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Sin - how do I stop?

I keep reminding myself that only G-d, through Yeshua and haRuach haKodesh, can make of me what he has planned for me. He has said that he will finish the work he has started in me, but the process of sanctification is a painful one.

I will never be righteous until I am reborn into a glorified body, and the commandments are written into my heart and mind, but I hate my constant falling back into sin by being overwhelmed by my very humanity.

My questions were sincere, and from the heart, coming from the very real pain I feel at being so incapable of being what I want to be. My body is indeed warring against me, as does my mind, but they are driven by forces outside of me. Spiritual attack is a very real thing.

So often I am told that I must somehow succeed against all that is wrong in me in my own will and strength, as if the battle did not belong to G-d, and as if I have the power to do what I wish on my own. And I feel great self-hatred for my inabilty to do just that, yet nowhere in scripture do I read that I can change myself.

I am being torn in two by what I hear others say most sincerely, as if they are somehow walking perfectly in their own strength. And then, I think, well, I am being excortiated by their preaching to themselves how they must do all they say, as it is overflowing in their hearts.

As much as I want to do all that would please the Most High, I do not know how to do it. At most, I am doing a little better in some things, while being attached by the Adversary in other areas.

Does anyone do any differently?
They believe they are sinless.

Do not listen to them.

Satan loves to swq dscord among believers.

Keep following Holy Spirits leading you.

Sanctification is a process, but we are to yield the Spirits leading.

If anyone tells you it is easy being a Christian, they nothing.

This walk can be very painful at times.

Stay in the word, live in His word.

Being filled with Holy Spirit is living and being ovedeint to the word of God.
There are many more than just me...thanks be to God.

If you are so glad, why post a scripture saying it is a lie ?
Here is another scripture that does not address those walking in darkness-sin...
1 John 1:7 (KJV)
7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

Walk in the light, and know the Lord's blood has washed away all your past sin.
Stay in the light-God, and you will be able to keep saying you have no sin.
You walk perfectly? Of your strength?
I am being overwhlmed by my sin nature, and know not how to stop a repeating sin, and worse, one where I am aware of sinning even as I commit it.
And then you say this .
I am a good deal in conversation with G-d. My most faithful partner throughout the day is haRuach haKodesh, who sings in my mind constantly songs of praise, in between my questions and observations, or even the most ordinary thoughts. And always I am asking for understanding and wisdom on how to apply what I already know.

Do you know what a paradox is ?

Less in the word than I would like, having overdosed on submerging myself in it,
Oh my:shock , please explain for us what overdosing on God's word looks like . Never heard of this before :chin .
You walk perfectly?
Yes, just as 1 John 2:3-6 exhorts..."And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.
4 He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
5 But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him.
6 He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked."
Of your strength?
"MY" strength was crucified, with the rest of the old me, (Gal 5:24), when I was "immersed" into Christ, and into His death and burial. (Rom 6:3-7)
I am a new creature now, (2 Cor 5:17), thanks be to God.
They believe they are sinless.

Do not listen to them.

Satan loves to swq dscord among believers.

Keep following Holy Spirits leading you.

Sanctification is a process, but we are to yield the Spirits leading.

If anyone tells you it is easy being a Christian, they nothing.

This walk can be very painful at times.

Stay in the word, live in His word.

Being filled with Holy Spirit is living and being ovedeint to the word of God.
Well, I do not find following Yeshua an easy thing, and the moreso for being Jewish, and having to deal with an awareness of the Sinai Covenant that Gentiles are not bound to.

Obedience to the word of G-d is rather more complex than I would like it to be under these circumstances. What is worse is when you come up against "Orthodox" Torah Observent Messianic Jews, who have great learning, but were raised in a Orthodox Jewish Synagogue, and trained to follow rules that those who were raised in a Secular family as I was do not have, and yet are pounded by, and in all sincerity.

And when one hears Yeshua teaching a bunch of well brought up Jews in the First Century, and telling them they need to come up higher than the Pharisees (the Orthodox Jews of the time), I tend to feel as if I am falling further and further behind.

And yet, I don't stop trying. My scream for help was born of the pain I feel in failing.
Well, I do not find following Yeshua an easy thing,
Why ?
"Following" Him amounts God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength....and love your neighbor as you love yourself.
and the moreso for being Jewish, and having to deal with an awareness of the Sinai Covenant that Gentiles are not bound to.
You are just looking for excuses.
The Sinai, and any other covenant, has been nailed to His cross. (Col 2:14)
Obedience to the word of G-d is rather more complex than I would like it to be under these circumstances.
All you have to do was in my second sentence above.
What is worse is when you come up against "Orthodox" Torah Observent Messianic Jews, who have great learning, but were raised in a Orthodox Jewish Synagogue, and trained to follow rules that those who were raised in a Secular family as I was do not have, and yet are pounded by, and in all sincerity.
If you want to be a Jew, follow the Jews.
If you want to know God, follow Jesus.
And when one hears Yeshua teaching a bunch of well brought up Jews in the First Century, and telling them they need to come up higher than the Pharisees (the Orthodox Jews of the time), I tend to feel as if I am falling further and further behind.
Don't emulate the first century failures.
Follow Jesus, and His teachings...which are in my second sentence from the top.
And yet, I don't stop trying. My scream for help was born of the pain I feel in failing.
Do you know where I was when I heard, and accepted the faith ?
San Diego, Cal.
If you really want it, God can get it to you.

@Questor Who do you believe Jesus Christ is?​

Yeshua haMashiach: the annointed salvation of YHWH for all those who trust in him, lean on him, and who is given to us by YHWH for our redemption.

Yeshua is a part of YHWH Elohim, separated out of the Most High, and placed in a tent of human flesh created specifically for the purpose, his soul (nefesh) a part of the Most High, in a body of human flesh devised from Miriam's genome, and empowered by haRuach haKodesh at his immersion.

Simplistically, one would say that Yeshua is the son of the Living G-d, but it is a bit more complicated than that, at least in my view.
Why ?
"Following" Him amounts God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength....and love your neighbor as you love yourself.
Being taught neither to love G-d nor to love myself, you might say I started from a zero-sum game. I envy those those who can so easily feel love for anyone, much less themselves, because such love must have been modeled to them from their cradle.

Not knowing how to feel love, never have been taught it, I have to 'do' love, toward G-d and toward my fellow man. Try doing love from an intellectual stance and not an emotional one, and you might find your way somewhat inhibited.

You are just looking for excuses.
The Sinai, and any other covenant, has been nailed to His cross. (Col 2:14)
Yeshua, the living Torah, was nailed to the Stake. The interpretors of the KJV were exact in their translation of the Greek, but missed the heart of meaning it has in Hebrew.

If you think that the Sinai Covenant was nailed there also, you might want to consider what the 'New Covenant' is, as prophesied by Jeremiah. It is the Sinai Covenant written in the heart and mind, which if it no longer exists, means there is no New Covenant.

Yeshua himself said that not one jot or tittle of the Torah was to be done away with until the end of the age . . . which won't happen until after he returns, the current world is destroyed, and remade, as in Rev. 22-23

All you have to do was in my second sentence above.

If you want to be a Jew, follow the Jews.
If you want to know God, follow Jesus.
I am always a bit surprised that some Christians are not aware that Yeshua (Jesus) was a Jew, and still is.

Of course, some Jews are hindered by the same idea, as if a Jewish person cannot recognize the Jewish Messiah, but must first convert to one or another denomination of Christianity, as was originally forced on Jews by the Catholic Church.

What I think you mean is I must agree with you in all things regarding your ideas of Yeshua haMashiach, even if you might be wrong.

You have been very well taught, but alas, so much so, that you no longer seem to think things through.

Don't emulate the first century failures.
Follow Jesus, and His teachings...which are in my second sentence from the top.
I am sorry you think that the First Century Church, from which all Christian ideology flows from, was a failure. I think it passed on the ideas as well as it could considering the change in culture required. Rav Shaul (Paul) did his best to explain the underlying Judiasm in his writings to the Romans, but it didn't all translate well. Hebraic thought is not as easily translatable to Greco-Roman mindsets of the time.

And Yeshua's teachings were directed to Jews, and were in the nature of a very kind recommendation to start living as a good Jew, and not a half-hearted one. Or do you not realize that everything that Yeshua discussed is directly from Torah, and in line with Jewish thought?

The Gentile G-d Fearers present were not interested in changing the faith they so admired that they were living as Jews in Judea. The changes in what became known as Christian thought only occured when all the disciples had died, and it became politically inconvenient to recall that their beliefs were Jewish. It's also when Jews were first persecuted by Christians.

Do you know where I was when I heard, and accepted the faith ?
San Diego, Cal.
If you really want it, God can get it to you.
Blessedly, he has. I am sorry that you dislike seeing other believers in Yeshua not having the easy path you have.
They believe they are sinless.

Do not listen to them.

Satan loves to swq dscord among believers.

Keep following Holy Spirits leading you.

Sanctification is a process, but we are to yield the Spirits leading.

If anyone tells you it is easy being a Christian, they nothing.

This walk can be very painful at times.

Stay in the word, live in His word.

