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kwag_myers said:Nice flame job SputnikBoy!
If tongues is not for today, then maybe salvation is not as well.
You're not promoting 'tongues'=salvation are you, kwag?
Maybe we are just wasting our time here with all this religious stuff. How is it that you feel you can pick and choose which portions of the Bible to believe and which to ignore?
I've never said that I don't believe in scriptural tongues, kwag. But they were languages. They were given for a sign. They ceased when they had served their purpose.
Jesus Himself stated that it would be a sign of those who follow Him (Mark 16:17), yet you apparently know more that He did. I don't think so.
Do you also drink deadly poison, kwag?
I think that it's your pride that keeps you from submitting yourself to the Holy Spirit. And since you can't speak in tongues, you justify yourself by persecuting those of us who can.
English is my native 'tongue'. That's what 'tongues' are/were ...languages. And, I'm not persecuting or justifying myself at all. The Bible itself condemns present-day Pentecostal 'tongues'. It doesn't require any help from me.
God created the earth by speaking. Jesus healed by speaking. There is power in the tongue (Matthew 17:20; Luke 4:32). But we should abstain from speaking in tongues because the devil has a copy-cat? I don't think so.
But you are NOT speaking in tongues. You only think you are. You are speaking in meaningless babble ...BIG difference! How do you even know that what I'm saying is not the truth? You don't. This doesn't make you a bad person, kwag. It just means that you've fallen into the same Pentecostal trap that thousands of others have also done. Many have also recognized it for the sham that it is and have given up this practice.
David O. Bashires wrote a book called "Praise The Lord!" Bashires was a high-profile Pentecostal minister for many years. While I personally give little credibility to literature that claims to 'expose' other Christian denominations, this particular book looks at the issue comprehensively, takes it apart piece-by-piece scripturally, and arrives at the shattering truth that tens of thousands of Christians are being duped and don't even WANT to know it! The 'experience' of 'speaking in tongues' is far greater than the scriptural truth that condemns it.
Only a wimp would shy away from the devil. I choose to take back what the devil has stolen, knowing that the Holy Spirit gives me power to put Satan under my feet. You don't know the difference between Voodoo and the Holy Spirit because you don't know the Holy Spirit (John 10:4).
So you keep telling me.
You are correct in saying that there is no need for gibberish, yet you continue with it.
That's the difference between what I say and gibberish. You understand what I say.
As for the tongues of angles, I believe that you are referring to 1 Corinthians 13:1. Actually, in the King James, this is the only place where the phrase is used. My take on this verse is that it doesn't matter if we speak in tongues if we fail to show God's love.
That's right. I agree with you.
It suggests that Paul spoke in tongues, but isn't as applicable to us as Mark 16:17.
Paul may well have spoken any number of languages that were not necessarily the result of Holy Spirit influence. It's reasonable to suggest that he was quite fluent in the area of foreign languages even before he became converted to Christianity.
Please try not to take this personally, kwag. I'm not against you as a person. I don't even know you. And I would never take it on myself to question your Christianity. It's the issue of present-day 'tongues' that are being discussed, not your sincerity as a Christian.