- Oct 2, 2023
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It is because he is writing about his past while still in the "flesh". (Rom 7:5)
No we're not. This is the Laodicean attitude of complacency condemned by the Lord himself: "Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked." (Rev. 3:17)Your attempt to include being in the "flesh" as a Christian, is a nonstarter.
Christians walk in the Spirit, and not in the "flesh".
They have crucified the flesh, with its vile affections and lusts. (Gal 5:24)
It is dead and buried with Christ. (Ro 6:3-6)
We are perfect ! (Rom 6:7)
I'm not defending sin, I'm defending the biblical teaching about the reality and severity of sin. You're not trying to convince me, you're trying to convince yourself that you're living in a utopia where sin doesn't exist.I am trying to convince you of something I would never have dared messed with while I walked in the now dead 'flesh".
Being here is the fruit you are privy to.
But you can't see my whole new life.
What fruit are you bringing forth while you defend sin ?
Why don't you remove the plank from your own eyes before you point your finger at the speck in other people's eyes?I am speaking of an actual death.
Those supporting a "spiritual death only" heresy manifest the heresy with continued works of the supposedly dead "flesh".
They keep sinning !
It's not dead because you're still here typing and boasting as a hypocrite.Yes it does.
If it is not dead, why does the Spirit need to quicken it ?
It is written..."But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you." (Rom 8:11)
I can only proclaim what the power of God is capable of.
If you see that as boasting, tough.
God's truth is that his own begotten son Jesus died for our SIN. You're denying Jesus by denying your sinful nature. This is exactly what is warned in 2 Tim. 3:5 - "having a form of godliness but denying its power."Thanks be to God I have no "own" truth.
Only His truth, that can make us all free from service to sin. (John 8:32-34)
Scripture doesn't "support" sin, Scripture EXPOSES sin. You're too blind to see the difference.I have been blessed with the ability to see that when scriptures supporting sin in Christ are presented I have been afforded the words to deny the untruths.
There is no darkness in God.
Neither is there darkness in those walking in God.
I don't have a point, Paul does. His point is that there's always a struggle between the flesh and the spirit, spiritual birth is like any physical birth, it's the BEGINNING of a new life, not the end. And yet you keep pretending that it's the end and deceiving yourself that sin doesn't exist anymore.The sins were from before his conversion/repentance from sin/rebirth.
You are aware of that...right ?
What is your point ?
As long as the "works" are not circumcision, dietary rules, sabbath keeping, feast keeping, tithing, for salvation, I have violated none of the precepts set down by Paul.
You're suggesting that you can obey the Lord's commands by your own strength without the power of the Holy Spirit, that's work based religion. You're only telling your own truth as long as you pretend that sin doesn't exist.Not to my rebirth, except obeying the command to do it.
But I can do plenty to manifest is happened: with every charitable incident, with every time I tell the truth instead of lying, with every time I buy instead of steal.
The unconverted can't say that.
On the fact that you've been promoting the heresy of sinless perfecting, equating yourself with Jesus, the only one who's sinless, and denying the severity and gravity of sin, and when I point that out, you accuse me of "defending sin", that's like shooting the messenger.As you know nothing about me, except that I preach righteousness, on what are you basing your accusations ?
You're suggesting that you don't need that robe since you're already righteous. That's not righteousness, that's self-righteousness.They won't be given to those who die in unrighteousness.
Again, you're behaving like the Pharisee: "God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector." (Lk. 18:11) And here's the verdict from the Lord: "I tell you that this man (the tax collector), rather than the other (the Pharisee), went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted."All who turn from sin permanently, and die for their faith in Christ, will get a white robe.
Sinners will get a trip to the lake of fire.
Thanks be to God for allowing us the way to be non-sinners !