Being filled with Holy Spirit is living and being ovedeint to the word of God.
Thank you. I will keep on keeping on. And from time to time, I will scream for help, as I did here. One starts some nice conversations by accident, and gets a lot of encouragement.
Thank you. I will keep on keeping on. And from time to time, I will scream for help, as I did here. One starts some nice conversations by accident, and gets a lot of encouragement.
Please message me with any questions you may have.
I am being overwhlmed by my sin nature, and know not how to stop a repeating sin, and worse, one where I am aware of sinning even as I commit it.
hawkman said ... And then you say this .
I am a good deal in conversation with G-d. My most faithful partner throughout the day is haRuach haKodesh, who sings in my mind constantly songs of praise, in between my questions and observations, or even the most ordinary thoughts. And always I am asking for understanding and wisdom on how to apply what I already know.

hawkman said .... Do you know what a paradox is ?

Less in the word than I would like, having overdosed on submerging myself in it,
hawkman said .... Oh my:shock , please explain for us what overdosing on God's word looks like . Never heard of this before :chin


Not a paradox, as my experiences do not exist in the same moment, but rather in very quick succession.

I do not spend one hundred persent of my time under attack . . . it's rather more like a lightening bolt of attack, and then a lot of time discussing the matter with G-d, with the Holy Spirit running encouraging music in the background.

As for overdosing on the word, it can happen if you spend too many hours studying it daily for two many months . . . consider how you felt studying chemistry in college, and trying to shove too much information into a tired brain.
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I am being overwhlmed by my sin nature, and know not how to stop a repeating sin, and worse, one where I am aware of sinning even as I commit it.

Why do I keep deciding to repeat an action that I know is offensive to G-d? How do I stop?
1Co 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. (ESV)

Gal 5:16 But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. (ESV)

2Ti 2:19 But God's firm foundation stands, bearing this seal: “The Lord knows those who are his,” and, “Let everyone who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity.”
2Ti 2:20 Now in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver but also of wood and clay, some for honorable use, some for dishonorable.
2Ti 2:21 Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work.
2Ti 2:22 So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart. (ESV)

1Pe 2:11 Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul. (ESV)

1Jn 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (ESV)

It's basic, but not easy. Believers in Christ are to continually confess theirr sins and seek the Spirit's help to overcome temptation and take the way of escape God provides. We must resist temptation and flee or we will give in and end up sinning. We are called to be holy and to grow in holiness, but that only comes when we make an effort, with God's help, to stop sinning.

Non-believers in Christ have no way to stop sinning apart from repenting and turning to Christ, making him their Lord and Saviour. Of course, non-believers generally aren't concerned with sin, unless God is already at work in them.
I am being overwhlmed by my sin nature, and know not how to stop a repeating sin, and worse, one where I am aware of sinning even as I commit it.

Why do I keep deciding to repeat an action that I know is offensive to G-d? How do I stop?
Hello Questor.
God shows even the most respected men of the Bible fell into sin. God shows us we're all the same, but they repented and grew from it.
One thing that helps me is to see my sin ad no different from pounding nails into our Lord. Hope this helps you also.
The devil is a liar and the accuser of Gods' church family.
Satan, just means adversary of God.
The master demon will tell you you are sinner and always will be. You'll never get victory over all sin. Getting victory over all sin is impossible.

