Look man, you did say, that you ...that's you, do not have eternal salvation that YOU can be secured about. You said that. The OP says that also. bass says it's a lie, that it's false. I think it's weak, sad and small, but You said it over and over again about yourself.
not being secure, does not mean I don't believe I have salvation. I cannot guarantee my own salvation because I am still a sinner, I still have my sinful nature, satan is still seeking to decieve. There is nothing in the world that could possibly guarantee, including myself, about my future. Eternal salvation is a present day event and must continue to the next.
Eternal security as described and defined by your viewpoint is a scriptural myth. It does not exist and never has existed in scripture. It exists only in a personal interpretation of scripture.
Your not alone. Others agree. So you don't need me in your club. I've already agreed with you on what you believe about your salvation. I just tried to point out what the bible says, and just telling you what God has said to me about my salvation, and pointing out that it is not what you believe about yours.
All you are pointing out is that your personal interpretation or even acceptance of another persons interpretation is what scripture means. To say what the Bible says is quite meaningless when hundreds of others say the very same thing and everyone is different.
The historical fact is that such an interpretation cannot be found either postively, or negatively in the first 1500 years of the existance of the revelation given to the Apostles. Since the reformation within the protestant milieu there have been many new theories, new doctrines, all developed by individuals. Hardly the Gospel once given to the saints in the beginning.
It does not bother me that you do no know and you can't know that you are saved. Heck I don't know if you are either. I'll leave that to you, but when you say "we", and "us", don't include me, OK?
Whether you claim to be or not is not the issue either. The discussion is what scripture means. Scripture has never had such a doctrine as "eternal security" as defined and developed within reformed section of all protestant groups or doctrines. If God is telling something different for you than most, then I would question two things. Either God, through the Holy Spirit is confused or you are incorrect. On the other hand if you are correct, then why was not this taught to the early Church, and why does not everyone else that even interprets it personally under the practice of sola scripture come to the same conclusion?
As for Adam, I clearly see that God made a way for Adam and Eve just as he has with all of us. I don't blame God for my sin. I fully know it's mine. I just praise Him for my salvation, because I know I had absolutely nothing to do with it.
As in our other discussion, this is a huge difference also from scripture. Christ did not save you personally. He saved the world, which includes all of mankind from death, from the fall, the condemnation through Adam.
Christ did this for the express purpose that He could call out every single human being to be united with Him. IF it was up to God everyone would be individually saved as well. If it was up to God then He would not need to call all men to repentance. But God created man free, just as Adam made a free choice, to choose whether they would be in a relationship with God. That relationship is not guaranteed in any shape or form as we can see from the story of Adam. That relationship is entirely within your hands. YOu were given all the gifts, the tools, the ability, the capability to respond to God. In fact, man must actually make a negative decision even to reject God.
If you want to know about what I know of my salvation, I'll gladly tell you, and you can take it or leave it. I don't care. I'm not God. If you want to stick with what you have working for you, and your solid in that, then it should not matter what I think of what you believe. Right?
This is not even about your salvation. I'm not Christ, I am not going to be your judge. And you are correct, I don't care what you think about my salvation because that is also not on the table.
What is being discussed is the meaning of God's revelation to man of which scripture is but a part. You have the view that individual man has the right, but even more, the ability to discern Gospel Truth on his own from a mere text. The Apostles did not even have that ability. There were never given a text. They were given All Truth, and then they dispensed that Truth through the Church to the world, calling indiviuduals to Christ. Nothing in scripture ever says that scripture ONLY is the source of faith and practice. Scripture emphatically states that individual an will never recieve private revelation for his own interpretation.
I love God, follow God, and I know what it means to surrender to God. I know what it is to give up my will, and ask for His, to experience God in my life, to be picked up by God in my surrender and to have faith from God; to be transformed and to have a relationship I can never walk away from and have absolutely no desire to.
That is great, that is a great testimony. But it does not add anything to the discussion about the meaning of scripture.
I also know what it is to have doubt, but to be pursued by God in a way that I know he will never abandon, forsake, or let me go. Captured by God. I'm all good with it. His grace is enough and his love is irresistible.
Aside from your personal view, scripture speaks opposite of everything you say here. First, God is calling all men to repentance. He is going to make sure that no man will have an excuse that he did not have the opportunity to know God. Scripture never says God abandons man. But scripture ad nausem explains that man can walk away from God. Again, see the story of Adam. God did not force him to remain faithful. God did not want forced love, but love freely returned and kept.
His love is far from irresistable because most men in the end will reject that love.
I can't speak for you, and I won't, other than to reiterate what you said of yourself, and it's you that said you can't know you are saved or will be. If you want to live like that, OK. But if you want to have real security and to know you are saved, then only God can show you. Only God can give you the strength and faith you will need to know. It's free! But it will cost you....
Which is why the view is a panacea for modern man. It is so comfortable and such a warm fuzzy felling, psychologically uplifting that all one needs to do is believe and in an instant one is finitely saved for an eternity. Yet scripture never teaches such a thing which is why I cannot say that I will in the future still be saved. I have assurance that I am saved today, but I cannot predict the future. Maybe you can and you are not like all other human beings who are still sinners, still possess a sinful nature, and satan above all others is trying to decieve you. Maybe he has already succeeded. He is using the very opposite lie that He gave to Adam. He told Adam that he could become like God on his own. He did not need God.
Eternal security is saying that God will save you and you cannot ever lose salvation as long as you say you believe in any given moment. Scripture says that neither man alone, nor God alone can save our souls. It takes a relationship between man and God to save our souls.
Did you know that by saying a prayer a few seconds long will guarantee you eternal salvation right on the web. It is just amazing. Why have God's revelation when all we needed is one sentence. Just believe in me for a few seconds, say it with your heart, and you are eternally saved. I would think that every single human being would jump at it. But alas, many enter, but find the journey just to tough and the road keeps getting narrower and the gate is very narrow.
ONLy God can give me the strength and power to endure as long as I request that power by being faithful. If I become unfaithful, and choose to remain unfaithful, I cannot be saved no matter how much I once believed.
It's free! But it will cost you....
again, confused here. Your salvation from death is free, it is given to every single human being. But your relationship (the salvation of your individual soul) is NOT free, it is your choice, and it has obligations to meet, which will cost you. It could cost you your life.