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The burden of proof


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Do you sit on the job with your husband or wife when they go off to work? The Bible said a man and wife become one. That's quite plainly as clear as what Jesus said about eating His flesh.
I have posted it a few times now

John 1:14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.
That is the Son becoming a baby that grew and bleed on the Cross, and not the bible in heaven taking flesh and dying for us.
So Jesus cut his flesh and gave his blood to be consumed literally on the last supper?
That's quite plainly as clear as what Jesus said about eating His flesh.

Yes, he did

John 6:51 I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world."
Yes, he did

John 6:51 I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world."
Good. I was beginning to believe you were leaning toward cannibalism.
Yes, he did

John 6:51 I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world."
He is the manna, he was relating to the Israelites that he was now the manna that came out of heaven while they were in the desert, they ate of the manna and lived.

In the same way, we "eat of his flesh" and live.

His flesh is not the Bible. His flesh is HIM - Christ.
off topic but these things when revealed should show us why The Lord judged isreal so righteously. For when the moshaic shall come he shall give out bread.the sages said this prior to the coming of the Lord. there is no prophecy of that directly. just that mana is mentioned and he gave them manna to eat.
off topic but these things when revealed should show us why The Lord judged isreal so righteously. For when the moshaic shall come he shall give out bread.the sages said this prior to the coming of the Lord. there is no prophecy of that directly. just that mana is mentioned and he gave them manna to eat.
That is what that verse means though, He is teaching them he is the same as the manna that fell from heaven.
I had a revelation while I was posting. It related to my Christian and self-defense thread. John 6:57-58 Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your forefathers at manna and died, but he who feeds on this bread will live forever.

When we digest Jesus, everything about him in the Word.....we live

Before him we had the Word, but we didn't have an example of what love really looks like.
That is what that verse means though, He is teaching them he is the same as the manna that fell from heaven.
that was said before he came and those sages were long dead. its in the Talmud, sometimes when I read what they say and see what jesus said its like wow, no prophetic utterance. I have read after the fact by Nachimades that in genesis the well dug by Isaac called rechavos is a prophecy about the messianic era where the temple will be the flesh of man. the torah being inside man.
I had a revelation while I was posting. It related to my Christian and self-defense thread. John 6:57-58 Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your forefathers at manna and died, but he who feeds on this bread will live forever.

When we digest Jesus, everything about him in the Word.....we live

Before him we had the Word, but we didn't have an example of what love really looks like.
I think they did.

when was this written?

for his mercy endureth forever? surely they didn't have the full revelation of God but David choose to fall into the hands of God, a fearful thing but yet we do that when we repent. David wrote much about his nature and understood it.
I had a revelation while I was posting. It related to my Christian and self-defense thread. John 6:57-58 Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your forefathers at manna and died, but he who feeds on this bread will live forever.

When we digest Jesus, everything about him in the Word.....we live

Before him we had the Word, but we didn't have an example of what love really looks like.
Yes, that is what I said in my last 2 posts, He is the manna that fell from heaven......

The Israelites knew what love was, they knew God, they saw what He did, they knew of His love and of His Grace.

You never answered the questions of what happens when people don't have the Bible? What did they do from the time of Christ until the Bible was put together?

Jesus is the Word that was made Flesh, He is unable to be contained in a book. There is much, much, much more to Him than words could ever explain or describe. The only way we know Him fully is to have a relationship with Him.
Yes, that is what I said in my last 2 posts, He is the manna that fell from heaven......

The Israelites knew what love was, they knew God, they saw what He did, they knew of His love and of His Grace.

You never answered the questions of what happens when people don't have the Bible? What did they do from the time of Christ until the Bible was put together?

Jesus is the Word that was made Flesh, He is unable to be contained in a book. There is much, much, much more to Him than words could ever explain or describe. The only way we know Him fully is to have a relationship with Him.
Interesting. The manna had to be gathered fresh, and discovered anew each morning. It could not be put into a box, and stored up. Neither can Jesus. He must be absorbed new, each morning that we awaken.
Interesting. The manna had to be gathered fresh, and discovered anew each morning. It could not be put into a box, and stored up. Neither can Jesus. He must be absorbed new, each morning that we awaken.
That's awesome!
Just a thought while thinking about having Jesus contained in the recorded words found in the Bible

The average man speaks about 7,000 words a day. (a woman hits 20,000) But the total of ALL the recorded words Jesus ever left for us in His entire life was around 6,600, as I recall.
Just a thought while thinking about having Jesus contained in the recorded words found in the Bible

The average man speaks about 7,000 words a day. (a woman hits 20,000) But the total of ALL the recorded words Jesus ever left for us in His entire life was around 6,600, as I recall.
Be slow to speak......haha

John said he could not put all that Jesus did into the Bible, no book could contain it. Look at what Jesus is still doing through us! All the miracles, healings, how He orchestrates divine happenings, all of our experiences He allows us to have with Him!!

The whole entire Universe can not even contain Him!
Right. We get to speak to the world, a whole lot more than just what might be read from the pages of the Bible.
There is much, much, much more to Him than words could ever explain or describe. The only way we know Him fully is to have a relationship with Him.

You asked me what happens to people when they don't have a bible. They are judged accordingly. People who have never heard of Jesus........God will have mercy on whom he chooses to have mercy on. If you have heard of Jesus and reject, you have rejected the Light. If you have heard of Jesus and don't know really who he is, because you don't have a run the risk of getting in front of you and him telling you "I never knew you".......because you didn't know him.


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