Satan is the one who says, "Well yiu're not perfect. Do you ever sin?"
A true believer in Jesus will encourage you to grow to perfection through correction, but never to rip you apart accusingly..
Being taught neither to love G-d nor to love myself, you might say I started from a zero-sum game. I envy those those who can so easily feel love for anyone, much less themselves, because such love must have been modeled to them from their cradle.
If you don't know what love is, why are you interested in serving God ?
Not knowing how to feel love, never have been taught it, I have to 'do' love, toward G-d and toward my fellow man. Try doing love from an intellectual stance and not an emotional one, and you might find your way somewhat inhibited.
You know full well what love is.
You aren't 6 years old.
Yeshua, the living Torah, was nailed to the Stake. The interpretors of the KJV were exact in their translation of the Greek, but missed the heart of meaning it has in Hebrew.
Who cares.
If you think that the Sinai Covenant was nailed there also, you might want to consider what the 'New Covenant' is, as prophesied by Jeremiah. It is the Sinai Covenant written in the heart and mind, which if it no longer exists, means there is no New Covenant.
Thank God for that...but it just shot your "I don't know what love is" posturing in its foot.
Yeshua himself said that not one jot or tittle of the Torah was to be done away with until the end of the age . . . which won't happen until after he returns, the current world is destroyed, and remade, as in Rev. 22-23
It is kept alive in the hearts of the loving.
I am always a bit surprised that some Christians are not aware that Yeshua (Jesus) was a Jew, and still is.
So were Paul, Peter, and the rest of the NT writers.
Nationality will save nobody.
Of course, some Jews are hindered by the same idea, as if a Jewish person cannot recognize the Jewish Messiah, but must first convert to one or another denomination of Christianity, as was originally forced on Jews by the Catholic Church.
If you really are interested in "love" seek it out.
You have started to stray from your OP.
What I think you mean is I must agree with you in all things regarding your ideas of Yeshua haMashiach, even if you might be wrong.
Is obedience to God wrong ?
Isn't that obedience what you wrote here asking for ?
"How do I stop ?"
I have told you how, but now you are questioning it.
You have been very well taught, but alas, so much so, that you no longer seem to think things through.
I have the gift of the Holy Ghost that Peter promised the truly repentant and baptized would receive.
What have you got ?
I am sorry you think that the First Century Church, from which all Christian ideology flows from, was a failure.
It wasn't a failure at all.
In fact, it continues on today, by the grace and strength of God.
I think it passed on the ideas as well as it could considering the change in culture required. Rav Shaul (Paul) did his best to explain the underlying Judiasm in his writings to the Romans, but it didn't all translate well. Hebraic thought is not as easily translatable to Greco-Roman mindsets of the time.
God can make anyone who wants knowledge understand what has been presented.
It is written..."If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.
7 For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord." (James 1:5-7)
Got faith ?
And Yeshua's teachings were directed to Jews, and were in the nature of a very kind recommendation to start living as a good Jew, and not a half-hearted one. Or do you not realize that everything that Yeshua discussed is directly from Torah, and in line with Jewish thought?
I realize it perfectly.
Things is OK to gather food, or carry a mattress, or heal, on a sabbath.
Love is the pinnacle of Law, or law, keeping.
The Gentile G-d Fearers present were not interested in changing the faith they so admired that they were living as Jews in Judea. The changes in what became known as Christian thought only occured when all the disciples had died, and it became politically inconvenient to recall that their beliefs were Jewish. It's also when Jews were first persecuted by Christians.
They were still alive when the term "Christian" was coined in Antioch.
And nobody could live that Law without fault.
You have switched from asking for help to trying to reinsert the Mosaic Law into Christianity.
Blessedly, he has. I am sorry that you dislike seeing other believers in Yeshua not having the easy path you have.
Just as in the days of the Lord Jesus Christ, sinners are not believers.
Well, I do not find following Yeshua an easy thing, and the moreso for being Jewish, and having to deal with an awareness of the Sinai Covenant that Gentiles are not bound to.
You are getting a ton of bad advice here. Being Jewish, you must know why the Rabbi Paul said,, "it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:" Gal.3:13

His body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day; (for he that is hanged is accursed of God;) that thy land be not defiled, which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance. Deu.21:23 KJV.

Why does the Torah say people hanged on trees are cursed?
I am being overwhlmed by my sin nature, and know not how to stop a repeating sin, and worse, one where I am aware of sinning even as I commit it.

Why do I keep deciding to repeat an action that I know is offensive to G-d? How do I stop?
I think whatever the case is, we can be frank and direct with God about the sin(s) we are committing. Perhaps it's something repetitive and habitual. In such a case, it may be difficult to make an appeal to God that one is genuinely sorry for their sin and that's okay because as long as we are honest about this with God I believe He can work with it better.

As a result, I believe confession of sin directly to God is sometimes the best case scenario. Simply telling God we are aware of our error, directly confessing the sin, even if in advance we commit the sin knowing full-well we are going to drop to our knees and confess immediately thereafter. So if we are sorry then let's say sorry, if we are not sorry then don't say it ; we can't fool God and I have been extremely blessed for not sugarcoating the truth with God.

The matter is we want to want to change, we want to be like Jesus, we want the strength to say no: This in itself is a kind of repentance. Did you know that the power to say no is already within you, though? In the moment it can be difficult to see, but the choice is yours and has always been yours to obey God and we can't keep making excuses. Next time, make a conscious choice to deny yourself, take up that cross, and follow Jesus. You will not regret it and I pray the joy of the Lord that surpasses all understanding will be yours.
Being taught neither to love G-d nor to love myself, you might say I started from a zero-sum game. I envy those those who can so easily feel love for anyone, much less themselves, because such love must have been modeled to them from their cradle.
That is nothing more than an excuse. I was never taught love from the cradle and it took me 44 years to learn what love, especially the love of God is all about. I surrendered all of myself to Christ in 1998 as only He could teach me how to love others and myself. Christ Jesus also taught me how to forgive those, especially my dad in whom I hated until the day he died.