we need to look at these things through the mind of Christ.
we should firstly freely love all people no matter their flesh and desire their salvation realizing it is in Christ alone no matter their flesh. It is true that the jerusalem that now is is in bondage with her children but our mother jerusalem is above and is free. All jews or people living in physical israel need to come into the free mother. We cannot stand with a political antichrist state of the world but for the kingdom of God that is eternal. A remnant of the jews will return to faith in Christ and be grafted back in amoung us AMEN and how great their riches will be! I cannot wait those days and recieved a dream that contained this happening it was beautiful. But while we are to love them now who are not of faith we cannot side with their antichrist state against other antichrist states. We need not take the side of ANY earthly country. Politics should not be our aim in any matter, although we can see what God is doing in the earth through their politics, we stand outside of all of that in the kingdom of God and call to them to come into fellowship with us by faith in Christ. All who live in physical Israel now will have one of two things happen to them in the future and we have to be pleased by it because it is Gods plan. !) they will either be part of the remnant who comes to faith and is saved and inherits the promises of God in abraham with their fathers and now with us by faith in Christ. OR !) they will be destroyed by other wicked men comming against the state of israel by GODS purpose to destroy the wicked out of it who will not believe.- In the end ONLY those of faith inherit abrahams promsie no matter their flesh. In the End Israel is an ELECT NATION made of ELECT people who have made their calling and election sure by faith in Jesus Christ! The rest will be cut off, searched out, driven out, devoured and removed from the land because it does not belong to any flesh but to those of promise.
We have to remember that :
Rom 9:6 ¶ Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they [are] not all Israel, which are of Israel:
Rom 9:7 Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, [are they] all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called.
Rom 9:8 That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these [are] not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.
ALL ISrael shall be saved, but all of israel are all israel. Those who are all israel are such by FAITH being children of promise! Those who never believe are just of israel but are not part of all israel.