:

Acts 16:31 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
The Jailer Converted
31 They said, Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.”

BTW, You picked ONE verse.
There are at least 60 or 70 with the present tense BELIEVE.

IF you BELIEVE you WILL b e saved.


If you believed you will be saved forever.

At that moment. You will get dirty again.

THIS test, NOT the one two months from now.

If you cook NOW, you will eat NOW.
OR you have to CONTINUE COOKING if you want to CONTINUE EATING.
"Believe" is NOT in the present tense in Acts:16:31.

You may want to double check your list.......and the teaching that "believe" is ALWAYS in the present tense.

So do you think Paul was telling the Jailer that he did not need to continue to believe?
No. The text doesn't say that. Paul told the jailer," Believe(aorist tense) on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.

Is wonderings list wrong?
So Paul was telling the Jailer to believe in the Lord, and not someone/something else, if he wanted to be saved.

I don't think you ever will find a passage that speaks about believing in Christ for a moment, then the person should no longer believe in Him.

I am pretty sure that wonderings list is based on that, so in that case I think her list is correct. Unless a person thinks that belief in Christ is not needed for salvation.
I really do try to think logically through this, but I'm not sure why the thought of belief is only a one time thought or action someone makes.

What is the opposition to continual belief in Christ?
Maybe the question could be asked this way.

If I choose not to believe in Christ, will I be saved?

Can I do something instead of believing in Christ, and still be saved?