Story Riddles!!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Heidi Mighty Mo
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I need more coffee? :morning:

I don't get it.......

did the man loose his walking stick?

did the rope act as a barrier?

did the man fall on the bouy?
What you are missing is what the rope is attached to, once you get it, you will figure it out (I think anyway!)


Don't give up and don't forget the bouy
Oops, sorry, I thought I replied to this one already - must not have went through.

Anyway, YES, the rope is tied to the bouy.
The only place a rope is ever tied to a bouy is the one that attaches to the bottom of the :-?
Correct, and if that rope breaks...what happens?
Yes. You know the bell is on the bouy too and that the blind man falls.

So the rope broke causing the bouy to drift and then the bell rang, then the man died (Your soooo close dude!)
Um...not to say that blind people can't do those things, but no, he wasn't doing anything like that.

Remember when I was trying to get you to think about what blind people rely on and you gave a list? Well, this is relevant and you should probably establish what sense he was relying on at this time.
Not with him at the time



Prolly - but I think more of him falling on rocks cuz it is more likely to kill him (sorry, don't mean to be so violent :o )

the rope broke from the bouy and the bouy drifted.

the bell rang on the bouy.

the blind man heard the bell walked toward the bell, but fell off a cliff to his death.
*Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding*

Woo Hoo! You got it!

O yeah, let me just clarify, he went for a walk everyday to the same spot and used the bell as a reference point so he walked to far since the bouy had drifted.
:angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
:multi: :multi: :multi: :multi: :multi: :multi: :multi: :multi:

I think now I have an aneurysm. :( :lol: